Derry looked anxiously at the still unresponsive cell under the microscope.

"Oh! Hurry up! Hurry up and move!"

"The temperature is eighteen degrees now!"

"Nineteen degrees!"

"Twenty degrees Celsius!"

The temperature inside the incubator has reached the temperature most microbes prefer, yet the cells under the microscope remain unresponsive.

Derry moved his eyes away from the eyepieces of the high-powered electron microscope in disappointment.

The cell found in the Martian soil still did not move.

Miranda, another biologist, tapped fellow biologist Derry on the shoulder.

"Don't be discouraged! This is just the beginning. There are still many samples that have not been studied. Maybe there will be living cells in other soil samples!" Miranda comforted.

Derry shook his head in disappointment.

"We have detected half of the Martian soil samples, but only this one cell has been found. Although half of the soil samples have not been tested, the possibility of finding biological cells again is very small!"

"So, we can't give up this cell easily!" Derry said seriously.Nine Liuwei Novel Network

"How do you want to sit?" Brenda asked curiously.

Derry regained his composure.

"I'm going to try another atmospheric environment. The atmospheric composition is closer to the Earth in ancient times, not Mars now!"

With that said, Derry began to adjust the various gas control valves above the incubator.

"A little more oxygen, a little less carbon dioxide, a little more nitrogen! Then, when the show is ready, increase the medium! Now it seems that glucose will do!"

At the same time as Derry ordered, the show outside the sealed laboratory was also helping it to complete the corresponding work at the same time.

When the medium was added, the flagella of that cell were carried over by the flowing medium.

However, this does not mean that the cell is alive.Only when the cell actually swims in the medium can it be proved that the cell is alive.

Derry put his eyes on the eyepieces of the high-powered electron microscope, staring intently at the cells found in the Martian soil sample.

Others also observed the state of that cell through the monitor on the side.

"It seems to have moved just now? Derry?" Miranda, who was observing the state of the cell through the screen, suddenly said.

Derry didn't say a word, but continued to observe the cells in the medium through a high-power electron microscope.

After a while, the corners of Derry's mouth began to rise.

Because the cell that was motionless before is now clearly moving.Whether it is the flagella or the cytoplasm, all of them really regain their vitality.

"Oh, God!"

"Success! You woke him up!"

"We are looking at the evidence of the first life on Mars! This proves that Mars may become the second 'Earth' for humans in the future!" Derry said happily.

"It's so beautiful!"

The ISS quickly relayed the news back to NASA Houston.

NASA Houston also immediately relayed the news to federal agencies.Then the Mijian federal agency immediately made the news public.

Scientists claiming that the International Space Station has discovered life on Mars, Earth's neighbor.

Although the composition of the atmosphere on Mars is not the same as that on Earth, and the density of the Martian atmosphere is only one percent of the Earth's atmosphere, the Martian atmosphere also contains nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and a small amount of oxygen and water.

And now it has been discovered that there is life on Mars, which means that it is also possible for humans to migrate to Mars to survive.It's just that the atmosphere of Mars needs to be improved.

Mi Jian announced this news in such a hurry, of course, there is another purpose.That is to tell the world that Mi Jian's technology is still the world's top.

Because those Martian soil samples were taken by the Mars probe they launched by Mijian.And this, even Wang Wei did not do it.

Wang Wei has never been to Mars.Because although the speed of the space shuttle is fast, the distance between Mars and the earth is also constant.

Even if the space shuttle flies towards Mars at full speed, it will take half a month to go back and forth.

Although half a month is much shorter than the one year Mi Jian spends on the way, Wang Weicai doesn't want to waste half a month traveling in space.

After all, Wang Wei only had the technology of the second-level civilization.

The speed of the second-level civilization technology in space exploration is very slow. Instead of recklessly exploring the universe, it is better to wait until the civilization level is higher and prepare enough to start exploring the universe.

After Mi Jian announced the discovery of microorganisms in Martian soil, the news quickly spread around the world.

After all, Wang Wei said not long ago that he would find a habitable planet that can replace the region as soon as possible, and now it is rumored that there is life on Mars.Doesn't this mean that Mars may be a habitable planet to replace Earth.

So, after being 'oppressed' by Wang Wei for a long time, Mi Jian finally had a big event that could make a world sensation. , , .

Chapter [-]: Calvin

A stage has been set up in Times Square in New York, where a special ceremony will take place.

Living biological cells were found in the Martian soil brought back by Mi Jian's Mars rover. Mi Jian will select one primary school from all primary schools in the country, and then select a lucky person from that primary school to help this person from Life on Mars is named.

And Mi Jian's major TV stations will broadcast the whole process of naming alien life.

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