"Of course, this sharing is not free sharing, but there is no technical blockade between members. For example, I have mastered the technology of controllable nuclear fusion reactors. Anyone in the organization can get this technology, as long as they pay a certain amount. It's worth the price!"

"Elders, do you understand what I mean?" Wang Wei looked at the five elders and asked.

Saying such words, Wang Wei has his own considerations.

Because if such an organization is really established, Wang Wei's position in the organization must be the highest.Then when other countries know about this organization, they must all want to join this organization.

And when this organization becomes the same as the United Nations, Wang Wei, the founder and the person with the highest status, will definitely become very prestigious.Especially in the hearts of Chinese people.

This way, the reputation value will increase faster.

Of course, Wang Wei did this for other purposes.That is to develop your own team.

Yes, cultivate the people of the whole earth as your own team.

After entering the interstellar era, there will definitely be encounters with other civilizations.

As the so-called forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.As the universe gets bigger, so will any civilization.The latest novel www.zuixinshu.com

Civilizations that are not warlike like the Atlantean civilization exist, and there must be civilizations that are brutally warlike towards the Perdians.

Therefore, Wang Wei must cultivate his own power and cultivate his own team.

Although it is said that on the earth, it is divided into races, countries, and ethnic groups.But when the scope expands to the cosmos, all the people on earth will be of the same type, and that is the people of the earth.

People in different countries on earth will still be distinguished from each other, but after leaving the earth, there is no need to distinguish.Because in the eyes of other civilizations, you are all earthlings.

But although Wang Wei thought so, the elders did not think so.

Elder No. [-] frowned slightly: "You mean, other countries can also join this organization? After joining this organization, can you also get your technologies?"

Wang Wei nodded: "That's right! As long as you join this organization, then all members of the organization can get the technology owned by other members, of course, the premise is equivalent exchange."

As soon as Wang Wei finished speaking, Elder No. [-] immediately jumped up.

"How can this be possible! If other countries can also obtain your technology, then China will not be able to gain an advantage in the space race! What's the point of us coming this time?"

"And Wang Wei, don't forget that you are from China. You should give priority to helping China become stronger, not making the enemy stronger!" Elder No. [-] said excitedly.

Wang Wei looked at the elder and grinned: "Elder No. [-], to be honest, I don't think the same as you now. Your eyes are still on this acre of earth, so you will put other The country of the country is regarded as an opponent, even an enemy!"

"But my eyes have already looked at the vast universe. Therefore, in my eyes, all the people on earth are my partners. It's just that the reliability of different partners is different. For me, Chinese people It is the most reliable companion, people from other countries, although not as reliable as Huaxia, are still companions."

"After all, everyone is from Earth. When entering the interstellar era and encountering other civilizations, at least everyone has the possibility to unite."

"Moreover, the universe is so big. As long as you find one or two planets suitable for human habitation, there are not enough Chinese people to immigrate. Let alone there are more high-value mineral planets in the universe."

"Although the mining planet does not require a large number of human immigrants like a habitable planet suitable for human survival. However, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people still need it. After all, the management of the mine also needs people." Wang Wei said slowly.

After Wang Wei finished speaking, Elder No. [-], who was very excited just now, has completely calmed down.

Everything that Wang Wei said just now was really something that Elder No. [-] had never thought about.

Not even the second elder, the other four elders have never had such an idea.

Because before Wang Wei appeared, although human science and technology developed rapidly, there was still a very long distance between the earth's civilization and the development of other planets.

Not to mention the development of planets outside the solar system, even the development of planets within the solar system is very difficult.

Even if it is to develop a planet closest to the earth, which is also the natural satellite of the earth, the moon, it will take at least a hundred years.

No one would have imagined that the technology mastered by Wang Wei could actually be so much ahead of Earth's technology, and the key is still developing so fast.

This made the thoughts of several national leaders like the elders unable to keep up.

Elder No. [-] pondered for a while after listening to Wang Wei's words, and then looked at Wang Wei again.

"The establishment of such an organization is indeed beneficial to all mankind! But what if there is a conflict or even a war between the members of the organization?" ,, . .

Chapter [-]: Technology Alliance

"Contradiction between members of the organization? Of course, the members resolved it through negotiation. If they can't negotiate, let the organization decide. As for a war between organizations! Then the members who take the initiative to wage war will be removed from the organization."

"If a member is dissatisfied, I will convince him. Elder No. [-], you should know that I will not show all my cards. Naturally, the same is true for the technology developed by members of the organization. "Wang Wei said lightly.

Elder No. [-] nodded thoughtfully: "So it is."

It seemed that Elder No. [-] had already understood Wang Wei's thoughts.

Although the target is Wang Wei of the sea of ​​stars, he regards the earth as his headquarters and everyone on the earth as his companions.Wang Wei is also willing to take the earth's companions out of the earth and develop into the vast universe.

However, that is only limited to obedient and sensible companions.As for those self-righteous companions, Wang Wei not only will not take them into the vast universe, but will also deal a certain blow to them.

After all, no one wants their rear to be too chaotic.

Although as the top leader of Huaxia, the No. [-] elder did not wish to have a transcendent figure like Wang Wei appearing above the country.What they most want to see is that all talents serve the country.

However, Wang Wei's current strength has completely surpassed the country.Even if the country has any dissatisfaction, it can't do anything to Wang Wei.

Therefore, the No. [-] elder can only accept this reality.

Fortunately, Wang Wei, who is aloof from the world, is from China.After the organization grows in the future, Huaxia will definitely have the best relationship with Wang Wei.

This is also good news.

"By the way, there is another condition for joining the organization, that is, super weapons are not allowed!" Wang Wei said suddenly.

"Ah? Give up super weapons? Super weapons are the country's strategic deterrent weapons, and it is impossible for Huaxia to give up! Otherwise, the country headed by Mi Jian will definitely have a huge impact on Huaxia..." The No. [-] elder said with wide eyes .

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