If that's the case, then this war is a shit.

Since you Mi Jian have no plans to join the war between Huaxia and Bangzi Kingdom, then quit as soon as possible.

Not to mention that with the current military strength of China, it is not necessarily afraid of Mi Jian.

It is said that if other countries knew about the situation on the first day of the war, Mi Jian, who suffered a lot of losses, could only protest verbally, and then demanded partial compensation from Huaxia as an innocent.

As for persecution by force, it is estimated that Mi Jian will not be so impulsive.

After all, on the first day of the war, with only five J-16 (reformed) fighter jets, Huaxia destroyed a naval base in Bangzi country that gathered more than [-]% of the country's naval power, and then destroyed it in the air. The F[-] fighter jets purchased by the [-]-year-old Bangzi country from Mi Jian, and the Osan Air Force Base in the Bangzi country were easily attacked.

Of course, there will be other Air Force bases in the Bangzi country, which will also be destroyed by the five J-[-]s (changed) that enter the country's borders.

In addition to the heavy losses of the Bangzi Kingdom this time, Mi Jian, who had never thought of joining the war at the beginning, also suffered heavy losses.

Although the military base was built by Mi Jian's army, but the sticks gave money, so the military base is nothing.

However, some advanced fighter jets that are only used by the Mi Jian Air Force themselves are all Mi Jian's own property.Because there is no plan to use it for the sticks, the sticks will naturally not give that money.

Of course, the loss of equipment is not the biggest, after all, it is only money.Mi Jian is rich, so he won't be particularly distressed if he loses it.

What makes Mi Jian feel the most distressed are those Mi Jian soldiers who died innocently in the war.

You must know that in Mi Jian, human life is very important.

Rather than damage a fighter jet, the Mikan agency would rather lose a fighter jet.

As the saying goes, if you lose your life, you can earn it again, but if you lose your life, you really lose it.

Part of the reason for this is that it is very difficult to develop a good fighter pilot.Another part of the reason is that it is very troublesome to settle a soldier's family after a soldier has died. 12345 Novels www.12345xs.com

If one is not arranged well, it may eventually lead to various demonstrations.

Minister of Defense Mi Jian is now suffering from a headache.

Every few minutes, a distress signal came from the army stationed in the country of Bangzi.

In less than [-] minutes, the four Mijian Air Force regiments stationed at the four major air bases in Bangzi Country all sent a distress signal to the Mijian Ministry of Defense.

The content is all the same. Huaxia sent fighter jets deep into the hinterland of Bangzi and attacked the four major military bases in Bangzi.All construction equipment in the air base was destroyed.

The sticks suffered heavy casualties, as were their Mijian soldiers.Except for some soldiers who fled into the dugout, almost all of them died.

According to the account of the Mi Jian army soldiers who returned, there were only five Huaxia planes that attacked the air force base.And it is not a bomber, but a fighter that mainly conducts air combat.

Huaxia's fighter jets did not launch a single missile or drop an aerial bomb, and used laser weapons throughout.

This news gave Minister of Defense Mi Jian an incomparable headache.

If Huaxia is still the former Huaxia, then there is no need to say that Mi Jian will definitely test the pressure to Huaxia, and demand that Huaxia compensate them for Mi Jian's losses.

However, the problem is that the current Huaxia is not the previous Huaxia.In recent years, especially this year, China's military and scientific and technological forces have developed rapidly.

Take the attack on the military bases in the country of Bangzi for example. There were only five aircraft that attacked each military base, and they were all fighter jets mainly used for air combat, not bombers for ground combat.

Being able to not be detected by the radar system of any air base, and to destroy the four major air bases in Bangzi country in a very short period of time, this alone made Mi Jian have to treat Huaxia with caution.

Because Mi Jian helped build the air base in Bangzi Country, and all the weapons and equipment systems in it were also purchased from Mi Jian.

Although Mi Jian will not sell his most advanced technology, the technological equipment sold to Bangzi Country is not bad.It is not much worse than the military base in Mijian.

That is to say, since Huaxia's fighter jets can silently attack the air force base of Bangzi country, and can completely destroy the four major air force bases of Bangzi country in a very short period of time.

Then it means that Huaxia's fighter jets can also quietly fly over the military base in Mijian, and then destroy the air base in Mijian in a very short period of time.

Therefore, this time Mi Jian could not recklessly deteriorate the relationship with Huaxia.

If a war breaks out between their Mi Jian and Huaxia, Huaxia will also give them such a hand, which is really enough for them to drink a pot.

The current situation is no longer something that Defense Minister Mi Jian can decide alone.

How to deal with the headache of the relationship with Huaxia, let the Governor and the people in Congress have a headache.

Miken Defense Secretary James put on his hat and left the office.

The five J-[-]s (reformed) turned around and returned to China after they landed at the four major air bases in the country of Bangzi.

Although there are some other military bases in Bangzi Country, they are much smaller than the bases they destroyed before.

The results of this sneak attack are already very big.It's time to return to hand in the mission. , , .

Chapter [-]: Is the stick about to surrender?

The five J-[-]s (reformed) returned to the Ducheng Air Force Base, and reported all the information and the results of the reconnaissance in the Bangzi country this time.

It was learned that the five pilots who piloted the J-16 (modified) actually destroyed the combined naval fleet assembled by the Bangzi country at the Pyeongtaek naval base. Only the F[-] that came to deal with them was destroyed. The four major air force bases in Bangzi Country were completely destroyed.

Hear the news.Seriously, even the top commander of the Capital Air Force Base felt like he was telling a story.

No way, this thing is really too shocking.

After Ducheng Aircraft Manufacturing and the Metropolitan Physics Laboratory jointly manufactured the J-[-] (modified), although the J-[-] (modified) has also been tested in various ways, the J-[-] (modified) has never been in actual combat.

It can be said that this battle of the stick country is the first actual combat of the J-[-] (modified) model.

Although from the various data given by the laboratory, the military also knows that the J-[-] (modified) is powerful.

However, the J-[-] (modified) actually achieved such a strong result in the first actual combat, which really shocked the generals of the Capital Air Force Base.

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