History will remember this momentous moment. , , .

Chapter [-]: The sneak attack begins

Bangzi country, while sending fighter jets into the territory of China, is also deploying a naval fleet.

The reason why the fighter jets were sent into China first was because they wanted to let the fighter jets bomb the important cities of China first.In this way, part of Huaxia's forces can be contained.

As for the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians in war, they will not care about it.

In the opinion of the sticks, as long as the war can be won, what if the civilians are massacred.

It's just that they didn't think about how their fighter jets could fly over the city so easily when a country's military strength was intact, and give them the opportunity to attack densely populated cities.

Do the sticks think that Huaxia's military system is a decoration?Or do the sticks think that the ones they bought from Mi Jian are not the world's top fighter jets, and they can completely ignore China's detection system and go all the way to the densely populated cities of China.

I am afraid it is this blind self-confidence that gave the country the courage to declare war on China.

It's just that they never dreamed that the five fighters they sent were the most advanced fighter jets for their country, and they were immediately detected by the Chinese military after entering the airspace of China.

What is even more unexpected is that the fighters they should be proud of were destroyed by the fighters sent by Huaxia without even seeing the coastline of Huaxia.

All this, they will not think of.I am afraid that even if I know this, I am afraid that I will not believe that China's military power is stronger than them.And only think that all this is Huaxia's luck.

All the naval forces of the Bangzi Country have been assembled on the western coastline, including the quasi-aircraft carrier 'One Day', Aegis, amphibious assault ships, submarines, etc., all of which have been assembled at sea.

Now as long as they wait for the five fighters they sent to successfully bomb the coastal cities of China, they will officially launch a general attack on China.

They want to destroy all of Huaxia's navy within an hour.Then the army landed from the sea and swept across China within a month.

Um.The sticks really thought so.

Internationally, countless countries are paying attention to the international situation between China and Bangzi.

Countless countries have publicly expressed their hope that the two countries, Huaxia and Bangzi, can calm down. If there is any problem, sit down and talk about it, and the war cannot be all problems.

However, those countries in the world are only talking about it publicly in the world.As for actually taking action to prevent the two countries from going to war, that is almost impossible.

Both Huaxia and Bangziguo have entered a state of first-level combat readiness, which means that war may break out at any time.

Especially the Bangzi country, it is obviously only a small country, and its military power all relies on the import of non-sophisticated weapons and equipment from other countries. In this case, they still think that they can easily defeat China.

Those countries in the world who are watching the lively, all can't figure out what the Bangzi country thinks.

To launch a war against China is a suicidal provocation to explain to them the country of sticks.But the whole country of the stick country thinks they can win.

This kind of people who even lied to themselves and believed it, I am afraid that there are the most people in the country.After all, they are the same people all over the country.

When the two countries, Huaxia and Bangziguo, were preparing to go to war, the most embarrassed country was Nanguoguo.

Nanguoguo is sandwiched between Huaxia and Bangziguo.

Any accident may cause the battlefield to cover the territory of the Southern Kingdom. 520 Novel www.520fsxs.com

Therefore, when the two countries, Huaxia and Bangzi Kingdom, entered the state of first-level combat readiness, Nanguo Kingdom reluctantly entered the state of first-level combat readiness.

No way, the battle may hit their territory at any time, and they must prepare for the battle in advance.

Artillery, army, missile launch vehicles and other military forces have all entered a state of readiness.

As long as anything else happens, they can go into battle at any time.

Of course, it's one thing to be able to go into battle, and it's another to win the army of Huaxia or Bangzi.

But Xin Fatty is a face-saving person.The two nations of neighboring countries are about to go to war, and they are so proud of themselves.

Not to mention participating in the war, you have to do it.

Otherwise, the two Ling Ju fought in a dark and dark manner, and they went to hide at home and didn't dare to say a word, it would be a shame.

Therefore, all the military forces in the southern country have also entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

The five J-[-]s (reformed) that took off from the Capital Military Region, after helping the five Lanzhou Military Region friendly troops to solve their troubles, immediately flew in the direction of the Bangzi Country.

As the top leader of China and the No. [-] elder who is also the chairman of the Military Commission, he personally issued an order to the Air Force Command of the Ducheng Military Region to send five J-[-]s (reformed) to confirm the identity of the UFOs that entered the airspace of China.

After confirming its identity, if the knowledge of non-military aircraft, then return the same way.If it is found that the other party has an aircraft with military purposes, then no matter what the other party is, they will all be shot down.

And after the downing, go to the country of Bangzi to investigate the military deployment of the country of Bangzi, and then return after a wave of sneak attacks.

This is all the mission instructions for the five J-[-] (modified).

The departure time of the J-[-] (modified) from the Ducheng Military Region is later than the departure time of the J-[-] from the Jinan Military Region.Moreover, the distance from the Ducheng Military Region to the point where the fighter jets from the Bangzi Kingdom were intercepted was [-]% longer than the flight distance of the J-[-] departing from the Jinan Military Region.

However, the J-[-] (changed) only arrived a little later than the J-[-].

This is enough to prove how fast the J-[-] (change) is.

Then, after discovering the plight of the friendly forces, it accurately destroyed the missiles that were about to hit the friendly fighter jets.

This precise firepower system is not comparable to the J-[-].

"It has entered the airspace of the Bangzi Country, everyone slows down!"

"Understood! 9527!"

"A large number of high-threat ships appeared [-] kilometers ahead! The preliminary determination may be aircraft carriers and destroyers! It seems that Bangzi Country is determined to develop with our China!"

"9527, do you want to go down and make a sneak attack now?"

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