Calvin jumped directly to Derry's face, completely covering his entire face.

Derry desperately used his only movable left hand, constantly trying to grab Calvin who was stuck to his face.

But all in vain.Calvin's strength was so great that Derry couldn't shake Calvin lying on his face at all.

Before Calvin devoured the guinea pig, Derry couldn't counter Calvin's power.After Calvin devoured the guinea pig and became bigger, Derry, who had abolished his right hand, was even more unable to contend with Calvin's power.

Calvin pressed against Derry's face tightly, his nose compressed, making him unable to breathe at all.And Calvin's two tentacles kept drilling into Derry's ears.Make Derry extremely miserable.Worry-Free Novel Network

Finally, Derry, who had been unable to breathe through his nose, couldn't hold on any longer, and opened his mouth to breathe some fresh air.

However, when Derry opened his mouth, Calvin instantly put his two tentacles into Derry's mouth.

Derry quickly grabbed Calvin with his hands, trying to stop Calvin from continuing to find his mouth.

However, Calvin is very fast and powerful.

Although Derry's left hand grabbed one of Calvin's tentacles, he was still freed by Calvin.

Moreover, in just two seconds, Calvin got into Derry's mouth and disappeared.

After Calvin disappeared from Delhi's mouth, it was unknown whether Calvin got into Delhi's stomach or his lungs.

However, Derry's expression at this time became extremely painful.

He grabbed his neck tightly with one hand, his eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on his face burst.


Derry coughed lightly, and then globs of blood spewed from his mouth and floated in front of him.


Another large cloud of blood spurted out.




Blood was constantly spurting out of Derry's mouth.

At first, it was just a drop of blood. Slowly, more and more blood was coughed up by Delhi, and finally, large swathes of blood were sprayed out.

Derry floated in mid-air and completely lost his movement, only a large amount of blood was continuously ejected from his mouth.

"Damn!!" Rory hammered the glass wall in front of him heavily.

Miranda also had a solemn expression on her face.

None of them thought that Calvin's combat power would be so strong.

It now appears that it was the right decision not to let Calvin escape from the sealed laboratory.

If Calvin really escaped from the sealed laboratory before, I am afraid everyone will follow in Delhi's footsteps.

Now that Calvin is locked in the sealed laboratory, all the air in the laboratory needs to be expelled, then Calvin, as a carbon-based life, will never survive for too long.

However, Xiu suddenly realizes something very bad.That is, the oxygen candle activated by Delhi is still burning, and at this time it is drifting towards the induction fire extinguisher at the top of the laboratory.

The insulating glass on the outer layer of the oxygen candle has been smashed by Delhi, and the temperature of the oxygen candle is very high.If the oxygen candle is too close to the sensor fire extinguisher, the sensor fire extinguisher will definitely be activated.

"Damn it!" Xiu put down the computer in his hand and rushed towards the central control bay of the International Space Station.

Once the sensor fire extinguisher in the laboratory is activated, it can only be turned off in the central control room.

On top of that, if Calvin escaped from an open fire extinguisher vent, the entire ISS would be in danger. , , .

Chapter [-]: The Disappearing Calvin

Xiu quickly skipped the interior of the International Space Station. He had to rush to the central control compartment of the space station as soon as possible, then shut down all the systems in the sealed experimental cabin, and exhausted the air in the sealed experimental cabin, so as to have a chance to kill Calvin. to kill.

However, just before the show left, within two seconds, the oxygen candle floated to the side of the automatic induction fire-fighting device.

Then "Bang!".

All the automatic induction fire-fighting devices in the sealed experimental cabin were activated.The high temperature of the oxygen candle makes the automatic induction fire-fighting device think that a fire has occurred in the sealed experimental cabin, so the automatic induction fire-fighting device must extinguish the fire in the sealed experimental cabin.

Of course, automatic sensors are not sprinklers.After all, the space station is a very sophisticated high-tech device. Once the key components are short-circuited due to water, the International Space Station may fall to the earth.

Therefore, it is not water, but dry ice, that is sprayed out by the automatic induction fire protection device.

Dry ice is a good fire extinguisher without damaging any electrical components on the space station.

In an instant, more than a dozen automatic induction fire-fighting devices in the sealed laboratory were all turned on, and white dry ice gas was quickly ejected from the inside.

Both Miranda and Rory were leaning against the glass wall, paying close attention to everything inside the sealed lab.

A large amount of dry ice was sprayed from the nozzle of the automatic induction fire fighting device, and the very low temperature carbon dioxide gas liquefied the surrounding water vapor into a white mist.The fog made it impossible for both Miranda and Rory to observe the situation in the laboratory clearly.

Suddenly, Miranda seemed to have discovered something.

"Rory! Did Derry move just now!!"

Rory's view was blocked by the white fog, and he could only change his position and observe carefully.

Rory then discovered that Derry's chest and throat were indeed moving.

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