China is a world power, and even Mi Jian, the world's number one power, does not dare to break out a war with China easily now.

If a war breaks out in the Middle East, the United Nations will also send a peacekeeping team to keep the peace.However, if Huaxia and Bangzi Kingdom really go to war, the member states of the United Nations will not dare to send peacekeeping teams to participate in the war between the two.

After all, China's military strength is no joke.Bangzi country also has a lot of military strength because it has purchased a lot of Mi Jian military equipment.

If UN member states send peacekeeping teams to any of the two countries, they may be directly damaged in it.

And if he gets angry, maybe the third world war will break out.

On the third day after Huaxia arrested and imprisoned the reporter of KBS TV station in Bangzi, large-scale demonstrations suddenly broke out in various parts of Bangzi.

The video of the demonstration was posted on the Internet, which immediately attracted widespread attention from netizens around the world.

Those videos are videos shot with mobile phones and videos shot with aerial cameras.

Among those video screens, the streets of many cities and villages in Bangzi Country were crowded with large groups of parade people holding placards.

"Protest against Huaxia's arbitrary seizure of legal citizens of Bangzi!"

"Strongly demand that Huaxia release the legal citizens of the Bangzi Kingdom!"

"Support the war with China!"

"Huaxia must publicly apologize!"

"We must let Huaxia realize our greatness! We must teach them some lessons!"

"The country of the stick is invincible! Huaxia must be subdued!"

Eighty percent of the cities in Bangzi Country have seen such large-scale public demonstrations.

The content of the parade is basically the same, that is, all the sticks feel that their stick country is much stronger than their neighbors, a world power that is countless times larger than theirs.

They feel that if they start a war with Huaxia, then Huaxia will definitely be defeated by them.

As for Huaxia's arrest of several KBS TV reporters in Bangzi country on charges of espionage and endangering national security, in the eyes of the Bangzi, it was all just an excuse.

In other words, it doesn't matter at all why the reporter from KBS TV station in the country was arrested by the Huaxia agency.

The important thing is that the people of Bangzi country were arrested by Huaxia, and the governor of Bangzi country asked Huaxia to ask for someone, but Huaxia refused with a very firm attitude.This makes them absolutely shameless.

They claim that their country is the greatest and most powerful in the world, and feel that Huaxia's behavior is a great insult to them.

If Huaxia does not immediately release the arrested Bangzi and immediately publicly apologize to their Bangzi Kingdom, they will have to resort to force to protect their face.

Only in this way can China and the world know that their country is strong.Shuhuangla

Almost [-]% of netizens thought it was incredible when they saw these videos circulating on the Internet recording the demonstrations of the domestic sticks.

Are you crazy guys?

What is the reason for them to have the courage to go to war with Huaxia first.

Moreover, they actually naively thought that they could defeat Huaxia very easily.What is the reason for the people in Bangziguo to have such crazy courage.

As long as it is a person, and if you are a little clearer, you should know that there is no chance of winning against China.

But there are more than [-] million sticks in the country of sticks, and no one can see this clearly.

They really deserved the name of the stick.

In fact, it can't all blame the sticks.If it was six months ago, although the sticks were shameless, they still had a little self-knowledge.

Although they don't want to admit it, they actually know in their hearts that if they go to war with Huaxia, they will definitely lose in the end, and the solution will be a disastrous defeat.

However, after the incapacitating virus that broke out in Neon a few months ago spread to the country of Bangzi and infected all the men in the country, the Bangzi began to undergo some unpredictable changes.

Of course, these changes are not physical, but psychological.

Everyone in China knows that many of the eunuchs in ancient China were mentally ill.

Because the eunuch has lost the most basic ability of a man, it can even be said that he has lost his dignity as a man.

In order to make up for the wounds in their own minds and fill the emptiness in their own minds, eunuchs will magnify other aspects of their characters, and even have distorted minds.

And those men who have been incapacitated all over the country because of the virus are the same as the eunuchs in ancient China.

At first, they also pinned their hopes on the scientists in the country to find a way to treat them.

But as time goes by, half a year has passed, and there is still no good news from the country.Not even a bit of good news internationally.

This makes the sticks gradually despair.

Then, as the hope of recovery gradually faded, the characters of the sticks gradually became distorted at the same time.

The distorted character magnifies the low self-esteem of the sticks because of the small size of the country, the lack of cultural precipitation in the country, the country without history, and the ugly appearance of everyone.

But when the inferiority complex reaches the extreme, they will cover up their inferiority in other ways.If outsiders know that they are inferior, the sticks will be even more inferior.

So, to cover up their own inferiority complex, the sticks hypnotize themselves and tell themselves that they are the most powerful nation in the world.

Their technological strength is the strongest in the world, their economic strength is the strongest in the world, and their military strength is also the strongest in the world.

Then after a long time, they themselves really believed such a statement.

Because of this, there is the idea that the whole country of the stick country wants to have a hard anus with China.Because the sticks really think that they are the strongest.

Then, the sticks began to mobilize the team! , , .

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