From the ground, only a red Optimus Pillar can be seen falling from the sky and then hitting the ground.

However, those who can see this scene can only see so much.Because when the metal rod fell from the sky and hit the ground, a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread to the surrounding at an extremely fast speed.

All buildings that were passed through by the shock wave, whether it was a high-rise building or a low-rise residential building, collapsed in an instant.

The people and animals that were passed through by the shock wave flew directly to the outside as if they were hit by a train.And those who were hit and flew, all lost their lives before they landed.

The strong shock wave directly shattered the internal organs and brains of those people, and there was no time to experience the pain.It can be said that these people are more happy than euthanasia.

Of course, that kind of perspective is only seen by the dying sticks.The viewing angle seen by the audience in Wang Wei's live broadcast room is completely different.

Because the moment the city of Bangzi Country was destroyed by the Titianji railgun, everything in the city was destroyed.People also died, and the camera equipment and communication equipment were broken.

So almost no one was able to film that disastrous scene.Even if there is a video recording device that is lucky enough to capture it, there is no network at all to transmit those videos to the Internet.Because the moment those metal rods landed, all the communication equipment and lines in the city were damaged.

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room can only watch the scene of Wang Wei destroying the Bangzi Kingdom through the naked-eye 3D stereoscopic image on Wang Wei's desk.

I saw a virtual map, and suddenly there were thin red lines extending from mid-air to the ground.Then when the red line contacts the ground, it is obvious that another circle of ripples on the ground spreads outward from the position of the red dot.Then wherever the ripples go, everything turns into ruins.

At one time, twenty metal rods were shot by the space-based electromagnetic railgun into the territory of the country of sticks.All the space-based electromagnetic railguns were fired once every thirty seconds, and after ten rounds were actually launched, and two hundred metal rods were fired to the country of the stick, the space-based electromagnetic weapons stopped.

At this time, the entire country of Bangzi has been ploughed by space-based electromagnetic weapons.It can be said that all the towns in the Bangzi country have been destroyed, and there are very few people who survived.

All the audience in the live broadcast room fell silent.

Although many people said before that the stick will be destroyed, but to see a country destroyed in just five minutes, to be honest, many people were shocked.

Many people even started to feel unbearable.

It's still that they didn't see the tragic picture of the destruction of the Bangzi Kingdom at close range.If you see it, maybe more people can't accept it.

Although it is said that the neon will also be destroyed by the use of super weapons in various countries, but the neon is not the same as the country of the stick.When countries throw a lot of super weapons at the neon, there are almost only zombies left in the neon, and there are not many people who are really alive.Before the country of sticks was destroyed, everyone was a living person.

But Wang Wei has no regrets.

From the moment the Bangzi country used nuclear weapons on a large scale, Wang Wei had no intention of letting the Bangzi country continue to remain in this world.

Before he has found a replacement planet that can replace the earth and allow human beings to survive, Wang Wei will never allow anyone to make the earth's environment no longer suitable for human habitation.

Absolutely not allowed! , , .

Chapter [-]: Domineering Declaration

The director of Mi Jian Space Center was really depressed at this time and wanted to scold his mother.

When he discovered that all of Wang Wei's space-based weapons were in synchronous orbit, the director of the Mijian Space Center kept pulling his hair out in distress.

Although Mijian has the largest number of satellites in the world, it even exceeds the number of satellites owned by other countries combined.

However, the number of geostationary satellites is not very large, and they are all satellites with very important uses.In addition, the orbit of the synchronous satellite is at an altitude of [-] kilometers above the equator. After entering the orbit of the synchronous satellite, the synchronous satellite will basically not continue to change orbits.

Moreover, before the geostationary satellite enters the orbit of the geostationary satellite, its internal fuel is almost used up, and there is not much fuel left for its orbit change.

However, Wang Wei's space-based weapon was located at an altitude of [-] kilometers above Bangzi Country. Although the altitude was the same as that of the geostationary satellite, it was not in the same orbit at all.

It is very difficult for the Mijian Space Center to get a space-based weapon for research.

Because they have to find a geostationary satellite with enough fuel left, and then let it re-orbit and crash into one of the space-based weapons.

After the space-based weapons had carried out three rounds of air strikes on the Bangzi country, the Mijian Space Center finally made up its mind to sacrifice a military satellite with more fuel left to collide with one of the space-based weapons over the Bangzi country.

As long as it succeeds, the sacrifice of the military-purpose geostationary satellite is worth it.

But when the Mijian Space Center controlled the orbital change of the military-use geostationary satellite, and the satellite was already deviated from the geostationary orbit by hundreds of kilometers.All the space-based weapons that had completed ten rounds of blows against Bangzi Country suddenly disappeared.

Yes, it just disappeared suddenly.

Wang Wei's space-based weapons have strong anti-detection capabilities. Wang Wei's space-based weapons never appeared on Mi Jian's satellite radar screen from beginning to end.It was only when the space-based weapon launched an attack that Mi Jian accidentally discovered the space-based weapon over the Bangzi Kingdom through the video screen.

However, after the space-based weapons completed their attack on the country of Bangzi, the space-based weapons on the video screen suddenly disappeared.As if it never existed.

If it weren't for the fact that satellites could photograph the tragic situation in the country of Bangzi, the people at the Mijian Space Center would even think that space-based weapons had never appeared.

Moreover, because of the collective disappearance of space-based weapons, the military-use geostationary satellites that have been de-orbited have completely lost their goals.It's just that there is not a lot of fuel in itself because of the orbit change, and the remaining fuel is simply not enough to return the military-purpose geostationary satellite that has been changed orbit back to the original geostationary orbit.

The Mijian Space Center lost a highly valuable military-use geostationary satellite in vain, but they did not get the space-based weapons they wanted, even the destroyed ones. uu library

The Mijian Space Center is constantly checking the images captured by the satellite frame by frame.In the end, it was discovered that those space-based weapons that disappeared had suddenly disappeared.Moreover, the picture of the previous frame still exists, and the picture of the next frame disappears.

Then, the Mi Jian Space Center got a terrible guess that Wang Wei had mastered optical stealth technology.

Wang Wei has already mastered the electromagnetic stealth technology. If he has mastered the optical stealth technology now, then once Mi Jian and Wang Wei have a conflict.The director of the Mijian Space Center couldn't imagine it anymore.


After completing the aerial attack on Bangzi Kingdom, Wang Wei did not close the live broadcast immediately, but enlarged the naked-eye 3D stereoscopic image on the desk, so that the audience in the live broadcast room could see the ruins of Bangzi Kingdom through the video.

The screen shows that all the cities and towns in Bangzi Country have been turned into ruins.There is not a single intact building on the ground.

Because the viewing angle still has a certain height, the audience in the live broadcast room still can't see the corpses all over the ground in Bangzi Kingdom.

"The country of the stick has completely disappeared from the earth, and I don't want other countries to completely disappear from the earth in the future. But I would like to warn all countries with super weapons, you better not use super weapons! Otherwise, the country of sticks It's your fate!" Wang Wei said coldly, looking at the camera.

"The famous physicist Hawking once predicted that if human beings cannot immigrate to other planets within a hundred years, then human beings will forever lose the opportunity to leave the earth!"

"The earth's resources are being consumed rapidly, and all kinds of mammals on the earth are going extinct at an extremely fast rate. In recent times, more than [-] kinds of animals have become extinct, and there are nearly [-] kinds of birds and more than [-] kinds of animals. Mammals, more than [-] species of amphibians and reptiles, and more than [-] species of higher plants are on the verge of extinction."

"The earth's environment is rapidly changing in a direction that is not suitable for life on earth. If human beings cannot move to other habitable planets suitable for human existence within a hundred years, human beings will be like those endangered animals. disappear!"

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