Chapter [-]: First-level combat readiness

The people of Bangzi Country believed that they could defeat China [-]%, and their leadership also believed that it would be easy to defeat China with their military strength.

So one day later, that is, four days after Huaxia arrested and imprisoned the staff of Huaxia KBS TV station, Bangziguo began to mobilize the army in the country.

On Huaxia's side, although they did not start to mobilize teams like Bangzi Kingdom, the four military regions, Ducheng Military Region, Shenyang Military Region, Jinan Military Region, and Nanjing Military Region, which are closer to Bangzi Country, have all entered a state of first-level combat alert.

That is to say, once the country issues an order, the four military regions can immediately send combat teams to participate in the battle with the Bamboo Country.

The Chinese people are also quite dissatisfied with the situation in Bangzi Country.You are a small country, and you don't have a 'man', how dare you shout like this?

"Don't be shy! Just do it!"

"After so many years of forbearance, it's time to show your fangs and claws!"

"Since they are courting death, then destroy them according to their wishes!"

"After a hundred years of peace, it's time to expand the territory!"

"Congratulations in advance to Huaxia's acquisition of [-] square kilometers of land on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China!"

"After seven years of discharge from the army, if the motherland needs it, you can return to the team at any time!"

"Directly dispatching a thousand super special forces from the Centennial National Day military parade to sneak into the country of Bangzi to carry out the beheading operation, simple and straightforward!"

"The country now has such a powerful military weapon. It can directly launch a few super weapons with intercontinental missiles to the country of Bangzi, and plough the country of the country with super weapons. This is faster!"

"That's right. Anyway, there are so many super weapons in the country, and it doesn't hurt to use a few. As for the [-] square kilometers of soil in the Bangzi Kingdom, don't worry, anyway, our country in China is large enough."

"And also, a set of various laser weapons. I didn't see enough when I used laser cannons to attack the neon naval fleet. This time I just watched it again!"

In China, everyone's mentality is similar to that of the Bangzi people.They all think it's easy to beat an opponent.

But the sticks are blind self-confidence.The Chinese are confident in their own country's military power.

Even if Huaxia fights Mi Jian now, there is a high chance of winning the final victory.

As for Bangzi Kingdom, they are not on the same level as China, Mi Jian and other powerful countries.

It is basically an easy task for Huaxia to defeat the Bangzi Kingdom.

Huaxia, the central department, the five elders gathered together again rarely.

Originally, the No. [-] elder and the No. [-] elder were still on diplomatic visits abroad, but because of the matter in the Bangzi Kingdom, both of them rushed back to the country urgently.

It's not that they are afraid of the Bangzi Kingdom, but if there is a war, unless it is a very special situation, they must come back to determine their foreign policy.

Otherwise, if the elder is not present, his rights will be exercised by several other elders, which is not a good thing for them.Save the book

"In the past [-] years, many people in China have been dissatisfied with the country's weak attitude to the outside world. Although most people can understand it, there are still some citizens who can't understand the country's difficulties."

"But after a hundred years of forbearance, our country has grown up. Now is the time to let the people of the whole country know that the motherland is their proud motherland. Now that the Bangzi Kingdom has provoked the door, then we just use them to establish the majesty of our country. "

"Let the people of the whole country know, let everyone in the world know that our dragon, Huaxia, has fully awakened. The majesty of the dragon cannot be violated by anyone!"

The first elder said seriously to the other four elders.

The other four elders nodded unanimously, and they completely agreed with the statement made by the No. [-] elder.

It's time for China to show its strength.

"Just start the fight. If the opponent is a military power such as Mijian and Eguo, we still need to think about it. After all, our purpose is to establish power, and there is no need to let the whole country be affected by the war. The opponent is the country of sticks, fundamentally Don't worry too much. At most one month, you can end the battle!" said the second elder.

"Where does it take a month, ten medium-range ballistic missiles equipped with high-yield super-weapon heads can raze the entire country of Bangzi to the ground!" Elder No. [-] said with a fiery temper.

"This is not possible, super weapons cannot be used. Otherwise, Huaxia will become the target of public criticism in the world! One month is not long, we directly dispatched the Second Artillery Corps to attack the important military bases of the Bangzi country, and then dispatched the aircraft carrier. The team and the air force launched a full-scale attack on the country of Bangzi, and finally let the army land in the country of Bangzi to fight."

"Strive to wipe out all the military power of the Bangzi country within a month! As for the ordinary Bangzi country people, I think it's okay. Otherwise, we Huaxia will have to bear the title of anti-humanity." Elder No. [-] said.

"No. [-], you should have come to a conclusion. Say it and listen." Elder No. [-] said.

Elder No. [-] glanced at the other four elders present.

"This time, the fight will definitely be fought. Otherwise, not only will it look bad internationally, but the people at home will be completely disappointed in the motherland!"

"However, your proposal on No. [-] is not acceptable. Like No. [-] said, we must not use super weapons, at least not actively! Otherwise, we will stand on the opposite side of the world!"

"Although super weapons cannot be used, it does not have much impact. After all, our military weapons in China are not only super weapons. Advanced fighter jets, aircraft carrier fleet, Second Artillery Corps, conventional army and even the thousand super soldiers. It's a very powerful force."

"Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, we did not have a navy. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we had a navy, but there has never been a large-scale war."

"Although small-scale wars occur from time to time, the three armies of the sea, land and air have never been dispatched together. Although we have had many tactical drills for the coordinated operations of the three armies, it is not a real war after all."

"Right now, with the country of the stick as the goal, we will use actual combat to practice a coordinated operation of the army, navy, land and air force. This will not only increase the army's combat experience, but also find out some problems in a round of military exercises!"

"But it's still an old saying. We will never fire the first shot outside the country. So, when the war starts, it depends on when they can't bear it!"

As soon as Elder No. [-] finished saying these words, the Chief of General Staff ran in.

"No. [-], the military radars of the Jinan Military Region and the Nanjing Military Region detected that five UFOs suspected of fighter jets entered the Yellow Sea waters of our country from the direction of the Bangzi Country! The commander-in-chief of the Jinan Military Region and the Nanjing Military Region Commander are both It has been ordered to send fighter jets to fly over! Once it is confirmed that the five UFOs that are suspected to be fighter jets are fighter jets from the Kingdom of Bangzi, the battle will start immediately!"

Elder No. [-] stood up immediately.

"Let the four military regions of Ducheng, Shenyang, Jinan, and Nanjing prepare, and once the battle starts, immediately launch an attack on the country of Bangzi! Never let a bullet hit the territory of China!" , . . .

Chapter [-]: The Battle

Because of the relationship between the Bangzi Kingdom, the Shenyang Military Region, the Ducheng Military Region, the Jinan Military Region, and the Nanjing Military Region, the four major military regions in China, have all entered a state of first-level combat alert.

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