But the missiles they launched were actually hijacked, and they hit them in turn.Wang Wei's ability is simply cheating.

Knowing that the warheads carried by those missiles were super-weapon heads, some of the sticks that seemed to be live hurried to the nearest air-raid shelter.

The warhead carried by the ballistic missile is a super weapon head, and its power is definitely not to be underestimated.Whether it's staying in your own home or staying outdoors, it's courting death.

Only by rushing to the air-raid shelter to hide, can it be possible to survive.

Of course, if it's too late to get to the air-raid shelter, then it's okay to drill into a deeper sewer.

In this way, as long as he is in the center of the explosion of the super weapon, he will not die.

For a time, all parts of Bangzi Country were filled with people rushing to find shelter in air-raid shelters.

Since the two ballistic missiles over Incheon and Seoul reached the set target, the two ballistic missiles began to readjust their flight directions and began to fly towards the ground quickly.

Some people who watched Wang Wei's live broadcast in Incheon and Seoul, and those who rushed to the air-raid shelter quickly got into the air-raid shelter.And some people who haven't arrived at the air-raid shelter are all looking for a place to take refuge nearby. 89 Literature Network www.89wxw.com

Sewers, basements, subway tunnels, etc., all the building spaces below the ground, are all used to escape the impending disaster.

The high-level officials of Bangzi Country would have to hide in the solid air-raid shelter early.

As for the reason, of course, after they launched those ballistic missiles, they found that they could not control the ballistic missiles.

And based on satellite signal positioning, they found that the ballistic missiles they had just launched had turned around and flew towards their own country.

More than [-] missiles have problems at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to be a technical failure.The only explanation is that their missiles were tampered with target information and their control was cut off.

The people in the missile team tried to regain control of the ballistic missiles and wanted to reset the target coordinates of those ballistic missiles, but it was of no use.

In the end, all the top executives of the Bangzi country could only give up those missiles that were out of control, and then all went into the strongest air-raid shelter to hide.

After all, super weapon explosions are no joke.

Incheon and Seoul, people who knew the disaster was coming, had all found places they thought were safe and hid.And those who don't know it, are still doing the same things as usual.

Class, work, sports, love.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the air was suppressed.

It was as if everyone could sense the impending disaster.

Suddenly, someone raised his head with a sense of feeling, and then found a missile with a long tail in the sky diving towards the ground.

puff! ! ! !

Before anyone could react, the missile with a speed of several Mach plunged into the river.

The same is true for the missiles that attacked Incheon, and the same is true for the missiles that attacked Seoul.

And after those missiles plunged into the river, there was no response at all.It's as if those missiles didn't carry warheads at all.

However, as well as those who watched the live broadcast know that all ballistic missiles carry warheads, and they are not conventional explosive warheads, but superweapon heads used for strategic deterrence.

Since none of the missiles exploded, there was something wrong with those super-weapon heads.

For a time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was everywhere.

"The luck of the sticks is really good, and neither of the two missiles exploded! This Nima can go to buy lottery tickets!"

"It's not luck, but the quality of the super weapon heads made by the Bangzi country is not good enough, or the super weapon heads they make are simply inferior!"

"The batteries that shouldn't explode exploded one after another, and the super weapons that should explode didn't explode. I'm also convinced by the technology of the Bangzi Kingdom!"

"Don't say that, the skills of the sticks are still very good. I spent [-] sticks in Seoul last year to spend [-] sticks in the stars. The technology is really nothing to say! It's so comfortable!"

"God is [-] yuan, just say [-] RMB! Pretend!"

"But anyway, the sticks in Incheon and Seoul have saved their lives. Next time, you can spend [-] won and enjoy it."

"Don't worry, there are still forty-eight missiles, and the country of Bangzi will definitely disappear!" , . .

Chapter [-]: The orbital change of space-based weapons is completed

People in Incheon and Seoul were almost scared to death.

Especially those who watched Wang Wei's live broadcast and knew that a ballistic missile with a super weapon head was flying towards them experienced the feeling of going from hell to heaven in just a few minutes.

Some of the people who hid in the air-raid shelter were fine, and those who had not found a suitable hiding place thought they were doomed this time.

Super weapons explode in their own city.Even if they are not directly killed by super weapons, they will definitely die in pain for the next few years because of nuclear radiation.

But now after the ballistic missile hit the ground, it did not explode.

This is simply the surprise of life.

Many sticks are thankful in their hearts, thanking God for not taking them away.At the same time, it is also fortunate that the super weapon technology made by their country is not up to the mark.

At least many people think so, certainly because the technology is immature.Therefore, the super weapon head did not explode.

And almost no one thought that it was Wang Wei who destroyed the detonating device of the super weapon head in advance, so the super weapon head did not explode.

In the next few minutes, various cities in Bangzi Country staged such a scene one after another.

Some were shivering in shelters, subway tunnels and even sewers.Others knelt directly on the ground and prayed to heaven.

Then, a missile with a long tail of flame flew straight down from the sky and crashed into rivers, lakes, and ponds.

Then, for the past few minutes, none of the missiles that fell to the ground exploded.

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