"Adjust the position of the robotic arm! Prepare to capture the 'Dawn Goddess' Mars return capsule!"

"It's coming! It's coming! It's getting closer!"

"Not good! May collide!"

Boom! !

There was a loud noise, and at the same time the space station shook for a while, but it quickly stabilized.

"Haha!! The International Space Station successfully captured the 'Dawn Goddess' Mars return capsule!"

"Prepare for the docking work, and take out some Mars samples from the 'Dawn Goddess' Mars return capsule!"

A sound came from the radio communication system to the headquarters of the Space Agency in Houston.

When they heard that the International Space Station successfully captured the 'Dawn Goddess' Mars return capsule, everyone in the Houston NASA headquarters cheered.

Two years ago, Mi Jian and several other countries jointly developed a Mars rover.

Not a long development time, just from launch to return, it took up to two years.

Now that the 'Goddess of Dawn' Mars return module has been successfully recovered, their years of hard work have not been in vain.

Dozens of Martian soil, rock, and air samples from the successful Mars return capsule of the Dawn Goddess.

This is of great significance for humans to study whether there is life on Mars and whether Mars is suitable for humans.

There are two biologists in the International Space Station itself, so the research work on the samples brought back from Mars can be done directly on the International Space Station.

After all, humans have never reached Mars in the past, and there is no guarantee that the soil and air brought back from Mars are originally safe.

The samples brought back from Mars are studied directly on the International Space Station, and if anything goes wrong, it will cost up to six people a day on the International Space Station.

If the situation is any worse, even the International Space Station will be damaged.At least this will not affect the human beings on earth.

The people on the International Space Station controlled the robotic arm to complete the docking between the Dawn Goddess Mars return module and the International Space Station, and then took out all the samples inside.

The research on whether there is life on Mars and whether there is suitable for human existence on Mars has officially begun.


The five elders have come to Wang Wei's floating island in the space shuttle made by the state.

This time, Wang Wei did not go out to meet him.Instead, 2B brought the five elders to a small conference room in the biological laboratory.

The five elders each sat on a chair, slowly sipping the tea that 2B brought them, without speaking.Go to Tingshu.com www.7tingshu.com

Wang Wei couldn't stand it any longer.The five elders came to his floating island together, and they must have something to look for him.But now just drinking tea and not talking, nine times out of ten, he wants to get something from Wang Wei.

And the five elders all wanted the other four to speak, or they hadn't figured out how to speak on the way.That's why I just drank tea without talking.

But Wang Wei didn't have much time to spend with the five elders here. The five elders had free time, but he didn't.

Wang Wei put the teacup in his hand on the table.

"I said five elders, if you have nothing to do, I will go back to work, but I put down my research and come here to accompany you."

After speaking, Wang Wei sat up and was about to get up and leave.

The five elders quickly stopped Wang Wei.

Just kidding, they came to the floating island with a purpose. If Wang Wei left his confidant like this, then their trip would not be in vain.

"Little friend Wang Wei, don't leave in a hurry!" Elder No. [-] immediately stood up to stop him.The other four elders also stood up one after another.

"Five elders, you don't have anything important. If you just drink tea, 2B will just stay. I still have a lot of work to do!" Wang Wei said.

"Don't! Don't! Old man, we really have something to do with you this time, old man." Elder No. [-] quickly explained.

Seeing that the elders finally stopped writing ink, Wang Wei sat down again.

"Then tell me if you have anything to do. I will definitely help if I can. If I can't, then don't make it difficult for me." Wang Wei stated in advance.

"Of course! Of course!" Several elders smiled and nodded.

"Your kid said in the live broadcast that you are now able to build space battleships that carry humans for interstellar voyages. Is it true?" Elder No. [-] asked curiously.

"Of course, I can still deceive people all over the world. And at the end of the live broadcast, didn't I show everyone the large factory on the island below the floating island, if not to build a big guy , why am I building so many factories?" Wang Wei said speechlessly.

He didn't expect that Elder No. [-] would actually suspect what he said in the live broadcast. You must know that he never told a lie in the live broadcast.

Elder No. [-] smiled awkwardly.

"It's not that I don't believe you, old man, but this news is too shocking! The country can't even develop the moon now, and your kid is already capable of interstellar voyage. It's normal for us old men to not accept it for a while. numb!"

Wang Weimo silently looked at Elder No. [-].

Before, he just guessed that the purpose of Elder No. [-] and the others was to ask for technology.As for now, this speculation has been confirmed.

If the purpose of the elders this time is not the technology he has mastered, Wang Wei will chop off his head.

Elder No. [-] was a little uncomfortable when Wang Wei looked at him, but he didn't show it on the surface.

Having been Elder Huaxia No. [-] for so many years, it has become instinctive not to reveal what he thinks in his heart at all times.In addition, being thick-skinned has become an instinct.

"Kid Wang Wei, you also said in the live broadcast that with the growth of the earth's population and the development of the earth, the resources of the earth will become more and more insufficient. But if it is not enough, it must be used. After all, the country does not have The ability to develop the resources of other planets!"

"But the country doesn't have that ability, but your boy has that ability. So we old men came here today because we hope that your boy can cooperate with the country!"

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