But he was very open to accept the fact.

Not to mention that these J-[-] (reformed) pilots are the best fighter pilots in the entire Capital Air Force Base, it is impossible for them to lie.

Besides, the J-[-] (modified) preserves the experience of the plane after taking off. The various data and video files recorded in the system cannot be forged.

The top commander of the Capital Air Force Base immediately reported the matter. For such a major matter, the elders in the central department had to know about it.

To know the results of the five J-[-] (reformed) in the Bangzi country this time, it can be said that the Bangzi country has almost been crippled.

Destroyed more than [-] large and small warships, which is equivalent to destroying [-]% of the naval power of the Bangzi Kingdom.After all, the Governor of the Bamboo Country only has more than [-] ships that can be used for combat.

And the four major air bases of Bangzi country destroyed by five J-[-] (modified) destroyed more than half of the air force of Bangzi country.

Although Bangzi Country has other air force bases in addition to the four major air force bases, it is much smaller than the four major air force bases.Not only are the defenses much weaker, but the quality and quantity of the fighters deployed are not at the same level at all.

The fighter jets deployed by Bangzi Country in the four major air bases are either F16 or F15, while the fighter jets deployed by other small air bases are only F4.

In just one battle, the Bangzi Kingdom was crippled, and it is very likely that this war between China and the Bangzi Kingdom will soon end.

But there is a problem, that is, among the four major air bases in Bangzi Country, there are Mi Jian troops stationed.

A total of only forty F35 fighters were stationed before.

However, since the neon was completely destroyed by the super-weapon member states of the United Nations with super weapons, the Mi Jian army has not been stationed in the neon.

However, some of the Mi Jian army, who were originally stationed in Neon, were instead stationed in the country of Bangzi, which is closer to China.

And these teams are twenty F22 fighter jets.

According to the description of the five pilots who drove the J-[-] (modified), as well as the video display of the five J-[-] (modified).The four major air bases of the Bangzi Country were indeed completely destroyed.

Not only were all the fighter jets on the airport destroyed, but even the solid hangars were all destroyed, and the planes parked inside were definitely not immune.

In other words, not only the military power of the Bangzi country was completely destroyed, but even the military strength of the Mi Jian Army deployed in the Bangzi country suffered heavy losses.Destiny Book www.yyshu8xs.com

The casualties are still unknown, but Mi Jian's 35 F22 fighter jets and [-] F[-] fighter jets deployed in Bangzi Country must have all been scrapped.

Mi Jian would definitely not let it go after suffering such a huge loss for no reason.

However, just like that Mijian Defense Minister.This kind of thing is not the commander of the capital air base can be responsible for.

It is up to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the top state leaders to take charge of such matters.

Thinking of this, the top commander of the Ducheng Military Region Air Force Base picked up the phone.

In the center of Ziguang Pavilion, the five elders are still gathered together.

It has only been more than an hour since it was discovered that a UFO suspected to be a fighter jet of the Bangzi Kingdom entered the airspace of the Huanghai Sea of ​​China.

Previously, when he learned that a UFO suspected to be a fighter jet from the Bangzi Kingdom was found in the airspace of the Yellow Sea, the No. [-] elder immediately ordered the Ducheng Military Region to send China's most advanced J-[-] (reformed) to investigate the situation.

Once you find that the other party is really a fighter of the Bangzi country, you can directly fire and destroy them.Since they dared to fly a fighter jet into Huaxia's airspace, it was already an invasion, and Huaxia could launch a self-defense counterattack.

It was also personally ordered by the No. [-] elder to let the J-[-] (changed) enter the country of Bangzi for reconnaissance and sneak attack.Otherwise, the five J-[-] (modified) pilots would not dare to destroy all the four major air bases in the country.

But in fact, the No. [-] elder meant to send all the thirty J-[-] (reformed) out. After all, entering the hinterland of the Bangzi Kingdom, it may be dangerous if there are fewer troops.It's just that Elder No. [-] did not clearly state the order to dispatch all the J-[-] (reform).

As for the commander-in-chief of the Ducheng Military Region, he thought that it was just five UFOs that were suspected to be fighter jets from the Bangzi Kingdom, and that it was enough to send five J-[-] (modified).

As for the reconnaissance to the Bangzi country, it is not necessary to send too many fighter jets if it is only on the periphery.If there are more, it will be easier to reveal whereabouts.So in the end, only five J-[-] (reformed) were dispatched.

However, if [-] J-[-]s (reformed) were really sent to Bangzi country, maybe there is no military base in Bangzi country now.

When the five elders of Huaxia were still discussing the war strategy against the stick, the staff reported and ran in.And reported the news reported by the Capital Military Region to the five elders.

After hearing the news, the five elders were stunned.

Five plus [-] (changed) will destroy [-]% of the navy and more than [-]% of the air force of the Bangzi country?

The speed of this progress is really too fast.

This reconnaissance order has just been issued for more than an hour, and the North Sea Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet have just set off, and they have not yet crossed the border of China.

It's almost... This simply makes the five elders not know what to say for a while.

But they didn't even suspect it was false information.Since the chief of staff reported this news, it is absolutely true.

It's just that the news was so shocking that the five elders couldn't react for a while.

This battle should be the most open and smoothest that Huaxia has ever fought, and it is still a battle where less wins and more.

Just when the five elders were shocked and speechless, the phone on the desk of the first elder rang.

When the people present looked at it, they found that the flashing light was a telephone specially used to communicate with foreign heads of state.

At this time, the phone rang. Could it be that the Governor of Bangzi Country called to surrender? , , .

Chapter [-]: The Dying Struggles

Elder No. [-] walked to the desk and found that the display on the phone screen was not the Governor of the Kingdom of Bangzi, but the Governor of Mi Jian.

What is Governor Micken calling for?

With doubts, Elder No. [-] picked up the microphone of the phone that was ringing, which was specially used to communicate with other heads of state.

"Mr. Governor Puchuan, you are calling so late, what are you doing?" the elder No. [-] asked curiously.

It was almost noon in Huaxia, which meant that it was almost midnight for Mi Jian.If there was nothing important, Governor Mi Jian would have rested a long time ago.

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