"Hello! Dominic! Do you want to give the alien life a name?"

"Hi! Calvin Elementary was chosen from over eleven thousand schools and we are proud of it! Would you like to name this 'Mars creature' after our school 'Calvin' and call it 'Calvin' Is it?" said a six- or seven-year-old curly black little girl.

"Of course! You have the right!"

For a time, all the people around Times Square in New York cheered.

The cell found in the Martian soil was named Calvin.

Twelfth hour after Calvin cells regained activity.

Derry enters the sealed biological laboratory again to observe Calvin's condition.

Calvin's proliferation rate is very fast.Twelve hours ago, they were still able to observe Calvin's existence through a high-powered electron telescope.

And now, only twelve hours have passed, and Calvin can already be seen with the naked eye.

To the naked eye, Calvin now looks like the layer of white hair that grows on the surface after the food has gone bad and moldy.

It's just that the white hairs on the spoiled food don't move, but Calvin, who is cultivated in the incubator, is constantly fluctuating like waves.

"Glucose is being taken up quickly, and the sample cells have started to aggregate into institutional units! Also, they're doing bioelectrical activity that looks like a growing neural network." Derry looked at the Calvin image under the microscope displayed on the screen said.

"Note, I'm not talking about 'brain'," Derry said, turning his head to look at Miranda next to him.

"Of course I understand. I'm also an expert in biology. According to my inference, this new species is not an organism made of dividing cells. It is a huge single organism made up of trillions of homogeneous cells. body," Miranda said.

"That's what makes it magical. Its existence is a miracle in itself, isn't it!" Derry looked at Calvin in the incubator with admiration.

Miranda just smiled and didn't speak.

Derry didn't care about Miranda's reaction, but spoke on his own.

"Unlike most multicellular organisms, each 'Calvin' cell is capable of performing its own bodily function. Each single cell is a muscle cell and a nerve cell as well as a photoreceptor cell."

"So it can be said that this creature is full of muscles, brains and eyes!" Miranda said in disbelief.

Derry nodded.

"So Calvin has mastered the ability to interact with the environment, including using something like the original skin. Let me demonstrate."

Derry put his hands into the operating gloves, and then slowly approached Calvin in the incubator with his fingers through the high-strength rubber gloves.

When Derry's fingers slowly approached Calvin in the incubator, a magical scene occurred.

Calvin in the incubator is slowly growing taller.Bibi eBook www.bibitxt.com

No, not really tall.

Instead, a large number of Calvin single cells move up the upper layer, and then it looks like Calvin is growing taller to the naked eye.

Because the number of Calvin cells is not very large now, Calvin did not grow infinitely tall, but stopped at a distance of about two centimeters from Delhi's finger.

Calvin wobbled like a bean sprout, but its top end was always facing the finger in Delhi that was only two centimeters away.

Seeing this scene, Miranda frowned.

"Calvin didn't step back, he moved forward..."

Derry shook his fingers gently, and then Calvin in the incubator kept shaking with Derry's fingers. Calvin seemed to be very interested in Derry's fingers.

"Calvin's curiosity overcomes fear..." Derry said lightly.

While Derry was immersed in the joy of discovering life on Mars, Miranda's eyes flashed with concern.

Calvin didn't show fear of the surrounding environment, but took the initiative to approach Derry's fingers that appeared around them.

While it might be true as Derry said, Calvin's curiosity triumphed over fear.

But Miranda also thought of another possibility, that is, Calvin did not regard Derry's fingers as enemies, but only as food.Then there will be no fear.

However, Miranda glanced at Derry's doting gaze towards Calvin in the incubator, but still did not express her worries.

Because Derry seems to have seen Calvin as his child.Calvin was the one who discovered it, after all.

However, although she did not express her concerns, Miranda told herself in her heart to be careful in future experiments.

Calvin is life on Mars, life beyond Earth.They didn't know much about Calvin.Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that Calvin has a very strong offensive possibility.

Extraterrestrial life is unknown in the first place, and it is natural to be very careful when studying extraterrestrial life.

After observing Calvin for a while, Derry and Miranda left the sealed biology lab.

They have to go back and record the experimental observation report and their own thoughts.

Calvin's twentieth hour of reactivation.

Derry and Miranda came to the sealed biological laboratory again.

However, when Derry came to the incubator that cultivated Calvin, he suddenly found that Calvin didn't move.

Derry immediately became nervous, and quickly observed Calvin in the incubator through a high-power electron microscope.

Miranda, who was about to analyze the Martian dust samples, was alarmed by Derry's action.Then Miranda also found Calvin who seemed to be dead.

"How could this be?" Miranda asked with a frown.

"I don't know, Calvin was fine when he left before, why did he just leave once..." Derry stared at the eyepiece of the high-power electron microscope.

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