Therefore, it takes at least ten hours to transport the super weapon head from the country of the stick to Mijian by civil aviation.

Even if the faster F4 fighter jets are used, it will take at least three or four hours to reach the mainland of Mijian.For short and medium-range ballistic missiles to reach the North and South countries and China, it only takes a few minutes or ten minutes.

The relationship between Mi Jian and Huaxia and North and South countries is not very good.

If the super weapons of the Bangzi Kingdom can successfully destroy some cities in China and the North and South Kingdoms, Mi Jian is very happy to see it.

Therefore, they only started to prepare for the Bangzi country plane that would arrive in the mainland of Mijian in a few hours. As for the rest, wait until the super weapons flying to China and the North and South countries successfully exploded.

However, the anti-human behavior of the Bangzi Kingdom and the insidious intentions of the Mi Jian Ministry of Defense are doomed to fail.

Because, all this will be broken by Wang Wei.Literature 520

Just when people in the world were going to work, going to class, going to sleep, and paying attention to the war between Huaxia and Bangzi Kingdom, more than two billion people who followed Wang Wei's live broadcast room suddenly received a red panda TV system on their mobile phones. forward news.

"The anchor 'House God' you follow has started the live broadcast, hurry up and support him!"

For a time, all those who noticed this tweet immediately entered Wang Wei's live broadcast room.

Since Wang Wei started a live broadcast because of the 'WannaDecryptor' virus before the establishment of Wang Wei Zhaishen Technology Company, he has never started a live broadcast again.

Although it is said that when Zhaishen Technology was established and released its first product, Zhaishen Technology held a press conference, and also broadcasted the whole process live on the Internet.

But Wang Wei never appeared.

This also lets people all over the world know that Wang Wei will only start the live broadcast when there are technological and worldwide problems that need to be solved.

And Wang Wei started the live broadcast again after nearly a month, so there must be something very, very important.

After all, when Zhaishen Technology Co., Ltd., a company belonging to Wang Wei, was established, Wang Wei never appeared, let alone started a live broadcast.

After the netizens entered the live broadcast room of Zhaishen, they saw their idol Zhaishen standing in an elevator with a gloomy face, beside him.There was still the bodyguard robot from 2B.No, it should be considered a maid robot now.

Because 2B has almost never fought until now, and is only responsible for the daily life of the otaku.

Of course, that's not the point.

However, because the audience didn't know what Zhaishen was going to live broadcast this time, and Zhaishen's gloomy look, the audience in the live broadcast room could only make random guesses.

"Why is Zhaishen's face so dark, isn't it a good thing this time?"

"Kai Zhai Shen's expression seems to be in a bad mood, are aliens attacking the earth?"

"Don't talk nonsense with the crow's mouth upstairs, and there are aliens around the house god, so he's not very good. The house god is not afraid of aliens at all, okay?"

"Huh? The house god is out of the elevator! The house god is going back to the palace?"

"Wait... Is the house god being cuckolded?"

"What nonsense is going on upstairs, such a handsome, rich, and talented top-quality husband candidate, how could there be a woman who betrays the house god!"

"I can't say for sure. What if the house god doesn't work. Or the house god is too addicted to experiments and neglects An Ran."

"Shut up upstairs, if the house god knows that you say this, and you are directly included in the blacklist of the house god technology, you will be miserable!"

Wang Wei didn't pay attention to the barrage in the live broadcast room, so he didn't see the nonsense of those people in the live broadcast room.

But even if they saw it, it didn't matter, those people were just joking.However, if there are too many behaviors, Wang Wei will also teach them some lessons.

However, the most important thing now is to expose the shameful behavior of the Bangzi country and give the Bangzi country the punishment it deserves.

Those short- and medium-range ballistic missiles loaded with super-weapon heads have adjusted their new route targets, and will hit the new targets in a few minutes at the fastest.

So, time is running out. , , .

Chapter [-]: They must pay the price

Wang Wei walked all the way to the palace's study, and sat down behind a large desk.

The decoration of the study is very antique, but that is just style.In fact, the actual functions of all palaces, including the study room, are technology-oriented.

After Wang Wei sat down behind the desk, a naked-eye 3D stereoscopic image immediately appeared on the desk. The content of the image was a microcosm of the entire earth.

Wang Wei's face was gloomy the whole time.

"Xiao Hei! Project all the real-time images of the missiles over Bangzi Country!" Wang Wei ordered Xiao Hei with a dark face.

As soon as the order was given, the naked-eye 3D three-dimensional earth image above the desk immediately began to enlarge the area.The enlarged area is the area where the Asian stick country is located.

After the area is enlarged, the whole picture of the earth can no longer be seen, but it is possible to see the topography of the Bangzi Country very clearly.It's like there's a satellite taking pictures of the country from above.

In addition, in addition to displaying the satellite map of Bangzi Country in the center, the stereoscopic image also partially magnifies very small objects in the sky with a hundred small windows.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at them and found that the objects that had been used in a special way were actually missiles and some fighter jets or civil aviation aircraft.

Then looking at the direction, it can be found that the missiles are flying from the west and north of the country to the country of Bangzi.

And those fighter jets or civil aviation planes flew eastward from Bangzi Country.

What is this situation, the house god specially shows everyone what to do with this.

"Those missiles are all flying towards the country of Bangzi. Could it be that the missiles launched by Huaxia against the country of Bangzi?"

"Probably not. Some of the missiles flew from the direction of the North-South Kingdom. Could it be that the North-South Kingdom also joined the war between Huaxia and the Bangzi Kingdom?"

"If you don't sprinkle it upstairs, it's not Huaxia if the North South Country goes further north! Those missiles must have been launched by Huaxia at Bangzi Country! Let them jump, they won't kill them!"

"Then what about those planes flying eastward from the country of sticks? What does it mean that the house gods deliberately show them?"

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