"Perhaps, it's the high-level executives of Bangzi who escaped..."

"Pay attention! Do the marks on the front-end warheads of those missiles mean super weapons?"

"Oh! It's true! We Huaxia actually used super weapons? Going to a stick country in the countermeasure area, there is no need to use so many super weapons!"

"Speaking of which, it's not good to actively use super weapons in war. If it turns into a nuclear war in the end, that's not good..."

"Don't guess, the house god let us see these things, he will definitely explain it to us!"

Wang Wei glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room and found that everyone thought that the missiles carrying super weapons were all launched by Huaxia at Bangzi Country.And no one thinks that it was launched by the stick country.

But this is also understandable.Royal Bookstore www.7ys.cc

After all, people in the world don't know that Bangziguo secretly manufactures super weapons.At the same time, the flight direction of those ballistic missiles is from the direction of Huaxia to Bangzi Country.

Seeing these, of course, you will think that those missiles carrying super weapons were launched by Huaxia in order to attack the Bangzi country.

After all, China has a large number of nuclear weapons, and is still at war with the Bangzi country, it is also possible to use nuclear weapons.

But this is also because the world does not know that China's five fighter jets have almost wiped out the air force and naval power of the Bangzi country.If you know it, you will understand that Huaxia has no need to use super weapons at all.

But it doesn't matter what the audience thinks now.

Because Wang Wei will reveal all the truth next.

"Everyone in the live broadcast room, I think you have also seen this virtual image in front of me. This image is not computer synthesized, but captured in real time from space by the satellite I launched!"

"Now there are fifty missiles in the sky above Bangzi Country, and these missiles are indeed as you can see. The warheads they carry are all super weapon heads! However, unlike what you all guessed, this is not Huaxia. The missile launched, but the missile launched by the stick country!"

Wang Wei's voice fell, and the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly flashed.

Most people are very puzzled. Although Wang Wei said that those missiles were launched by Bangziguo, but Bangziguo does not have super weapons, how can they launch super weapons.

Moreover, the flying direction of those super weapons is still towards the country's own territory.No one shoots missiles at themselves.

"Everyone, I know your doubts, but these missiles with super-weapon heads are indeed launched by the Bangzi country. The Bangzi country is not as honest as it seems. Although it claims to have no super weapons and has not developed super weapons. But the actual But he has been secretly making super weapons!"

Speaking of which, Wang Wei, at the edge of the virtual image, released the information that Xiao Hei found in the confidential archive room of Bangzi Country.

After seeing the published information, the audience in the live broadcast room completely believed that Bangziguo had really been developing super weapons all the time.And it has been developed since forty years ago.Now it has nearly [-] super weapon heads.

Many people couldn't help but sigh, that such a small country as Bangzi country actually has so many super weapon heads. It seems that Bangzi country's ambitions are not small.

"Okay, everyone, you have seen the evidence. These short- and medium-range ballistic missiles equipped with super weapon heads were also monitored by satellite [-] seconds after the launch of the Bangzi Kingdom."

"Forty of these short- and medium-range ballistic missiles equipped with super-weapon heads were originally intended to target the eastern part of China and large and medium-sized cities in the back. Another ten missiles were originally intended to target large and medium-sized cities in the North and South countries. "

"In addition, in addition to these missiles, I also learned by hacking the internal network of the Blue House of Bangzi Kingdom that Bangzi was planning to throw a large number of super weapons at Mi Jian. However, because Bangzi Kingdom does not have long-range ballistic missiles or intercontinental ballistic missiles, so Bangzi If the country wants to deliver super weapons to the mainland of Mijian, it can only use aircraft such as flying vehicles!"

"That's right, the fighter jets and civil aviation planes that I marked eastward are the planes that transport the super-weapon heads to Mijian."

Hearing Wang Wei's words, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly burst into an uproar.

What is Bangzi Kingdom going to do? To throw super weapons on Huaxia, Beinan Kingdom and Mijian. Is this going to provoke a world-wide nuclear war?

"Bangzi country's behavior of using a large number of super weapons on other countries is already an anti-human behavior! Once any country in Huaxia, Beinan, and Mijian is hit by super weapons, it will definitely set off a third world war. And it's a nuclear war!"

"Therefore, I tampered with the target coordinates of the missiles launched by the Bangzi country. Now all the missiles fly to cities in the Bangzi country! The sticks must pay for this!" Wang Wei said grimly. , , .

Chapter [-]: Hit the target

"Sure enough, I am a nerd! Even the system of short- and medium-range ballistic missiles can be invaded and tampered with! Now the super weapon launched by the Bangzi Kingdom will blow up their own country!"

"The country of Bangzi dares to launch a nuclear war, this kind of anti-humanity country should be wiped out!"

"I always felt that the sticks didn't have a good thing. I didn't expect that they could even do things against humanity. This is even more terrorist than a terrorist organization!"

"How can you say that, Ouba the stick! Do you know that the Ouba the stick is so good? Do you know that the Ouba is hardworking?"

"It's actually a madman who has been infiltrated! It must be a wild seed of the stick!"

"Those idiots who are stubborn won't have parents in the future. Because the country of Bangzi will soon follow in the footsteps of Neon!"

"That's right, fifty super weapons can completely destroy that big country of Bangzi!"

"Ah! Two ballistic missiles are starting to head towards the ground!"


In the live broadcast room, the naked-eye 3D stereoscopic image displayed on Wang Wei's desk showed that two ballistic missiles had already begun to adjust their angles and began to fly towards the ground.

This means that the two ballistic missiles are about to reach the peak of the new target.And when those missiles hit the ground, as long as the superweapon head didn't fail, the superweapon would explode.

Then, cities hit by ballistic missiles will be destroyed by super weapons in an instant.

There are more than one billion viewers watching Wang Wei's live broadcast room.And among these people, there are also a lot of stick people.

When those sticks first entered the live broadcast and saw a large number of missiles flying towards their stick country, they already realized that it was not good.

Huaxia and Bangzi were fighting, and at first they thought it was a missile that Huaxia fired at them.

But when Wang Wei explained it, they realized that the missiles in the sky that flew towards the cities of their Bangzi country were actually launched by the Bangzi country themselves.

It's only because the nerds discovered the missiles launched by their stick country and tampered with the targets of the missiles carrying the super-weapon heads, which led to those missiles flying to their own cities in a better route.

Knowing this result made them want to vomit blood.

If those missiles were launched by Huaxia, it would be fine. After all, the two countries are at war, and it is normal to launch missiles at each other.

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