"Your Excellency No. [-] Elder, I remember that Mi Jian made a public statement a few days ago. We said that Mi Jian would not be involved in the war between your country's Huaxia and Bangzi country!"

"That's right. Your country did make a public statement," Elder No. [-] said.

"In this case, why did your fighter jets attack our Mi Jian army? Forty F35 fighter jets, more than 22 F[-] fighter jets, and countless equipment and ammunition were all destroyed by your Chinese Air Force. Most importantly, our Mi Jian army One hundred and twenty-three of the strong army were killed in your Huaxia air raid! Your Excellency No. [-] Elder, how do you think your country should compensate us?"

Elder No. [-] was stunned for a moment. The five J-[-]s (reformed) sent by the Ducheng Military Region Air Force Base attacked the Air Force Base of the Bangzi Country. How could they have beaten Mi Jian as well.

However, Elder No. [-] immediately understood that the five J-[-]s (modified) attacked the four major air bases in Bangzi Country.Mi Jian's air force stationed in Bangzi country must be stationed in the four major air force bases in Bangzi country.

Although it is said that the five J-[-] (reformed) attacked the four major air bases in the Bangzi country to destroy the combat aircraft of the Bangzi country and destroy the airport of the Bangzi country.

But war is cruel, and bullets don't have eyes.

Mi Jianjun and the sticks are in an air force base, and the J-[-] (reformed) flying in the sky must be unable to distinguish which are the Mi Jianjun and which are the sticks.

In this case, the pilot of the J-[-] (reformed) whose mission goal is to completely destroy the air power of the sticks can only completely destroy the four major air bases in the country of sticks.

As long as it is completely destroyed, then the air force of the sticks will definitely be destroyed.As for the innocent Mi Jian army, who told them not to withdraw from the military base in Bangzi country during the war?

Although Elder No. [-] already knew that the five J-[-]s (reformed) sent out had indeed accidentally injured the Mi Jian army, he would not just let Governor Mi Jian, Pu Chuan, lead by the nose.

"Governor Puchuan, what you said makes no sense. When our Huaxia and Bangzi Kingdom went to war, your Mi Jian Army was still in the military base of Bangzi Kingdom. How could our pilots tell who was Mi Jian Army? It's a stick."

"And although you Mi Jian publicly stated that you would not join the battle between our Huaxia and Bangzi country, your air force is still staying in the air force base of Bangzi country. Isn't this a contradiction? Are you ready to support Bangzi at any time? Or do you want to act as an umbrella for the country of sticks?"

"And let's not say [-], you stayed in the air force base in Bangzi country during the war really just because you didn't have time to issue the retreat order, and it was indeed accidentally injured by our air force. But even so, you shouldn't Find us Huaxia for compensation!"

"This war was provoked by the Bangzi Kingdom. If they didn't provoke this war, we in China would not carry out air strikes on the Bangzi's air base. Therefore, you should ask the Bangzi Kingdom for your losses!" The elder said.

However, Governor Mijian Pu Chuan did not listen to Elder No. 83's defense, and still stubbornly believed that their losses were caused by Huaxia on their own initiative, and should naturally be compensated by Huaxia.Bashan Love Novel Network www.[-]love.com

"Elder No. [-], don't say so much. The loss of our Mi Jian Air Force was caused by you Huaxia, and of course you Huaxia compensated! Even if this matter is brought to the United Nations International Court of Justice, we Mi Jian are not wrong! "Governor Puchuan threatened weakly.

If this were more than ten years ago, or even a few years ago, Mi Jian would have used military force to force Huaxia into submission.

But now Governor General Puchuan has said that he will go to the United Nations International Court of Justice, which means that if Huaxia does not compensate their losses, they will go to the International Court of Justice to fight with Huaxia.

This is not the same as Mi Jian's usual style.For the weak, Mi Jianke has always shown his 'muscles' directly.

But now Mi Jian didn't show his muscles to Huaxia, but came to the "gentleman's mouth but not his hands". Obviously, the current Huaxia made Mi Jian very jealous.At least they don't dare to provoke a war with Huaxia easily now, because it's not good for them at all.

"Since Governor Puchuan insists on thinking so, then this matter will wait until the war between us Huaxia and Bangzi Country is over. Now our senior officials in Huaxia have to discuss a strategic counterattack against Bangzi Country. Goodbye!"

After speaking, the elder No. [-] hung up the phone.

Since Mi Jian is going to have a war of words, he should wait until the war is over.See who beat who.

At this time, in the Blue House of Bangzi Country, the atmosphere was lifeless.It's not that there are no people in the Blue House, on the contrary, there are still a lot of people in the Blue House.

The Governor, the members of Congress, the generals of the military, and almost all the people at the top of the country are all here.

And the reason why they are dead now is that the news of the destruction of the Pyeongtaek naval base, the destruction of the combined naval fleet, and the razing of the four major air bases in the country has reached their ears.

Before the war, everyone in Bangzi Country was full of confidence, and they were confident that they could win the entire China in a month's time.

But reality gave them a loud mouth.

Their air force sneak attack team was annihilated by the Huaxia Air Force not long after entering the airspace of Huaxia.After that, the Huaxia Air Force went all the way to the hinterland of their country, and even completely destroyed the Osan Air Force Base, which was only more than [-] kilometers away from their capital, Seoul.

If the Huaxia Air Force then turned to their capital, Seoul, after destroying the Osan Air Force Base, everyone here would be finished.

After this air strike by Huaxia, they no longer have enough troops to continue fighting with Huaxia.If they insisted on continuing to fight, it would be nothing more than burying their army in vain.

However, if he stopped or even surrendered like this, then the face of Bang Ziguo would be completely lost.

For the country of Bangzi, whose face is more important than everything, it is better to lose his life than to lose face.

And for more than half a year, scientists have not found a way to treat incapacitated men, and after a few decades, there will be no sticks in this country.

Since it is all about extermination of the country and the extermination of the family, then it's better to play a big game.

"Everyone, use super weapons! The hundred super weapons secretly made by our big stick nation, it's time to come in handy!" ,, ..

Chapter [-]: Super Weapon Preparation

"Everyone, use super weapons! The hundred super weapons secretly manufactured by our big stick nation, it's time to put them to use!" Wen Zaichou, governor of the stick country, put forward his opinion.

"Since our big stick family will be extinct in a few decades, and this time our stick country's face has been completely lost, then we simply play a big game. Since our stick country is not easy , then everyone don't think about it!" Wen Zai's ugly eyes said gloomily.

Others present, after hearing their words from Governor Wen Zaichou, no one came forward to raise objections.Instead, each of them had a grim expression.

If there are outsiders here, they will not think that this is the governor's residence of the Bangzi Kingdom.Not to mention that these people present here are actually high-level national leaders of the Bangzi country.

That group of people with ferocious expressions was like the core figures of a group of cult organizations.

"A hundred super weapons, is it a bit of a waste to use all of them to fight Huaxia? Just give each first-tier city in Huaxia a super weapon, then Huaxia's economy will be enough to collapse. As for other super weapons, it is not as good as Treat it as a great gift for the world!" said one man frantically.

"That's right. Especially Mi Jian. Our great Bangzi family has been their little brother for so many years, and now they have abandoned us! It's unforgivable!"

"But we only have short-range ballistic missiles, and Mi Jian can't hit them. Even Huaxia can only hit some cities in the east and north, and there is no way to hit cities in the center, south, and west!"

"It doesn't matter, it's enough to be able to hit the capital and magic capital of China. As for Mi Jian, although we don't have an ICBM capable of delivering super weapons to Mi Jian, we can transport them by plane, as long as the super weapons are disguised as The cargo is placed in the cargo compartment of the passenger plane, and there is no problem in transporting it to Mijian. After arriving, as long as the detonator is pressed, our attack will be successful!"

"This method is good! Not only Hua Xia and Mi Jian, but also the dead fat man in the north must be taught a lesson!"

In the end, everyone present unanimously approved this crazy proposal.

After the meeting, everyone started to act.

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