"Isn't it bad not to fight? You must know that as long as you fight, people will die. Moreover, Huaxia's military power has increased rapidly recently. I don't want to fight with Huaxia."

"Hey! Robert, we are soldiers! You say that you are afraid of war! We soldiers are born for war!"

"Roger, that's just what you think. I have a family, a wife and children, and they are still at home waiting for me to go back. What does the war between the stick and Huaxia have to do with us, not the war with our Mi Jian. We don't need to. Risking your own life for these sticks."

"Okay okay...Robert, I can't tell you. But..." Roger stopped suddenly in the middle of his words.

Robert was a little strange, and looked at Roger beside him curiously.As a result, Robert found that Roger was looking up at the sky with curious eyes.

Robert also raised his head curiously and looked up at the sky, only to find that five planes seemed to be flying towards them in the sky in the distance.

"Huh? Did the sticks who didn't leave soon came back in the plane? But why are there only five planes left? Did they encounter a strong enemy?" Robert murmured.

Suddenly, Robert discovered something that made the hairs all over his body explode.

Although it was a little hard to see because of the distance, Robert was sure that the fighter jets that were constantly approaching them in the sky were not the F16s that were sold to the country.

The vague shape is somewhat like the J-[-] (modified) exhibited by Huaxia some time ago.

As an Air Force member, Robert loved airplanes.He can recognize almost all the planes in the world and remember their detailed data.

Although Huaxia only let the J-[-] (change) appear once during the military parade.But Robert also remembered the shape of the J-[-] (modified) and some not very important data information officially announced by Huaxia.

If you see Huaxia's J-[-] (modified) in Huaxia, then there is nothing surprising.

But they are now in Bangzi Country, and they actually saw China's most advanced fighter jets in Bangzi Country.

The most important thing is that Huaxia is now at war with Bangzi Kingdom.And not long ago, the country of Bangzi sent fifty of the most advanced F16 fighter jets in the country to support their navy.

But soon after, the fighter jets driven by the sticks did not come back, instead, there appeared a Chinese fighter who was really fighting against the country of sticks.Love to read novels www.ikxsw.com

This means that either all the fighter jets sent by Bangzi Country were destroyed, or Huaxia's fighter jets bypassed Bangzi Country's defense system and entered the hinterland of Bangzi Country.

But no matter what the possibility is, it is a fact that Huaxia's fighter jets flew over the Bangziguo Air Force Base.

Robert quickly pushed Roger next to him.

"Hurry up! Huaxia's plane is coming!"

Roger, who was pushed, also reacted, but the reaction was not as strong as Robert's.

"Don't worry so much! The Wushan Air Force Base has deployed a large number of anti-aircraft missiles! Although the sticks are not very effective, the weapons and equipment are all bought from us, Mi Jian. To shoot down the five Huaxia fighters in the sky, it should be It's not a problem."

Roger didn't seem to be very nervous, but Robert was nervous to death at this time.

"Shit! If those bastards really found the Huaxia fighter jets in the sky, they would have launched anti-aircraft missiles a long time ago! But now there is no response at all. Obviously, the radar warning department didn't find those invading Huaxia fighter jets at all!"

Hearing what Robert said, Roger also began to panic a little.

The fighter jets in the sky are getting closer and closer, but the anti-aircraft missiles in the air base are not responding at all.As Robert said, it seems that the sticks really haven't found the Chinese fighter in the sky.

Roger looked back at the Huaxia fighter jets in the sky. I am afraid that with the distance between the five Huaxia fighter jets in the sky and the air force base and their speed, it would be useless to launch anti-aircraft missiles now.

"Stop the ink! Run to the dugout! Or we're all done!" Robert shouted as he ran.

"What are you hiding? As soldiers, we should drive our own fighter jets to the sky to fight with Huaxia's fighter jets..." Before Roger could finish his words, a huge explosion sounded around him.

boom!boom! !boom! ! !

Roger turned his head in a hurry, and saw that the five Chinese fighter jets in the sky were diving down.At the same time, two arm-thick rays of light shone down on the lower part of the noses of the five fighter jets.

The light just swept across the ground, and a long ravine appeared on the ground.When those rays of light swept to the fighter jets parked on the tarmac, they cut the fighter jets in the middle.

Most of the aircraft on the tarmac were already fully loaded with ammunition at this time.Even if there are parts that are not fully loaded, they are still in the process of being loaded.

The light from the Huaxia plane carries enormous energy.All aircraft mailboxes and ammunition in contact with it exploded.

With just one dive, all the planes of the Bangzi country parked on the tarmac were destroyed in an instant.

The entire shutdown plant was ablaze with roaring fires, with black smoke wafting everywhere.

Roger stopped in disbelief. He had never imagined that Huaxia's fighters would have such a strong combat effectiveness.

Dodge all the radar detection of the Bangzi country, avoid the air defense lines of the military base, and launch a sneak attack on the air force base of the Bangzi country.

And after just one wave of attacks, the Air Force Base of the Bangzi Country was paralyzed.Can this kind of fighter really be produced by the current technology?

In the sky, Huaxia's five fighter jets began their second dive, and they were going to completely destroy the entire Wushan Air Force Base. , , .

Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Big Sweep

Two or three minutes later, the five J-[-] (modified) left.

At this time, the Wushan Air Force Base had been turned into a rubble.

On the tarmac of the airport, the wreckage of countless planes burned in a raging fire under the thick black smoke.

Satellite ground stations, tank groups, surface-to-air missile systems, air base control towers, and solid hangars were all destroyed.

Countless corpses lay everywhere.There are Bangzi Kingdom, and there are also Mi Jian Army Air Force.

As the Mi Jian Air Force soldier said, in war, people will die.

These soldiers who did not hide in the air-raid shelter, whether it was the sticks or the Mijian Air Force soldiers, all died in this attack.

Although it is said that because of the attack of the five J-[-] (reformed), Mi Jian, who did not intend to join the war between Huaxia and Bangzi Kingdom, also suffered heavy losses. Mi Jian may protest against Huaxia later.

But this is a war, and Huaxia and Bangzi are at war.It is not because there are Mi Jian soldiers in the military base of the Bangzi country that the military base of the Bangzi country cannot be attacked.

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