The combat readiness duty personnel work day and night, and the radio command network listens at all times to ensure uninterrupted command.Turn on all reconnaissance methods and closely monitor the enemy's movements.

Suddenly, the military radars and satellites of the Jinan Military Region and the Nanjing Military Region all detected five UFOs that were suspected to be fighter jets, entering China's airspace over the South China Sea from the direction of Bangzi Country.

The commanders-in-chief of the Jinan Military Region and the Nanjing Military Region immediately dispatched five fighter jets to inspect the airspace where the UFO was found.

The fighter jets dispatched by the two military regions are all the most advanced fighter jets independently developed and manufactured by Huaxia before, the J-[-].

Of course, China now has a more advanced fighter - the J-[-] (modified).The J-[-] (modified) has been greatly modified with the technology left by Wang Wei.Its combat effectiveness has far exceeded the combat effectiveness of the J-[-].

However, modifying the J-[-] requires a lot of time and effort.Huaxia currently has [-] J-[-]s modified, which means that it has [-] J-[-]s (modified).

However, these J-[-]s (reformed) all belong to the Capital Military Region, and other military regions currently do not have a J-[-] (reformed).

However, the performance and combat effectiveness of the J-[-] have entered the top ten of the world's most advanced fighter jets, and they are still among the top few.

Except for F22 and F35, Mi Jian's other fighters will not be stronger than Huaxia's J-[-].

However, Mi Jian will not sell the F22 to the outside world, and the F35 will not be sold to the country.

The only F15 and F16 fighters imported by Bangziguo from Mijian are F[-] and F[-], and the two fighters, although their performance is good, they are not as powerful as Huaxia's J-[-].

In addition, the Jinan Military Region and the Nanjing Military Region dispatched a total of ten J-[-] fighter jets to intercept UFOs that were suspected to be fighter jets from the Bangzi Kingdom.

Once it is confirmed that the identities of the five UFOs are indeed fighter jets from the Bangzi Kingdom, then Huaxia's fighter jets will keep the other party in Huaxia's territory forever.

Now that the relationship between China and Bangzi country is so tense, Bangzi country sends fighter jets into Huaxia's airspace at this time, isn't this a blatant provocation of war.

Since their files are provoking war, Huaxia will not be afraid of war.

Perhaps in the past, the senior management of Huaxia would not show too strong attitude because they considered too many things.But now the top five elders of China have decided to fight, so the soldiers of China will not be afraid of all hostile forces.

Not to mention this situation where one's own military strength is still dominant, even if the enemy's military strength is much stronger than one's own, the Chinese soldiers will not have the slightest fear.

Where the sword points, it is invincible.

A hundred years ago, Huaxia was able to drive the invaders out of Huaxia when the equipment was several levels behind.

Today, a hundred years later, when Huaxia has the most advanced weapons in the world, it is even more impossible for the enemy to step into the territory of Huaxia with weapons.

Ten J-[-]s, five from the Jinan Military Region, and five from the Nanjing Military Region, entered the airspace of the South China Sea at extremely fast speeds, and kept approaching the five UFOs in the Jiaodong Peninsula of China.

Because Jinan Military Region is relatively close to Jiaodong Peninsula.Therefore, the five J-[-]s departing from the Jinan Military Region took the lead in contacting five UFOs.

The radar shows that the distance between the five J-[-]s and the five UFOs in the Jinan Military Region is constantly shortening.

When the distance between the five J-[-]s in the Jinan Military Region and the UFO was only over [-] kilometers, the combat pilots on the J-[-] asked each other's identity on the public communication channel.

The distance of more than [-] kilometers, the two sides are flying towards each other, and the two sides will meet in a maximum of thirty or forty seconds.

If the opponent does not reveal their identities within ten seconds, then Huaxia's J-[-] will immediately list the opponent as an enemy, and then enter the battle state.Lihuoshuba

Ten seconds after J Twenty finished his question, the other party did not respond at all.

If it is normal, the pilots of the Huaxia fighter jets will be closer to the other party to confirm the identity of the other party, and will not immediately enter the combat state.

However, it is now in a state of first-level combat readiness. Since the UFOs entering the airspace of China do not reveal their identities, these J-[-] pilots can directly list the UFOs as dangerous objects and eliminate them.

However, just as the pilots of the five J-[-]s were about to use the fire control system to lock and destroy each other, the five J-[-]s suddenly issued a harsh alarm sound at the same time.

"Warning! It has been locked by the fire control system! Please avoid preparations!"

The pilots of the five J-[-]s suddenly became nervous.

Since the other party's fire control system has locked itself, it means that the five UFOs must be the fighters of the Bangzi Kingdom.

Because using the fire control system to lock the opponent, it means that the opponent is about to attack.Even without an attack, this is a deterrent.

In any case, enter the airspace of Huaxia, and do not answer the identity inquiries of the Huaxia Air Force, but also use the fire control system to lock the Huaxia Air Force fighters.This is declaring war on China.

The pilots of the five J-[-]s immediately and decisively turned on the fire control system, quickly locked the opponent, and then pressed the missile launch button.

However, before pressing the missile launch button, the pilots of the five J-[-]s clearly saw on the radar that ten more red dots were flying towards them at a fast speed.

The fighters of the country of sticks fired missiles at them first.

The pilots of the five J-[-]s quickly took evasive measures after firing missiles at each other.

Although it is very difficult to get rid of the missile after being locked by the missile, the pilots of the five J-[-]s will not just wait and die.

In this case, foreign air forces are likely to directly choose to press the economic escape button and abandon fighter jets to escape.

But Huaxia Air Force pilots don't do that.For them, the fighter is their own life. If they can't even keep their own fighter, then there is no need for them to continue to live.

Therefore, the five J-[-] fighter jets immediately split into five directions to try to evade the missiles flying towards them.

The purpose of dispersing is so as not to affect the companions, because if they are too close, they may be hit and others will be affected.All spread out, so the chance of survival is also greater.

The five J-[-]s were all scattered, but the air-to-air missiles that had locked on them were still chasing them in their direction.

The speed of missiles is much faster than that of fighter jets, and no J-[-] has successfully thrown off the missiles chasing them.

From the distance displayed on the radar, after two seconds, all five J-[-] fighter jets would be hit by the missiles behind them.



The missile was only a hundred meters away from them. After [-] second, the five J-[-] fighter jets would turn into five huge fireworks and dissipate in the sky.

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