"However, although the earth's environment is constantly getting worse and unsuitable for human habitation, there are still dozens or hundreds of years away."

"During these times, we humans can also work hard to develop space technology and explore whether there are planets suitable for human habitation in galaxies other than the solar system!"

"I don't know if other countries or other companies, organizations, and scientific research units are studying space technology. I don't know if they have the ability to find other planets suitable for human existence in a hundred years. I don't know if they have the ability. In a hundred years, a large number of humans will be sent into space and sent to another habitable planet suitable for human existence."

"But I can! I have this ability! I can build a space battleship that leads human beings on interstellar voyages within ten years! I can build a large number of cosmic automatic probes in a year to be used in the vast universe. Find other habitable planets suitable for human existence!"

"Therefore, if anyone tries to destroy the earth in advance, no matter who he is or what country he is, I will make him disappear from the earth! I swear on my honor, I will do what I say!" Wang Wei watched the live broadcast The lens said arrogantly. , , .

Chapter [-]: Are there really other 'Earths'?

"My God! Are you telling the truth, Otaku? Have you been able to build a space battleship that leads humans on interstellar roaming!!"

"God, are you serious?"

"Is the earth really going to end? Can human beings really find a habitable planet to replace the earth in a hundred years?"

"God, have you started building a space battleship? Let's see what a space battleship looks like!"

"That's right, we want to see what the future space battleship will look like!"

"Since everyone wants to see what the future space battleship will look like, then let me book the first place to board the space battleship in the future!"

"Upstairs is too cunning! I also want to book a place on the space battleship!"

"God, you are our idol! You will definitely not be like those hateful capitalists who only let rich people board your space battleship, right!"

"I have [-] deposits in my bank card, but it's not enough for a ferry ticket?"

"Ten thousand dare to call it a deposit! That's called a balance!"

"God's special balance, I don't even have a balance in my bank card!"

"God, I just want to know if it is possible to find a habitable planet suitable for human existence outside the solar system? The Hubble Space Telescope can capture the GN-11 galaxy [-] billion light-years away from the earth. Twilight. But until now, it is still the same, and another planet suitable for human habitation has not been found."

"I checked the Internet, and it really is! I can see stars [-] billion light-years away, and I haven't found a planet like Earth that can allow humans to survive. Is it fundamental? Is there no such planet?"

Wang Wei, who saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, smiled slightly, with an unusually confident smile on his face.

"I have seen all your questions, and I understand what you are worried about. Those who want to see what the future space battleship will look like, wait for a while. Let me answer some of your doubts first."

"I see people asking whether there really exists a habitable planet like the earth that is suitable for human existence. They think that human beings have not yet found a planet suitable for human existence, so such a planet is probably the only planet like the earth. One."

"I can't say anything about those who think like this. I can only say that your pattern is not big enough, your vision is not long-term enough, and your brain is not smart enough!"

"The light emitted by the farthest stars that humans can detect now is indeed emitted by stars more than ten billion light years away. The planets have all been explored."

"Actually, humans have only investigated more than a thousand planets outside the solar system. And they are only brought in by parameters such as the surface temperature, density, atmospheric environment, age of the central star, and orbital radius of the planets, and finally calculate whether they are suitable or not. living conditions.

"At the same time, all of these thousand planets are only within one thousand light-years from the earth. You must know that the Milky Way, where our solar system is located, has a diameter of [-] to [-] light-years."

"There are [-] billion to [-] billion stars like the sun in the Milky Way. That means there are at least [-] billion 'solar systems' in the Milky Way."

"Even if only one 'solar system' in 7 million 'solar systems' has a planet suitable for human existence, then there are at least a thousand planets in the Milky Way that are suitable for human existence like Earth. Not to mention there are countless other planets outside the Milky Way. A galaxy like the Milky Way." Fantasy Novel Network www.[-]huan.com

"Besides, we have discovered two kinds of aliens now. Among them, there are Atlantis people around me. Do you still think that there are no other planets suitable for human habitation in the universe?"

"It doesn't exist! There must be! It's just that we need to find it. When I create a large number of space automatic detection spacecraft, I will be able to let them go to the universe to detect the environment of each planet one by one."

"Although scientists have now calculated whether the environment of more than a thousand planets outside the solar system is suitable for human survival. But that is only speculation after all. Before field detection, everything is still unknown."

"Moreover, the speed of the automatic detection spacecraft of the universe is very fast, and the speed in space can even reach a degree faster than one-tenth of the speed of light. It only takes two days to reach Pluto at the edge of the solar system from the earth, I believe that in a few years, we will be able to find a habitable planet suitable for human habitation!" Wang Wei said optimistically.

In fact, Wang Wei firmly believes that there must be many planets suitable for human existence in the universe, because Wang Wei once exchanged all civilizations in the entire galaxy from the technology mall in order to understand the characters and languages ​​of the Atlantis civilization and the Purd civilization. The official language and script package of .

In that language and text package, there are [-] languages ​​and characters of different civilizations. Therefore, in the galaxy, there are at least [-] kinds of intelligent civilizations, which means that there are at least [-] in the galaxy. A planet suitable for intelligent life.

The one hundred and eight civilizations are at least civilizations above the third-level civilization.Because the language package that Wang Wei purchased did not contain any language on the earth that was only a second-level civilization.

In other words, there are definitely more than one hundred and eight kinds of intelligent life in the Milky Way.There must be more than one hundred and eight planets that can breed intelligent life.

Human beings want to find a habitable planet suitable for human existence in the universe... no... It is not too difficult for humans to find a habitable planet from the Milky Way.

Just not an impossible thing.

After Wang Weike finished, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly flew up again.

"Welcome to watch the otaku science channel!"

"God, you promised to show us the future space battleship!!"

"God! Science is over, take us to see the future space battleship!"

"God! I still want to book a place to board a space battleship in the future!"

"God, I have an old ship ticket from ten years ago. Can I board your brand new spaceship?"

"Can the old ticket also be used? I have a box here!"

Wang Wei laughed as he watched the barrage in his live broadcast room.

It seems that many people do not care too much about the fact that the earth will not be suitable for human habitation in a hundred years.After all, young people today are at least in their teens and twenties, and whether they can live for a hundred years is a question.

However, Wang Wei believes that those people will care about it soon.

"Well, since everyone wants to see space battleships, do you want to see virtual images? Or do you want to see real objects?" Wang Wei asked the camera with a smile. , , .

Chapter [-]: Got some ideas

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