Otherwise, over time, your feet might become the same as your hands.

Derry adjusted his body, then grabbed the fixed object in the sealed laboratory with his intact left hand, and then forced himself to float towards the locker with the oxygen candle with his left hand.

When Derry moved, Derry clearly felt that Calvin, who was holding his right foot, became a little stronger.

Derry didn't dare to delay for a while, and quickly came to the locker, then opened the locker where the oxygen candle was placed, and took out an oxygen candle from it.

Oxygen candles are not the candles we use in our lives, but are like a glow stick with a glass tube on the outside, and after starting, the oxygen candle will glow and generate oxygen.

Derry activated the oxygen candle without hesitation, and the oxygen candle quickly lit up.

Then Delhi smashed the oxygen candle against the armrest of the locker, directly smashing the insulating glass tube outside the oxygen candle.Then, the oxygen candle that lost its insulating glass tube was directly pressed on Calvin's body, which was increasing its strength.

Oxygen candles not only glow, they also generate heat.The moment the oxygen candle touched Calvin, Calvin immediately struggled.

After two or three seconds, Calvin directly gave up Derry's feet and ran away.

Calvin got into the test box with a mouse through the transom.

The guinea pig was immobilized by the collar and could not move.However, when I saw Calvin, a creature I had never seen before, I kept sniffing the smell in Calvin's direction with my nose, wanting to know what Calvin was.

"Derry! Get out now! Don't waste time!" Miranda shouted from outside the lab.

However, Derry didn't seem to hear it.Not only did he not walk towards the exit of the sealed laboratory, but instead he came to the test box where the mice were kept.

He wanted to see what Calvin wanted to do.

Suddenly, Calvin, who got into the test box, jumped directly on the mouse, and completely wrapped it up.

Then, the hair on the white mouse suddenly flew around, and at the same time, the body also melted away at a very fast speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than ten seconds, a guinea pig disappeared completely, leaving only the mouse hair on the ground to prove that there was once a mouse here.

Calvin is actually a carnivore, and the speed of predation is so fast and so domineering.

Derry, who was standing outside, only thought of leaving the laboratory at this time, and then quickly turned around and fled towards the hatch of the sealed laboratory.

"Quick! Quick! Quick!" the people outside the laboratory urged nervously.

But no matter how anxious everyone is, Delhi's speed is still not fast.After all, this is space, there is no gravity, and there is no way to run.Although it is said that it can 'fly', it is difficult to move without the help of external objects.

Calvin in the test box grew bigger again after swallowing the experimental mouse, and again drilled out of the test box through the vent.

Calvin can grab anywhere, even on a smooth surface, Calvin can also stick to it.Therefore, the gravity-free environment has no effect on Calvin at all.

Derry was three meters away from the hatch when Calvin caught up. , , .

Chapter [-]: Calvin's first kill

Derry was three meters away from the hatch when Calvin caught up.

Calvin bounced and jumped directly onto Derry's back.After Calvin jumped on Derry's back, he did not immediately attack Derry, but continued to jump towards the opened laboratory hatch.

It seems that Calvin wants to escape from the sealed biological laboratory.

Seeing that something was wrong, Miranda immediately grabbed the door handle of the sealed biological laboratory and slammed the door shut.

Then duang!With a bang, Calvin slammed directly into the glass warehouse door.

The glass door of the sealed biological experiment cabin is bulletproof tempered glass, which can block even large-caliber bullets, and it is simply not something that Calvin can knock open.

So Calvin and Derry are locked in the lab again.

Derry had a chance to escape, but he wasted it.If he hadn't gone to the test box where the mice were kept to observe Calvin, he would have escaped from the sealed laboratory by now.

However, the opportunity has been squandered by Derry himself.

If Derry wanted to get out of the experimental cabin again, Miranda would not open the cabin door of the laboratory unless Calvin was re-entered into the incubator, or Calvin was killed directly.

As a biologist, Miranda is in awe of all unknown creatures.Especially in the scene where Calvin quickly swallowed the mouse through the surveillance screen, Miranda realized that Calvin must not escape from the laboratory.

Otherwise, all six people on the International Space Station will be killed by Calvin.

Therefore, even if one person in Delhi is sacrificed, it is absolutely impossible to let everyone die.

However, Delhi, who was locked in the sealed laboratory with Calvin, still has a chance to escape.

As long as he can kill Calvin, then everything is safe.

"Derry! Use the flamethrower of the incinerator! Burn Calvin with the flamethrower!!" Miranda shouted loudly to Derry in the laboratory.

On the side, Xiu's ten fingers tapped on the computer keyboard for a while.

"I've turned off the incinerator's protective system, Delhi, you can go and take down the incinerator's flamethrower!" Xiu said to Derry.

Derry also knew that he could only save himself now, so he began to step back slowly.He was going to the incinerator and took down the flamethrower.

However, when Derry started to retreat, Calvin, who had hit the glass of the experimental hatch, suddenly turned around and seemed to regard Derry as its target again.

Seeing this, Derry immediately stopped and looked at Calvin vigilantly.

But Calvin did not give up the only target in the laboratory because of Delhi's vigilance. Calvin ejected and charged directly towards Delhi.

Derry raised his hand subconsciously in an attempt to resist Calvin.In fact, Delhi succeeded.His raised hands did block Calvin.Calvin bumped into his arms.

However this was of no use.After Calvin bumped into Derry's arm, he immediately climbed up along his arm.

Derry's right hand is abolished and cannot be used at all.With only one left hand, he couldn't stop Calvin from attacking his head at all.

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