I saw that in Miranda's field of vision, Calvin used his tentacles to wrap around Derry's fingers and wrist respectively.

And at this time, the fingers and wrist of Delhi's right hand have become extremely twisted. If Calvin continues to exert force, I am afraid that Delhi's entire right wrist and palm will be broken by Calvin.

"Hold on! I'll help you!"

Saying that, Miranda hugged Derry's body, and then put her feet on the shell of the incubator, using the force of her feet to try to help Derry break free from Calvin's shackles.

However this is of no use.

Derry's right hand was still unable to break free from Calvin's shackles.Instead, Calvin's force is getting bigger and bigger.


Finally, Derry cried out in pain, and then his whole body went limp.

Hearing Derry's painful cry, Miranda, who was trying to help Derry get rid of Calvin's shackles, also stopped her movements.

Miranda looked into the incubator, and saw that Derry's right wrist was completely twisted and deformed.What is certain is that Delhi's right phalanx, metacarpal and carpal bones were all fractured, and Delhi also passed out due to severe pain.

I don't know if it was because Derry fell into a coma and completely lost his resistance. Calvin in the incubator actually released Derry's right hand after he completely broke the palm of Derry's right hand.

Seeing this, Miranda immediately held Derry and dragged it back, so that Derry's right hand, which had been broken by Calvin, was pulled out of the rubber glove.

However, Miranda had just pulled Derry's right hand out of the rubber glove, and Calvin in the incubator tried to get out of the incubator along the rubber glove.

However, the rubber gloves and the glass wall of the incubator were completely closed. Although Calvin turned the rubber gloves over, he was still unable to escape from the incubator.

Calvin tried for a while, and after finding that he couldn't get out, he withdrew.

At first, Miranda thought Calvin had given up after encountering obstacles.

Who knows, Miranda found that Calvin, who had returned to the incubator, did not stay in the incubator obediently.

And use its body to roll up the broken stun pen left in the incubator.Then Calvin's body exerted force and directly folded the electric shock pen in two.

Seeing this, Miranda immediately realized that it was not good.

The broken section of the stun pen was so sharp that it could pierce a hole in the rubber glove.

Miranda did not expect that Calvin actually has such a high intelligence.

Without hesitation, Miranda quickly grabbed Derry, who was floating in mid-air, and then stomped her foot and floated towards the hatch of the closed laboratory.

The people outside the biological laboratory also witnessed everything in the biological laboratory, so after seeing Miranda bringing Derry to the laboratory hatch, the show outside the laboratory also quickly controlled to open the laboratory hatch. . , , .

Chapter [-]: Calvin the Predator

Miranda had brought Derry, who had broken his right hand and was in a coma, to the door of the sealed laboratory. The show outside the laboratory also controlled the system to open the hatch.

However, at this time, Calvin, who obtained the broken electric shock pen, also got into the rubber gloves used to operate the experiment from the incubator.

Moreover, Calvin also used his body to support the top and bottom of the rubber glove, and then used the tip of the broken electric shock pen to puncture the edge of the rubber glove.

The broken surface of the electric shock pen is very sharp, and then under Calvin's action, the broken electric shock pen directly pierced a hole in the rubber glove.

Then, Calvin quickly pulled out the electric shock pen that pierced the rubber glove, and then drilled out of the hole in the rubber glove at a very fast speed.

Calvin came out, it escaped from the sealed incubator.

Calvin, who escaped, shot straight at Miranda and Derry, who were at the door of the laboratory warehouse.

At this time, the hatch of the sealed laboratory had just opened, and Miranda and Derry had not yet left the laboratory.

When Miranda heard the movement, she looked back and saw that when Calvin was rushing towards them, she immediately grabbed the edge of the hatch, and then her arm floated out.

Miranda still wanted to turn around and let Derry go out, but when she turned around, she found that Calvin had jumped on Derry's body and wrapped tightly around Derry's calf.

Because Calvin has been found to be very aggressive, Miranda knows that Calvin must not be allowed to escape from the sealed laboratory.They don't know how strong Calvin's attack power is, and they don't know what attack methods Calvin has.

Therefore, Miranda, who originally planned to go back to save Delhi, gave up the rescue directly, but grabbed the handle of the hatch of the laboratory, and then slammed the hatch of the sealed laboratory.

Then Derry and Calvin were all locked in the sealed lab.

"Derry! Wake up!!"

"Wake up! Derry!!"

Miranda and Rory all leaned on the glass wall and shouted into the sealed laboratory.

Although Miranda gave up the rescue to Derry just now, Calvin, who just didn’t want to hold Derry’s feet, was also brought out.

As long as Derry can wake up and get Calvin out of his body, there is still hope that Derry can be rescued.

Maybe the shouting of a few people outside the laboratory really worked, and Derry, who had fainted before, gradually woke up.

"I'm... what's the matter..." Derry, who had just woken up, still couldn't understand the situation.

However, people outside the lab immediately told Derry what to do when they noticed that Derry was awake.

"Derry! Calvin is on your feet now, burn it down with an oxygen candle now! Speed!" Miranda yelled.

Hearing Miranda's shout, Derry also found Calvin who was hugging his right foot tightly at this time.Then, the scene of Calvin's right hand breaking it flashed into his mind in an instant.

Derry turned his head and saw that his right hand was completely twisted below the wrist.

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Glancing at the palm of his right hand, and at Calvin who was holding his foot, Derry realized that he couldn't continue like this, and he had to quickly drive Calvin off his body.

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