Although Huaxia has successfully mastered the space station technology now, it has launched its own space station into space.But this is still a very long way from flying out of the earth.

Not to mention moving humans to other planets, even the development of other planets cannot be done.Even if the object is the earth's natural satellite - the moon, it is completely unacceptable.

Although Huaxia has mastered many technologies left by Wang Wei, it has also successfully built a space shuttle that can travel back and forth between the earth and the moon within two hours.

Huaxia can easily use the space shuttle to send several humans to the moon and stay on the moon for a few days.

But that was only for a few days.There is simply no way to exploit the resources on the moon.

It doesn’t matter if the gravity on the moon is small. The key point is that the moon is almost in a vacuum state, and there is no way for humans to work on the moon.

For humans to stay on the moon for a long time, it is necessary to establish a camp suitable for human survival on the moon.

And a large camp is simply not something that China can build today.Not only China, but no country on earth can do that.

If a robot can be built that can completely ignore the space environment, it would be possible to develop the resources on the moon.

But apart from Wang Wei, no one on earth has mastered the technology of making robots.

Although Wang Wei has the technology to develop the moon, Wang Wei does not want to develop it.The development of the moon requires a large number of engineering robots, and the harvest cycle is also long.

Now the earth's resources are still enough for Wang Wei to use, and he is now poor and only has money left.Therefore, why do you have to spend time and effort to solve problems that can be solved with money?

Now Wang Wei said that he could build a space battleship that could carry humans on interstellar travel. Of course, the five elders once again raised the idea of ​​sharing the technology mastered by Wang Wei.

Of course, the five elders knew that there was no way to easily obtain those technologies from Wang Wei.But always try it, in case Wang Wei agrees.

Moreover, the technological content contained in the space battleship must be much stronger than the previous space shuttle.

Didn't you hear what Wang Wei said before, the cosmic automatic exploration spacecraft under construction can fly from Earth to Pluto in two days.If the space shuttle is to fly, it will take at least two or three years.

Compared with the technology of the space shuttle, the technology content of this exploration spacecraft is definitely beyond a big level.

Wang Wei had previously stated to Elder No. [-] that he would not give his cards to others.

But now Wang Wei has clearly mastered more advanced technology, maybe the country will now have the opportunity to obtain the 'outdated' technology that Wang Wei had before.

Such as the technology to make engineering robots.

If you master this technology, Huaxia can manufacture a large number of engineering robots, and then let them build bases on the moon and develop lunar resources.

There is no need to compete with other countries for the dwindling resources of the earth.

Especially now that other countries do not have the strength to occupy the moon.If Huaxia can gain a firm foothold on the moon before Mi Jian and other countries, then the various resources on the moon will not be left to Huaxia's choice.Biquge dm

So, the five elders, together, went to Wang Wei to have a look, and tried to convince Wang Wei to share some technology with the country.

If Wang Wei and Huaxia are successfully persuaded to share technology, even if only a part of it is not the most cutting-edge technology for Wang Wei, it will definitely have endless benefits for Huaxia.

After confirming this matter, Elder No. [-] immediately called Wang Wei.

After Wang Wei closed the live broadcast, he returned to the laboratory to check the experimental reports and some experimental conjectures of the [-] students.

He didn't pick up the phone after hearing the phone ring, and let Xiao Hei transfer the signal directly.

"Hello?" Because there were not many people who could call Wang Wei, he didn't say anything polite.

"Kid Wang Wei, are you free now? Old man, I want to visit your kid on your floating island, don't know if it's alright?" The voice of the No. [-] elder reached Wang Wei's mind.

Wang Wei instantly heard Elder No. [-]'s voice.

"Oh! It's you, Elder No. [-]! Who am I talking about? You know that I mostly stay in the laboratory, but if you keep coming, I can't leave you alone."

"It's really great, I and the other four elders will now take the space shuttle built by the country according to your kid's technology to your floating island. You kid can't leave us alone!" Elder No. [-] said jokingly.

"Now? Well, come here. The space shuttle won't take much time. I just asked 2B to prepare some tea for you."

Wang Wei did not ask Elder No. [-] what they were coming for.

However, the relationship between Wang Wei and Huaxia, especially the relationship with the No. [-] elder, has always been good.The No. [-] elder is coming to visit, and Wang Wei can't keep the No. [-] elder and the others away.

However, what Wang Wei can be sure of is that when the No. [-] elder comes to him, it is definitely not as simple as stalking the door, but there must be something to ask him.

As for what, nine times out of ten, it is a matter of the technology he has mastered.After all, Wang Wei is only worthy of the country's coveted technology.

As for what technology the country is interested in, Wang Wei doesn't know.It is not impossible for a country to want technology.

However, the technology of the third-level civilization is absolutely impossible, and some of the technology of the second-level civilization can be considered.

Of course, if you want to get it, you have to give it.There is definitely no free lunch in the world. Even if Wang Wei is from China, it is impossible to provide technology to the country for free all the time.

After all, those technologies were also exchanged by Wang Wei from the technology mall by spending his reputation.If the country wants to get it, it has to pay a little price.

Wang Wei ordered 2B to prepare tea, and the five elders also prepared to board the space shuttle belonging to the country.

On the other side of the world, however, there is tension at the Houston Aeronautical Administration.

"The Dawn Goddess Mars module is about to return! The International Space Station must successfully capture the Dawn Goddess Mars module!"

"Dawn Girl has no fuel for orbit adjustment! If you miss this one and only opportunity, then the two-year wait will be in vain!" ,, ..

Chapter [-]: Five elders come to the door

"This is the International Space Station, preparing to capture the 'Dawn Goddess' Mars return capsule!"

"The robotic arm has been prepared, and the capture of the 'Goddess of Dawn' Mars return capsule can be launched at any time!"

"Found the 'Dawn Goddess' Mars return capsule! The 'Dawn Goddess' Mars return capsule is flying towards us at high speed!"

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