Generals go to secret bases that have never been made public.

Bangzi country has actually started researching super weapons a long time ago.It's just that because their godfather has never allowed them to develop super weapons, they can only do it sneakily.

Forty years ago, Bangziguo has successfully produced the first super weapon.

Then, in the next [-] years, the country of Bangzi only secretly produced [-] pieces one after another.On average, only a little more than two are produced a year.

They actually have no choice.Because there is Mi Jian's godfather on it, it is too difficult to get nuclear materials.

A year's sneaky deduction of four or five kilograms of uranium is already their maximum.Therefore, although it is said that Bangzi Country secretly manufactured [-] super weapons, the amount of uranium in each super weapon in Bangzi Country is very small, only two or three kilograms.

However, although the amount of uranium is very small, if it is dropped into the city center and it explodes, the damage caused is absolutely immeasurable.

Although it was said that the 'Little Boy' atomic bomb that Mi Jian dropped on Neon contained [-] kilograms of uranium, the amount of uranium actually involved in nuclear fission was only [-] grams, but in the end it destroyed the entire Hiroshima .The death toll was more than [-].

Therefore, regardless of the amount of uranium contained in the super weapon of the Bangzi Kingdom, it would be easy to destroy a city if it really exploded.

However, what Wen Zaichou, the governor of Bangzi Kingdom, did not know was that after the meeting, one of her female secretary secretly made a phone call to the outside world.Writing novels

"Xiuyan, did you miss me when you called me at this time?"

"Charlie, listen, I have something very important to tell you!" The female secretary named Xiuyan said in a serious tone.

The person called Charlie also heard that the other party's tone was wrong, and it seemed that there were really very important things.So it became normal.

"You said."

"Governor Wen Zaichou just held a high-level meeting at the Blue House. Because our Bangzi country has no hope of winning this war, and all the men in our Bangzi country can no longer be called men, so Governor Wen Zaichou proposed, To die with the world."

"Our Bangzi country has secretly produced a hundred super weapons in the past few decades. Although the yield is not large, there is no problem in destroying a city with a super weapon. Governor Wen Zaichou proposed to use super weapons to destroy China and North China. Nanguo and Mijian carry out strikes.”

"For Huaxia and Beinan, they will directly use short-range missiles. For Mijian, they will disguise the super weapon as cargo and consign it to Mijian on a passenger plane, and then detonate the super weapon on the mainland of Mijian!"

"Xiuyan! Are all of what you said true!!" Charlie asked in shock.

"Yes. The Governor and the others have already gone to prepare! That's why I called you in such a hurry."

"You did a great job! Xiuyan. I will report this news to Major General Daniel now! We must not let the super weapon detonate in our homeland of Mijian!"

"Wait a minute, Charlie! After this time, our country will be over for sure. You'll take me to Mijian, won't you!"

Charlie was silent for a second. "Of course, you are my woman, and I will definitely take you with me when I leave Bangzi Country! Well, let's not talk about it, I will report this news as soon as possible! Wait for my news, baby!"

After hanging up the phone, Charlie quickly ran in the direction of Major General Daniel, who was also alive.

['re just one of my gun buddies, how could I bring you back to Mijian.I have a wife and children in Mijian, and I can't abandon them for you.But...thank you for this timely news. 】

The female secretary who was hung up had no idea what the person she had just called was thinking.

If she knew, she would surely regret her actions.

However, she didn't know.After hanging up the phone, she immediately chased after Governor Wen Zaichou, who had not gone far.

She was just an excuse to go to the toilet, but she couldn't leave for too long.

An hour and a half later, everything in Bangzi Country was ready.

Fifty super-weapon heads have been installed on fifty short-range missiles, and short-range missiles have been installed on launch vehicles.

The other fifty super weapon heads have also been loaded into fighter jets and civil aviation aircraft.

Now as long as an order is given, one hundred super weapons will depart from the country of the sticks and be sent to the three countries that the sticks hate the most at this time. , , .

Chapter [-]: Intercepting Super Weapons

When Wang Wei was leading a group of students in his exclusive laboratory to analyze all the experimental samples brought back from the Tree of Life, Xiao Hei's emergency notification suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Master, I just detected through the satellite on the space-based weapon that the Bangzi country suddenly launched fifty short- and medium-range ballistic missiles [-] seconds ago. After invading the systems of those missiles, I found that there are forty short- and medium-range ballistic missiles among them. The target coordinates of the short- and medium-range ballistic missiles are set to large cities in eastern and northern China, while the target coordinates of the other ten short- and medium-range ballistic missiles are set to large cities in the north and south countries!"

"In addition, according to the pictures of those short- and medium-range ballistic missiles captured by satellites, and from the way the warheads carried by those short- and medium-range ballistic missiles are detonated, the warheads carried by the short- and medium-range ballistic missiles launched by the Bangzi Kingdom are all super weapons. Head!" Xiao Hei said very seriously.

Wang Wei, who was looking at the students' experimental reports, immediately stopped.

"Ballistic missile? Super weapon head? Super weapon head brought by Bangzi?" Wang Wei asked with a frown.

Xiao Hei was silent for two seconds.

"I just hacked into the secret archives of Bangzi country through the internal network of the Blue House. There are records in it that Bangzi country secretly produced the first super weapon as early as [-] years ago. But at the border of the [-]th parallel A very deep tunnel was dug on the North South side, and then the super weapon was detonated underground on the North South side."

"After that, the whole world believed that the super weapon was made by Nanguo Kingdom, and they didn't suspect Bangzi Kingdom. Later, in the next [-] years, Bangzi Kingdom made nearly [-] super weapons successively. All of them were launched." Xiao Hei explained.

"Nearly a hundred super weapons? Didn't you say there are only fifty short- and medium-range ballistic missiles?" Wang Wei asked with some doubts.

"Because the sticks transported all the remaining super weapon heads to Mijian through fighter jets and civil aviation aircraft." Xiao Hei said.

Wang Wei fell silent.

The country of sticks is going to be the enemy of the whole world.With such a large number of super weapons used in war, are they not afraid of triggering a third world war?And it's a nuclear war!

The conflict between Huaxia and Bangziguo has escalated, and Wang Wei is also aware of the impending war.

Although these days, Wang Wei has been busy with all kinds of research in the laboratory with the hundred students.But in the evening, I also watch the news or something.And An Ran will also tell Wang Wei some important recent events.

However, Huaxia and Bangzi went to war today, and Huaxia only sent five fighter jets to almost destroy all the navy and air force of Bangzi. Wang Wei didn't know.

After all, Wang Wei stayed in the laboratory all day today and has not left.

"Master, do you need to intercept all those short- and medium-range ballistic missiles flying to China? If you let them fly to China, I am afraid that other than the capital of China, no other city will be able to intercept those short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. ' Xiao Hei reminded.

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