Xiu shook his head, then looked at the self-test results on the screen and said, "No. They are independent systems. The transmitter of the ground communication system has failed, and we must go outside to repair the signal transmission of the ground communication system. Only then can the communication to the ground be restored!"

"Going out...I see. I'm best at EVA here, and repairing equipment is my job. I'm going to prepare now, and then start the spacewalk!" Rory's voice came through the headset.


In the biological laboratory on the floating island, Wang Wei was looking through some experimental ideas of the hundred students.

These [-] students are really excellent. Many assumptions and assumptions are refreshing to Wang Wei.It was something Wang Wei never thought of when he was studying the secrets of Atlantis civilization.

Although there has not been much research on the mystery of the longevity of Atlantis and the root cause of radiation, there have been small breakthroughs in certain aspects.

Wang Wei believes that as long as he continues to research, sooner or later, he will develop a method that allows people to live longer without causing radiation from their bodies.

Suddenly, a voice came to Wang Wei's mind.

"Master, an incomplete message has just been intercepted from the International Space Station. The following is the content of the message."

"'Space station calls ground control! Space station calls ground control! Martian life unknown! We think it's lethally aggressive! We plan to isolate and destroy it while complying with regulations! Unless otherwise...'"

"Combining with the previous report by Mi Jian that they found life on Mars in the soil brought back by their Mars rover, the life on Mars is very aggressive and should have killed people. And the life on Mars should now be It's out of their control."

"Master, do I need to do something?" Xiao Hei asked Wang Wei.

"Can I hack into the internal system of the International Space Station now? If possible, get the video image of the interior of the International Space Station. I want to see what that Martian life is like." Wang Wei said.

"I'm sorry, Master. After intercepting the radio signal from the International Space Station, I tried to hack into the ISS system. Only to find that the signal from the International Space Station was cut off. From the fact that the radio content received was incomplete. Look, the Earth-to-ground communication system of the International Space Station should have malfunctioned." Xiao Hei explained.

"The International Space Station is so unlucky? The Martian life attacked them, the Martian life disappeared, and even the ground-to-ground communication system failed. Really...hehe..." Wang Wei said speechlessly.

"In this way, Xiao Hei, send ten Night Blade 2 B-type combat robots to stealth to the International Space Station to see what happened on the International Space Station." Bayi Chinese Website www.8lzw.com

"Just let them watch from the side, and don't need to interfere with the International Space Station. But I want to send back what they see at any time. I want to see what that Martian life is. I actually let the International Space Station go to the ground. The control base has issued a distress signal." Wang Wei ordered Xiao Hei.

"Got it! Master!"

After receiving the order, Xiao Hei immediately issued an order to the Night Blade No. 2 B-type combat robot in the ten space.

Then, the ten Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots turned on the optical camouflage module, and then flew quickly into the sky.


On the International Space Station, Doctor John is helping engineer Rory wear his heavy space suit.

"Rory, you know what you're doing is against the rules! If you go out to repair communication equipment now, your life will be in danger! You haven't done oxygen inhalation and nitrogen exhaustion, and accidents are likely to happen once you enter space!" Doctor John said to engineer Rory.

"I know. But there is no time for us to waste now. The ground communication system is broken, and Xiu doesn't know how much information has been sent to the headquarters. We must repair the ground communication system, and then report the matter here to the headquarters completely. And if the headquarters knows, they can send people up to support us." Rory insisted.

Rory's space suit is finished, and John puts the glass hood on Rory.

"Be careful!" Miranda on the side urged.

Rory smiled lightly: "I'll be fine."

Rory, who was wearing a space suit, entered the decompression chamber. After all the air in the decompression chamber was emptied, Rory opened the door to the outside of the decompression chamber and came to the outside of the International Space Station.

Rory must go to the location of the faulty ground communication transmitter, find the source of the fault and fix it.

Most importantly, all of these jobs must be performed in a space environment.

Although wearing a heavy space suit, this process is still a test for a veteran astronaut like Rory.

The most important thing is that Rory did not inhale oxygen and nitrogen before leaving the space station.The performance of their spacesuits is not very excellent. When the decompression chamber is rapidly decompressed, the pressure in the spacesuit will also decrease rapidly.

It's just that the pressure is still one-third atmospheric pressure, which is still within the range that humans can withstand.

But as the pressure inside the suit rapidly drops, a small amount of nitrogen dissolved in the blood can escape, forming bubbles that clog blood vessels or prevent the lungs from working properly.

Therefore, before astronauts go on a spacewalk, they will spend several hours inhaling pure oxygen, so that the nitrogen in the body tissues and body fluids is exhausted as much as possible.

Of course, Wang Wei's technology is much more advanced. Even in a vacuum environment, he can still ensure that the atmospheric pressure in contact with the human body is a standard atmospheric pressure.Therefore, there is no need to do oxygen inhalation and nitrogen removal before entering the vacuum environment.

Rory walked out of the space station carefully outside the space station, grabbed the connecting handrail and slowly climbed towards the signal transmitter of the ground-to-ground communication system.

Spacewalks have to be very careful, because one carelessness can float into space and never come back.

After more than ten minutes, Rory finally came to the installation site of the launcher.

"Found the transmitter! Start on-site diagnosis!" ,, ..

Chapter [-]: Dangerous spacewalks

The orbital altitude of the International Space Station is about [-] kilometers. If the combat robot is flying at the highest speed, it will not take five minutes to come to the outside of the International Space Station.

Even if you don't fly at top speed, seven or eight minutes is enough.

When the ten Night Blade 2 B-type combat robots came to the International Space Station from the floating island, engineer Rory had not yet come out of the space station.

Ten Night Blade 2 B-type combat robots quietly floated around the International Space Station, using infrared detection technology to continuously scan the International Space Station to determine which life forms are on the International Space Station.

At the same time, it also continues to monitor all electromagnetic waves on the International Space Station.

Although the ISS's ground-to-ground communication system is faulty and damaged, its internal communication system does not necessarily fail.

Whether it is the ground communication system or the internal communication system of the International Space Station, electromagnetic waves are used to transmit signals.The difference is the wavelength, frequency band and power of the electromagnetic wave.

The power of the communication system inside the International Space Station is much smaller than that of the ground communication system.

Not to mention sending it back to Earth, except that the space station can send a kilometer, which is not bad.

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