"It's not time yet! 9528, depending on the situation, the enemy really hasn't discovered us now. We can't expose ourselves too early. First, gather intelligence and come back in ten minutes to launch a sneak attack!"

"Understood! 9527!",,..

Chapter [-]: Three Minutes to Solve the Battle

A few minutes later, the five J-[-]s (reformed), which had circled around a few times, regrouped towards the place where they first found a large number of the Bangzi Kingdom's navy.

"9527, I don't have any other suspected naval forces from Bangzi Kingdom! The large number of boats on the sea that I discovered before should be all the naval forces assembled by Bangzi Kingdom this time!"

"9527, I found a military base in Bangzi Kingdom, and the team inside is already gathering!"

"9527, I just found an air force base in the country of Bangzi. The fighter jets, bombers, early warning aircraft and other aircraft are already waiting on the tarmac, and they seem to be waiting for instructions!"

"9527, I didn't find anything there just now. Do we want to act immediately? Although the number of missiles we carry is not very large, each aircraft only carries eight missiles, and only two of them are aimed at the ground. But We have laser cannons! No one has found us yet, so once we launch a sneak attack, we will definitely be able to cause huge damage to the sea fleet of Bangzi!"

"Who of us soldiers is not bloody! We haven't sent troops to foreign countries since the founding of China forty years ago. The five of us can be regarded as the first batch of fighter jets loaded with weapons in China to enter other countries in the past sixty years. Chinese soldiers in the territory!"

"And one of the instructions given to us is to sneak attack on the military bases in the country of Bangzi and the teams that have already assembled. If we don't make some achievements, won't we be laughed at by others when we go back!" Pilot number 9527 told the others Several people said.

"Listen everyone, after [-] seconds, we will emerge from the clouds and start attacking the naval fleet of the Bangzi country below! Priority is given to attacking aircraft carriers, guided missile destroyers and frigates! Also, don't be hit by enemy shells and missiles. We can't afford to lose that person!"

"9527, don't worry. The enemy's radar system can't find us at all, let alone hit us with missiles!"

"Everyone cheer me up! Don't be sloppy. Although the sticks' radar and fire control system can't lock us, but if they are blinded by the dead mouse, the missile hits you, and you will I won't feel ashamed!" The pilot number 9527 said with a hatred of iron.

"Understood, 9527, although being hit by artillery shells doesn't have much to do with it, our fighter jets have strong electromagnetic shields and armor defenses. But if you are hit by enemy's indiscriminate artillery shells, it's really embarrassing. Woolen cloth……"

"Okay! Prepare to attack!"




"Izumo! Start the attack!"

As soon as the order of the pilot No. 9527 was issued, the five J-[-]s (reformed) hidden in the clouds immediately swooped out of the clouds, and then dived towards the naval fleet of the Bangzi Kingdom on the sea below.

The commander-in-chief of the navy fleet of the Bangzi Kingdom is staying in the command room of the quasi-aircraft carrier 'Single Day'.

Now the commander-in-chief is constantly walking around the command room.

Ten minutes ago, the radar and communications department said that the five F16 fighter jets sent to Huaxia suddenly lost contact.

However, because the five F16s have already penetrated into the territory of China.There are still about a hundred kilometers, and it will enter the mainland of China.And this distance, has been out of the radar monitoring range on their aircraft carrier.

Although it is said that the satellite signal of the aircraft should not disappear, it is because it is very close to the Chinese mainland.Therefore, the communication department of the aircraft carrier thinks that there may be equipment in the mainland of China to block the satellite signals of their stick country.That's why their five fighter jets suddenly lost contact together.

The commander-in-chief of the navy of the Bangzi Kingdom also thought so.

Because he didn't think the best air force and fighter jets in their country would be defeated by Huaxia.I don't even believe that their five most advanced F16 fighter jets in the country will all be wiped out by the enemy in an instant.

However, as time went by, unease began to appear in the heart of the commander-in-chief of the navy of the Bangzi Kingdom.And as the F16 lost contact for longer and longer, the unease in the heart of the naval commander of the Bangzi country became stronger and stronger.Novel 117 www.xs177.com

Although the commander-in-chief of the navy of the Bangzi Kingdom did not believe that their fighter jets would fail, the loss of contact for more than ten minutes was still a bit strange.

Suddenly, someone pointed to the sky outside the command room.

Many people raised their heads, and five planes swooped out of the clouds and flew towards their fleet.

Seeing the five planes, the unease in the heart of the commander-in-chief of the Bangzi Kingdom's navy finally calmed down.

"Finally back, it seems that the mission has been successfully completed! Presumably Huaxia must be very busy right now, after all, a large city with a close population was attacked by missiles. For this kind of thing, Huaxia must send a considerable number of teams to maintain order. Let's go!" The commander-in-chief of the navy of the Bangzi Kingdom thought to himself.

However, these five fighter jets that flew out of the clouds were not the rubbish F16 fighter jets of their Bangzi country, but the five J-[-] (modified) of Huaxia.

As the five J-[-] (modified) got closer and closer to the naval fleet of the Bangzi Kingdom, someone finally found out that something was wrong.

"No! That's not the F16 of our stick country!"

"Wait! That's China's most advanced fighter jet, the J-[-]!"

"Damn! The despicable Chinese people actually attacked!"

"Sound the alarm! Let all units enter the battle state immediately! Shoot down the five Huaxia J-[-]s in the sky!"

"Just five fighter jets dare to attack, we must make them come and go!"

"How...how...how is it possible! The intruder was not found on the radar!"

"What!! What the hell is going on!! You actually told me that there are no invaders, so what is the fighter jet in the sky that keeps approaching us!! Could it be a ghost!"

"Attack!! Attack me immediately!!"

"But... the radar can't lock on the target, and the fire control system can't target the enemy at all!"

"Oh! Bastards! They attacked us!"


Everyone in the command room on the quasi-aircraft carrier 'Single Sun' just felt a flash of light and completely lost consciousness.

However, if you look down from a height, you can find that the quasi-aircraft carrier 'Duri' was cut into several sections by the middle.And the bridge command room on the quasi-aircraft carrier 'Single Day' was completely destroyed.

In the sky, the five J-[-] (modified) did not launch a single missile, but completely used airborne laser cannons to attack the ships of the Bangzi country on the sea.

As for the country of Bangzi, because the radars of all ships and submarines cannot detect the existence of the J-[-] (reform), there is no way for various built-in weapons to attack the J-[-] (reform) that is attacking them.

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