"Several elders, even if I share the relevant technology of engineering robots with the country, the country has also produced engineering robots, but there are still many problems to be solved in the development of resources on the moon."

"There is no air on the moon, so how do you extract the ore when the material arrives? Even if you can refine the ore, can you refine the ore into high-quality materials? The cost of a round trip for the spacecraft is not low. Maybe the shipping cost is higher than the cost of the material itself.”

"Also, the country only has one space shuttle now, let alone using the space shuttle as a vehicle to transport those materials extracted from the moon. The space shuttle is not used for delivery, and the interior space is not large."

"Also, even if all this is no longer a problem, after the moon is mined, will the earth's mines continue to be mined? Will there be excess production capacity if the mining continues? If not, what will the workers' countries do? After all, those workers can't be on the moon. to work."

Wang Wei said a lot, and the five elders also said a lot.And the more they listened, the deeper the frowns of the five elders became.

They really don't seem to think about it that much.

Just when I heard Wang Wei say that it has the ability to build a space battleship for interstellar voyages, the idea of ​​wanting to get more technology from Wang Wei immediately popped up.

After all, the resources of the universe are much more abundant than the earth, and no one has ever exploited them.If Huaxia were to develop it now, there would not even be a competitor.

So the five elders, who were a little dizzy by the interests of Tianda, took the space shuttle and ran to Wang Wei to ask for technology before they could think about the overall situation.

Now that Wang Wei said this, the five elders naturally realized that they were indeed reckless.

This is that although the consciousness is aware of it, it still does not give up the idea of ​​​​wanting Wang Wei Technology.

After all, in any case, if Huaxia can obtain engineering robots, the benefits will definitely outweigh the disadvantages for Huaxia.

As for Wang Wei, as a Huaxia native, he naturally hopes that Huaxia can become stronger.Therefore, it is not impossible to share some technologies that have lagged behind by a stage to the country.

Not just the related technologies and technologies of engineering robots.Even sharing all secondary tech is not a big problem.Kulu Literature www.ku6cn.com

However, Wang Wei will not do business at a loss.Even Huaxia couldn't get the technology that Wang Wei exchanged for reputation for free.

"Elder No. [-], I can hand over the technology related to engineering robots to the country. Even the synthesis technology of materials with better performance, the technology of extracting minerals on the moon, the construction of a base on the moon that can allow human beings to survive, and the kind of I can give the country the technology of a thin space suit like a diving suit. But, what can the country give me?" Wang Wei suddenly said.

The five elders were still struggling to get Wang Wei to agree to share the technology of engineering robots with the country.As a result, they became excited when they heard the first half of Wang Wei's words, because they thought that Wang Wei was willing to share those technologies with the country.

But when they heard Wang Wei say what benefits the country could give him, the five elders all fell silent.

What benefits can the country give to Wang Wei?They also want to know what benefits the country can give Wang Wei!

give money?Wang Wei can already be said to be rich enough to rival the country.to land?The floating islands built by Wang Wei are all floating in the sky and do not need land at all.give power?Wang Wei is not keen on rights at all.Otherwise, Wang Wei, who has the right to use the island for [-] years and can easily destroy the country of Bangzi, can completely establish a country by himself.

As long as Wang Wei allows immigration, it is guaranteed that a large number of people are willing to immigrate to Wang Wei's country.

After all, who doesn't want to live in the city of the sky?You can also experience the most advanced technology in the world for the first time.

After thinking for a while, Elder No. [-] looked up at Wang Wei in front of him.

"Or, all the factories built on the moon will give you a part of the shares?" Elder No. [-] asked tentatively.

Wang Wei smiled and did not speak.

If this is the case, Wang Wei can completely send engineering robots to the moon to mine resources on the moon.Everything that was mined in that way belonged to Wang Wei, and there was no need to give a portion to the country.

"Well... Or, I don't want that piece of land in Bangzi Country, and I will give it all to you?" Elder No. [-] said again.

Wang Wei smiled and shook his head: "My goal is the sea of ​​stars, and I have no interest in the land of Bangzi Kingdom."

Although the No. [-] elder has been very sincere.After all, it was the territory of the Bangzi Kingdom. Although the area was not particularly large, it was equivalent to a smaller province in China.

You must know that if China occupies the territory of the Bangzi Kingdom, it will be the first time after the founding of the Bangzi Kingdom.However, if the land of Bangzi Country was given to Wang Wei, the opportunity to expand the territory for the first time in a hundred years would be gone.

However, although the territory of Bangzi Kingdom is quite important to Huaxia, for Wang Wei, it is really meaningless.

As Wang Wei himself said.His goal is the universe, the stars and the sea, and the future territory is one planet by one.Compared with the planets in the universe, the pitiful little piece of land in Bangzi Country is not even comparable to dust.

"Then, boy Wang Wei, tell me what you want. As long as the country can do it, I will promise you, old man!" Elder No. [-] said with a heart.

PS: I have something to do today, the second chapter has not been finished yet, wait for me to cultivate a fairy! , , .

Chapter [-]: Ideas for Forming an Organization

"What do I want?" Wang Wei murmured.

What Wang Wei needs now is nothing more than two points.

One is prestige points, after all, exchanging technology from the technology mall requires prestige points.As long as he has reputation points, Wang Wei can exchange any technology from the technology mall.

As for the other one, that is talent.Wang Wei needs talents, and he needs a lot of talents working for him.

There are a lot of technology in the technology mall, but Wang Wei can't do everything by himself.

Although it is said that as long as there are materials and design drawings, engineering robots can manufacture everything.

But Wang Wei couldn't use the reputation points to exchange everything from the technology mall, it would be too wasteful.

For example, Wang Wei exchanged the related technology of a laser cannon from the technology mall.It is completely possible to evolve other similar weapons or tools from this laser cannon.There is no need to continue to consume reputation points to exchange.

After all, the technology is the same, the technology is the same, just make some changes.

Although a lot of work can be done by Xiao Hei.But Xiao Hei is still only an advanced artificial intelligence after all, not an artificial intelligence life.

Advanced AI is just getting smarter, but still not creative.If you want to have the ability to create, you must wait until Xiao Hei evolves into an artificial intelligence life.

But now Xiao Hei has just evolved into an advanced artificial intelligence. If he wants to evolve into an artificial intelligence life, he still doesn't know how long he will have to wait.

Therefore, what Wang Wei needs now is prestige and talent.

And how to get these two things, Wang Wei already has an idea.

"I want to set up an organization, an international organization similar to the United Nations. However, unlike the purpose of the United Nations, the organization I want to set up is only to share technology among its members."

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