However, although the internal communication signals of the International Space Station cannot be transmitted back to the earth, the ten Night Blade 2 B-type combat robots quietly staying not far from the International Space Station can clearly receive the internal communication signals of the International Space Station. .

Although those signals can be said to be encrypted, the Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robot with advanced artificial intelligence is simply an easy task to decipher the content of the encrypted signals.

Therefore, the infrared scans of the International Space Station and the conversations of the staff on the International Space Station were all passed on to Wang Wei.

The first is the image, all the living organisms on the International Space Station have been scanned.

Wang Wei counted the number of astronauts in the scanned images of the International Space Station and found that there were only five.

In other words, one person really died.A man was killed by that Martian life.

Of course, among the living creatures on the International Space Station, in addition to the five humans, there are also some small animals that seem to be immobilized.Those should be laboratory animals brought from Earth.

But there is a very special creature on the International Space Station.That creature can change the shape of its body at will, and it seems that its body has a very high flesh tolerance.Another point is that, judging from the transmitted images, the creature is not in the cabin for human activities on the International Space Station.

Rather, it is located in the bulkhead of the International Space Station.It is also located near the signal transmitter of the Earth Communication System on the International Space Station.

That's interesting.

It seems that the failure of the ISS's ground-to-ground communication system should be caused by that creature.

And that creature can be determined to be the Martian life brought back from Mars.

In addition to the images, the conversations of the people on the International Space Station also reached Wang Wei's ears.

"Rory, you know it's illegal for you to do this..."

"I know. But there's no time for us to waste now..."

There was a lot of content in the call, but the main meaning was that someone was going to get out of the International Space Station and go outside to repair the signal transmitter of the faulty ground communication system.

Through the perspective of ten combat robots, Wang Wei quietly observed every move of the International Space Station.

Soon, someone entered the decompression chamber, and after decompression, they walked out of the International Space Station and entered the space environment.

Wang Wei saw that an astronaut wearing a heavy space suit entered space, and then cautiously crawled over to somewhere on the space station.

Wang Wei has fully grasped the structure of the International Space Station, so he knows that the astronaut named Rory is heading for the signal transmitter of the ground communication system at this time.At the same time, it is also moving towards that Martian life.

Of course, Rory didn't know that Calvin was near the transmitter of the ground communication system at this time.All he knew was that his job was to fix the transmitter.

"Find the transmitter, start on-site diagnosis!"

"It's overheating! I see it!" Rory said.Ranwen Network

"How?" Xiu asked suspiciously.

"It's a little burnt, I'm going to check the cooling system! Is it possible that Calvin ran into the cooling system?"

"It's possible!" Xiu said.

Rory starts the signal transmitter's cooling system valve.However, after unscrewing it, it was empty inside.

"That's the problem, the coolant is all gone!"

"Calvin is a carbon-based life, it needs food, water and air, as we recognize it. So there is a possibility that Calvin drank all the coolant!" explained biologist Miranda.

"Okay. I see. Let me think about where there's water, drinking water, coolant for communications, coolant for CPUs, and coolant for space suits..."

"Show! If I inject the coolant from my spacesuit into the transmitter's cooling system, will I be able to make it back?" Rory asked.

"If it's not more than half, it won't have much impact," Xiu said.

"I understand."

After Rory finished speaking, he was ready to inject the coolant from his space suit into the opened valve.

However, just as Rory raised his hand, a ferocious creature emerged from the valve of the signal transmitter's cooling system and quickly attached to Rory's space suit.


"What's wrong? Rory!"

"Calvin came out of the transmitter's cooling system! Now it's sticking to my spacesuit. It wants to get in!"

"It won't get in!" said Miranda.

"Can it breathe in space?"

"No, but it might be able to store oxygen!" Miranda explained.

"Calvin is wrapped around me, I can't inject coolant into the signal transmitter's cold zone system now! I'll close the valve now, and then go back to the decompression chamber! You guys are ready to kill Calvin!"

"Rory, I'm delivering a space suit! Don't worry, take your time, it's time!" said Doctor John.

"I'm rushing back. Oh! Damn! Liquid got into the helmet! Calvin destroyed the spacesuit's cooling system!"

"Rory! Calm down, enough coolant!" Xiu reassured.

"I know. But Calvin is tighter now!"

"Calvin knows exactly what it's doing, and it's getting smarter!" Miranda said seriously.

"The coolant is seeping into the helmet so fast, they're blocking my vision, I don't have time to crawl slowly, I have to jump over it!"

"Rory! Your safety rope isn't that long!" Soo reminded.

"I know, so I untied it! I'm running out of time, I have to take the risk, or too much coolant will just suffocate me!"

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