
Five huge explosions sounded in the sky. , , .

Chapter [-]: The sword points to the stick


Five huge explosions sounded in the sky, and five huge fireballs appeared in the sky.

However, the five J-[-] fighter jets were still flying in the sky and were not hit by missiles.Those five explosions were just the explosion of the missiles launched from the place.

The pilots of the five J-[-] fighter jets thought for a moment that they had been hit by a missile after seeing the fire.

But if the fighter jet he was driving was hit by a missile, he would definitely die instantly.

Even if the plane didn't get hit, the explosion of the missile would definitely damage the plane badly.But none of their planes sounded any alarms, and the plane didn't feel out of control at all.

This shows that their own fighter jets were not hit by enemy missiles.

But the strong firelight just now was definitely the strong light produced at the moment of the explosion.Since he was not hit by a missile, then his companion was said to be hit by a missile.

The pilots of the five J-[-]s all hurriedly looked at the radar screen.

As a result, they found that their four friendly forces on the radar were still on the radar screen, while the other five red dots representing enemy fighter jets and ten missiles launched by the enemy had all disappeared.

It is understandable that the enemy fighters disappeared, after all they fired missiles at the enemy fighters before they started to evade the missiles.Since the enemy fighter jets suddenly disappeared from the radar, it means that they were killed by their own missiles.

But the ten air-to-air missiles launched by the enemy suddenly disappeared, which made them a little puzzled.

The fighter's early warning system showed that they had been locked on by local missiles before the flash of fire in the air.

Even the distance between the last enemy's missile and the fighter they were driving was only a hundred meters.That is, if they can't get rid of the missile in the last tenth of a second, they will disappear into the air as a flame with the fighter they are driving.

And now the missile has blown up, but their five J-[-]s have nothing at all.This confuses them a bit.

Could it be that the missiles launched by the sticks all failed, and the missiles were detonated in advance before hitting the target?

Just when the pilots of the five J-[-]s were puzzled, a stranger's voice suddenly sounded in the encrypted radio.

"My colleagues in the Jinan Military Region, are you all right? I'm sorry for the late arrival of our support. But the missiles behind you have been dealt with, so you can rest assured!"

The pilots of the five J-[-]s were relieved when they heard that it was a friendly force.

But they suddenly discovered that there were no other planes on the radar screen except the fighter jets driven by their four companions.

Could this group of people from the Capital Military Region be able to eliminate the missiles following them outside their radar range?

This is simply impossible.

The other person seemed to know what they were thinking.

"Don't look for it, you all look outside the cabin!" The other party's voice sounded again on the radio.The latest novel

Hearing the other party's words, the pilots of the J-[-] immediately looked out of the cabin.As a result, they found that at a distance of [-] meters, there was a fighter jet with almost the same shape as the J-[-] flying side by side with them.

And the type shown on the fighter jets flying alongside them was 'J-20-G'.

This is the J-[-] (change)!It is the J-[-] (modified) that appeared at the Centennial National Day military parade in China.

All Huaxia Air Force pilots know how powerful the J-[-] is.And all the pilots of the J-[-] know that the J-[-] (modified) is very powerful.

But they knew it, but they didn't expect the J-[-] (change) to be so powerful.

The two sides were only about [-] meters apart, but the J-[-]'s radar was completely unable to detect each other.Is the anti-radar technology of the J-[-] (modified) already so powerful?

"The fighters of the Bangzi country took the initiative to attack the Huaxia fighter jets, which means that the war between us and the Bangzi country has started! We have other tasks, so let's say goodbye first!" The radio sounded again J-[-] (modified) driver's voice.

After speaking, the five J-[-]s (modified) quickly accelerated and disappeared from the sight of the J-[-] pilots. However, the radar screen of the J-[-] still did not show any traces of aircraft in the surrounding airspace.

The pilots of the five J-[-] looked enviously at the direction in which the J-[-] (changed) disappeared.

The J-[-] (modified) is an improvement on the basis of the J-[-].

It's just that the pilots of the five J-[-]s didn't think of it, and just made some improvements, and their performance and combat effectiveness dropped countless blocks of the J-[-] as the 'basic aircraft'.

However, what the pilots of the five J-[-]s do not know is that although the J-[-] (modified) is the product of some improvements on the basis of the J-[-].

But in fact, the J-[-] (change) can already be renamed a new name.

Because whether it is an attack system, a power system, an energy system, an anti-reconnaissance system, or a cruising range, the J-[-] (modified) is much more powerful than the J-[-].

If the J-[-] is a fifth-generation fighter that has not yet reached the fully designed form, then the J-[-] (modified) can almost be regarded as a sixth-generation fighter that is still in theory.

Looking at the direction where the J-[-] (change) disappeared, the pilots of the J-[-] had to turn around and return.

The mission of their attack this time was to investigate the identity of the UFO that entered the territorial space of the Yellow Sea of ​​China, and if it was determined to be a fighter from the Bangzi Kingdom, they would be eliminated.

Now that the fighters of the Bangzi country have been eliminated, their mission has been completed.

After reporting the news here to the Jinan Military Region Headquarters, the five J-[-]s immediately turned around and returned.

As for the five J-[-]s (reformed) that continue to fly towards the border of China's airspace, or in the direction of Bangzi Country, what mission they are going to perform is not their responsibility.

They all have their own tasks.After the mission is completed, unless it encounters extremely special circumstances, it must return as soon as possible.Because it is very likely that there will be other tasks waiting for them next.

On the other side, five J-[-]s (reformed) have already flown out of the boundary line of China's airspace, and are flying in the direction of Bangzi Country.

This is the first time that Huaxia fighter jets have flown to other countries in a fully loaded state.

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