PS: Recommend a good book "The Tyrant of the Beiyang Yuan Shikai", the great god of history, the quality is guaranteed. , , .

Chapter [-]: Give or Not

"Cooperation with the country? Am I not cooperating with the country now?" Wang Wei asked strangely.

Huaxia is the only world on earth that has Wang Wei's advanced technology, even if it is only a part of it, but only Huaxia has it.

There are also technologies that Wang Wei publicly can cooperate with, and all of them cooperate with Huaxia.

It's already like this, and the elders are still thinking about what kind of technical cooperation.

"Kid Wang Wei, I also know the old man. The technology of the space battleship you are building now will definitely not be shared with anyone. After all, it must contain all the cutting-edge technology of your boy."

"The country is not greedy. What we want is the manufacturing technology of your engineering robots."

"You know, humans can't survive in a space environment. Although wearing a heavy space suit can be in space for a period of time, the mobility is severely limited."

"The resources on the earth are being used less and less, and the moon, which is very close to the earth, has most of the resources that the earth has. Although the country is now capable of sending humans to the moon, people in heavy space suits are There is simply no way to do complex, high-volume work on the moon.”

"Not to mention whether a person's physical strength can be sustained, even the appearance of a space suit cannot support a person staying in the space environment for too long."

"It's different if there are engineering robots. Engineering robots don't need oxygen, and the space environment doesn't affect them at all. I remember your kid once took some engineering robots to the moon to help you work!" No. [-] said the elder.

"Yes, there is such a thing." Wang Wei nodded and admitted.

When Wang Wei discovered the Atlantis civilization and the space battleships of the Podcasts on the moon, it was because the spaceships of the Podcasts were mechanical civilizations, just like the Earth civilization.

Once Wang Wei wanted to study the technology of the Pods, hoping to reverse the anti-gravity technology of the Pods.Therefore, the engineering robot was asked to completely dismantle the space battleship of the Perdists, and then brought the anti-gravity module back.

After that, Wang Wei also successfully developed his own anti-gravity technology through the anti-gravity module on the Podstar space battleship.You must know that anti-gravity technology belongs to the third-level civilization technology, and Wang Wei at that time only mastered the technology of the second-level civilization.

Seeing Wang Wei nodding, Elder No. [-] showed a slight smile on his face.It seems that he feels that the purpose of this time to come to the floating island is likely to be successful.

"Kid Wang Wei, if we can develop lunar resources, we will be able to alleviate the shortage of resources on Earth. Especially now, no one has the ability to develop space resources. Naturally, whoever develops it first will be the one."

"If Huaxia takes the lead in developing lunar resources, then naturally all the resources on the moon can be exploited by Huaxia. There is no possibility of conflict with other countries."

"So, old man, I sincerely hope that you, Wang Wei, can share the manufacturing technology of engineering robots with the country. Of course, you can rest assured that the country will never use engineering robots for commercial purposes!" Elder No. [-] said sincerely.

Wang Wei is not worried about the international use of engineering robots for business, because it is simply impossible.

If the country really got the relevant technology of engineering robots from Wang Wei, it would be too late to hide it and how could it be made public.After all, the actual value of engineering robots is much higher than the commercial value.Qusoshu Book

However, Wang Wei is hesitant to share the relevant technology of engineering robots with the country.

Engineering robot-related technologies are not considered advanced technologies in Wang Wei's case.It is also a second-level technological peak battle robot. Although it is also a robot, its technological content is much higher than that of engineering robots.

Not to mention that there are engineering robots with higher technological content in the third-level technology.It's just because the current engineering robots can still meet Wang Wei's needs, so Wang Wei has not built engineering robots with a higher level of third-level technology.

However, although the technology contained in engineering robots is not the most advanced in Wang Wei, it does not mean that engineering robots are useless.

On the contrary, the value of engineering robots is even higher than that of more technologically advanced combat robots.Especially in industrial manufacturing.

Engineering robots can build anything as long as they have blueprints.And the speed and quality of construction are better than ordinary humans, especially the speed, which is even more incomparable to humans.After all, robots do not need to rest.

Then as long as there is a command, the engineering robot can also do any work.Whether it is catching birds in the sky or fishing in the sea, anything is possible.

If Wang Wei really shares the related technologies of engineering robots with Huaxia, then Huaxia's industrial base will surely be able to catch up with Europe and the United States in a very short period of time.

Wang Wei does not reject his country's catching up with the Omega family in all aspects and becoming the world's No. [-]. On the contrary, as long as he does not threaten himself, Wang Wei will support him.


Wang Wei kept his head down in thought.

Seeing that Wang Wei kept his head down and frowned, but did not speak, the hearts of the five elders gradually sank.

From their point of view, Wang Wei's current appearance seems to have become suspended.This time, I'm afraid it can't be achieved.

However, although the five elders already felt that Wang Wei could not agree to them, the first elder still asked again.

"Kid Wang Wei, how are you thinking? Can engineering robotics technology be shared with the country?" Elder No. [-] asked in a soft voice.

After all, this is too important for Huaxia. If Huaxia really has the technology to manufacture engineering robots, then Huaxia can quickly catch up with Europe and the United States in terms of industrial base.

Moreover, once Huaxia has Wang Wei's engineering robot, it will be able to develop the resources on the moon.

At that time, Huaxia, which had no competitors, would be able to exclusively enjoy all the resources on the moon.Europe and the United States will also be unable to curb the export of any scarce resources to China.Because by that time, Huaxia no longer needs to import any resources.

Hearing Elder No. [-]'s urging, Wang Wei slowly raised his head and looked at Elder No. [-].

"If the country gets the manufacturing technology of engineering robots, can it really develop the moon?" Wang Wei asked. , , .

Chapter [-]: What do you want?you say!

"If the country gets the manufacturing technology of engineering robots, can it really develop the moon?" Wang Wei asked.

Hearing Wang Wei's words, the five elders suddenly showed puzzled expressions.

In their view, after obtaining the relevant technology for manufacturing engineering robots, of course, they can start to develop the moon.

After all, there is no difference between engineering robots in the space environment and in the earth environment.

With engineering robots, it is completely possible to use engineering robots to build various factories on the moon.Used to mine and refine various minerals.

"Of course, with the engineering robot country, engineering robots can do human work on the moon, so that various automation projects can be built on the moon soon. Even if the factory cannot achieve [-]% automation, engineering can be used. Robots replace human work." Elder No. [-] said.

Wang Wei shook his head. The elders were only leaders of the country, and to put it bluntly, they were politicians.Although I know a little about the industry, I don't know much about the technology in the industry.

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