However, Calvin's single cell under the microscope was as motionless as Calvin, as if it had really died. , , .

Chapter [-]: If you don't agree, start working

Calvin Juvenile


Calvin's body is several times larger than before, and his shape has changed a lot. Before Calvin was like a colony of mold, now Calvin is shaped like a starfish.

However, the body of the starfish is colored, while Calvin is completely transparent.

If you insist on saying something similar to the current Calvin, it will only be Liangpi.

Calvin's body now looks exactly the same as Liangpi.

It's just that Calvin's body radiated several octopus-like tentacles around, and after the cold skin was cut, it was just one by one.

"Calvin is now at a critical moment of growth, so it will enter a dormant state..." Miranda guessed.

Derry removed his eyes from the eyepieces of the high-powered electron microscope.

"I don't know if Calvin is dormant or dead. I'm going to give it a little kick and see if it's still alive!" Derry said.

"What do you want to do?" Miranda asked in confusion.

"I'm going to stimulate Calvin with an electric shock! I have to confirm Calvin's life and death!" After saying that, Derry left the sealed biological laboratory.

He is going to find Xiu, and he must have Xiu's help in this matter.

It didn't take long for Derry to find the show.

Xiu controls the protective system inside the sealed biolab to ensure no accidents happen.

Derry took a stun pen from the tool cabinet in the lab and turned the stun pen's voltage down to the lowest level, making sure it wouldn't hurt Calvin.

Xiu was typing quickly on the keyboard outside the lab.He's testing the containment system in a sealed biolab.

After a while, Soo looked at Derry and Miranda in the lab.


Rory, the engineer who came with Xiu, also stood outside the glass wall of the sealed biological laboratory, looking at Derry with a stun pen in his hand in the laboratory.

"Are you sure you won't hurt it?"

Derry touched the tip of the stun pen with his finger, and an electric current flashed through the tip of the stun pen.

"The voltage is very, very low, we just stimulate it."

"What exactly are you expecting?"

"I want to wake Colvin! I want to know the conditions under which it can be re-responsive to its environment!"

Derry sent the shock pen to the incubator through the transition chamber, then put his hands into the rubber gloves, then picked up the shock pen that had been placed in the incubator, and began to try to shock Carl, who was paralyzed in the incubator. arts.

Zizizi! ! !

Calvin didn't respond.

Delhi switched the tip of the stun pen to another position and tried again.

Zizizi! ! !

Calvin remained unresponsive.

Derry again switched the tip of the stun pen to another position.

"comeon! Wake up! Calvin!"

Derry pressed the switch of the stun pen again, attempting to shock Calvin, who was completely unresponsive, again.

Zizizi! ! !


Calvin, who had been silent in the incubator, suddenly bounced up, wrapping Derry's right hand holding the electric shock pen.


Calvin's two tentacles rolled around the stun pen with force, breaking the stun pen that had shocked him a few times just now.

Derry tried to pull out his hand, but Calvin tightly wrapped Derry's right hand, and part of Calvin's body was stuck to the glass plate at the bottom of the incubator, so Derry couldn't pull out his hand at all. .

Miranda, who was experimenting on the side, found out about Delhi's troubles and ran to Delhi's side immediately.

"Are you okay?" Miranda asked worriedly.

"Not very good, Calvin grabbed my hand, I can't get it out now!"

Show and engineer Rory outside the sealed laboratory also found anomalies in the laboratory.

"What happened to you? What happened?"

"Calvin woke up, but the electric shock pen was broken by Calvin, and Calvin also grabbed Derry's hand, and now Derry's hand can't be drawn out!" Miranda explained quickly.

Suddenly, Derry's expression became a little distorted.

"Damn it! It's wrapped around my finger!"

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