Wang Wei's domineering declaration in the live broadcast room has reached the ears of almost all the ruling parties in the country.

No country is allowed to use super weapons.If any country uses super weapons, then the country of the stick is their example.

This is simply a declaration of war on all military powers with super weapons.

Countries that don't have super weapons themselves are happy.Anyway, they themselves do not have super weapons, let alone how to use super weapons in war.

As for countries with super weapons, some countries don't care.For example, Huaxia, because Huaxia has never planned to actively use super weapons.Even, Huaxia has no intention of actively sending wars with other countries.

As for Mi Jian, although he was dissatisfied with what Wang Wei said, he did not dare to stand up against it.

Wang Wei easily intercepted fifty medium and short-range ballistic missiles with super weapon heads launched by Bangziguo. This is no joke.

Although Mi Jian has the largest reserve of super weapons in the world, if they are to be used in wars, they must be launched with ballistic missiles.

Since Wang Wei can invade the ballistic missiles of the Bangzi country and gain control of the missiles, it is very likely that he will also be able to control their missiles.

If after using missiles to launch super weapons, they would be hijacked by Wang Wei and tampered with the target coordinates like Bangzi country's missiles, then they would cry.

Bangzi country is close to China, so Wang Wei does not want a lot of nuclear pollution in Bangzi country.

But Mi Jian is far away from China. Maybe Wang Wei will not destroy the detonator of the super weapon, and let those super weapons hit Mi Jian's city and destroy it.

Even if they didn't let the super weapons explode like Bang Ziguo, they could not endure the blow from the space-based weapons in the synchronous orbit in the end.

After all, Bangzi Country has just turned into ruins not long ago.Mi Jian didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the country of sticks.

And, while super weapons have a strategic threat role.Not enough Even if they don't use super weapons, their military power is not something that other countries can underestimate.

Mi Jian's military scientific and technological strength is not just piled up with super weapons. In terms of conventional military and scientific and technological strength, Mi Jian is also one of the best in the world.

Of course, that was all before.

Now because of Wang Wei's existence, Mi Jian's military and technological strength is no longer the world's number one.

Of course, there is one country more displeased with Wang Wei's declaration than Mi Jian.That is the North and South.

The North and South Kingdoms are poor and pitiful, and their leaders are quite dissatisfied with the Bangzi Kingdom, which is of the same nation as them.

In particular, the Bangzi Kingdom was independent from the Southern Kingdom.After my son's separation, his life has been better. It's not cool to drink and eat meat every day.But I still eat pickled vegetables porridge again, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, the North and South Kingdoms are always thinking of annexing the Bangzi Kingdom.This way they can live a comfortable life.

But Bangziguo never thought of going back to recognize the poor father in Beinanguo.After all, Bangzi Country already has a new father.His new father is rich and powerful, so why should he go back and recognize that poor father?

Then the North and South countries don't think so.Since the text is not good, it is better to come to the martial arts. If the conventional team cannot win, then it is better to study nuclear weapons. 678 Reading Novels

Then after years of research and development, Nanguo finally mastered the technology of making super weapons, and finally has the strength to speak on the world stage.

But now Wang Wei said that no one is allowed to use super weapons. Didn't this directly make their years of hard work go to waste?How can this work.

But after thinking about it, don't destroy the country next door.If they jump out, it is estimated that the end will be the same as Bangzi Country.

In the end, Xin Pang of the North and South countries was discouraged.Or don't be that early bird.

Moreover, the country of Bangzi next door has been destroyed, and they can take the opportunity to occupy the territory of the country of Bangzi.Even if you can't occupy it, it would be good to take some gold reserves from the ruins of the National Bank of Bangzi.

As a result, the North and South countries began to gather teams.

But they were destined to be disappointed.

Although it is said that the Bangzi Kingdom has been destroyed, the original territory of the Bangzi Kingdom will never come to the North and South countries to pick peaches.

The Bangzi Kingdom was destroyed by Wang Wei. It stands to reason that Wang Wei should occupy the territory of the Bangzi Kingdom.However, Wang Wei has no interest in the little bit of land in Bangzi Kingdom. His goal is the stars and the sea. How can he limit himself to a small peninsula.

If Wang Wei is not interested in that land, Huaxia can also occupy it.After all, Huaxia was at war with the Bangzi Kingdom before, and the destruction of the Bangzi Kingdom was equivalent to a defeated country. As a victorious country, Huaxia was naturally qualified to receive all the properties of the Bangzi Kingdom.

Of course, if Mi Jian is a little bit more rogue, they can also come to occupy the territory of the Bangzi Kingdom, after all, they are the godfathers of the Bangzi Kingdom.

But the last possibility is destined to not happen, because Huaxia will never let Mi Jian occupy the territory of Bangzi Kingdom.

Therefore, after Wang Wei stopped air strikes against Bangzi Country, the Huaxia Navy Fleet immediately blocked the surrounding waters of Bangzi Country.The territory of the Bangzi Kingdom is to be decided by Huaxia.

In the center of the Ziguang Pavilion, the five elders are still not separated.

However, the five elders were not discussing the matter of the Bangzi Kingdom.The Bangzi Kingdom no longer exists. Although it is impossible for Huaxia to let Mi Jian occupy the territory of the Bangzi Kingdom, it only needs to issue an order to the following.

It only needs to issue orders to several military regions that participated in the war with the Bangzi country before, let the naval fleet block the sea area, and let the army land and occupy the territory of the Bangzi country.It is not necessary for the five elders to stay together all the time.

In fact, the reason why the five elders hadn't separated for a while after the war ended was related to Wang Wei.

The world's population is growing rapidly, and the earth's resources are also rapidly depleting.Everyone knows that they should turn their attention to space beyond Earth.

After all, the earth's resources are limited, the increase in the earth's population requires more resources, and the development of human society also requires more resources.Sooner or later, the earth's resources will no longer be able to meet human needs.

The country is also very aware of this, so the study of technology in the space field has never stopped.

It is precisely because of this that Huaxia was able to launch the space station belonging to Huaxia into space not long ago.

It's just that the country's progress in space technology is not very fast, otherwise it would not have taken twenty or thirty years to send its own space station into space.And this is the result after studying the technical materials left by Wang Wei.

And now Wang Wei said in his live broadcast that he can build an autonomous space exploration spacecraft that can reach Pluto in two days within a year.And it can also build space warships that lead humans to space exploration within ten years.

This gave the five elders some ideas. , , .

Chapter [-]: The Goddess of Dawn

The resources of the earth will be less and less, in order to meet the needs of the development of human society, human beings must eventually develop to the universe.

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