While speaking, Rory directly untied the safety rope on his body, then adjusted the direction of his body, and pulled hard with both hands holding the safety handrail, and Rory flew out.

There are only two possible outcomes now.

One is that Rory successfully grabbed the safety handrail outside the bulkhead of the opposite space station, and then continued to move towards the decompression chamber.

The other is that Rory did not grasp the complete handrail outside the bulkhead of the space station on the opposite side, and then floated directly away from the International Space Station, becoming a piece of space junk that could never go back to the space station.Finally died slowly in space. , , .

Chapter [-]: Death by suffocation

Engineer Rory flew more than ten meters into space without any protective measures, and then crashed into the outer compartment of the opposite space station.

boom! ! !

Rory rolled several times against the outer compartment of the space station, and his last hand finally grabbed the safety handle outside the bulkhead, and then he stabilized his body and did not let him escape from the space station and float into space.

Rory didn't have much time left, though.

A large amount of coolant flowed into Rory's helmet, and the coolant not only hindered Rory's realization, but also covered Rory's mouth and nose, making him unable to breathe.

Rory had to get out of the decompression chamber as quickly as possible, open the door of the decompression chamber, and get in.

Otherwise, after a minute or two at most, Rory will suffocate to death.

But now Calvin is still glued to Rory.If Rory dies in space, then Calvin may not be able to return to the space station.

According to Miranda's research, although Calvin can move in space, he should not be able to stay for too long.

If Calvin has been unable to enter the space station, maybe Calvin will die in space.Then the crisis of the space station will be lifted.

But Rory didn't want to give up his life.

Rory's location was only a dozen meters away from the decompression warehouse. Although his line of sight was blocked, Rory still insisted on coming to the door of the decompression warehouse.

Doctor John has entered the decompression chamber at this time, and the decompression chamber has begun to discharge the gas inside.As long as the gas is exhausted, the door of the decompression chamber can be opened.

However, Rory has not been breathing for a minute or so, and he is in a state of intense exercise for a minute or so, and his body's oxygen consumption is very large.

Rory has reached his limit without inhaling oxygen for more than a minute.

Finally, Rory couldn't hold back anymore.

Whoa! !

Rory started choking.However, this did not resolve Rory's lack of oxygen.Instead, choking water made Rory even more unable to control himself.

Rory began to choke continuously.He could hardly hold on anymore.

John in the decompression chamber is also in a hurry.But worrying didn't help.

The gas in the decompression chamber was not evacuated, and the door of the decompression chamber could not be opened at all.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick!!!"

John in the decompression chamber watched helplessly as John, who was only one door away from him, was struggling, but he couldn't do anything.

Xiu and kina in the center control cabin have been watching Rory's physical condition.

According to the information sent back by the signal transmitter on Rory's body, Rory's heartbeat is already very fast, he is in a state of extreme hypoxia, and he may suffocate to death at any time.

Suddenly, Xiu and kina saw that Rory's heartbeat stopped.

John, on the other hand, saw Rory in front of him stop struggling.Then, slowly drift away from the space station.

Calvin on Rory was also carried away from the space station by Rory who was gradually drifting away.Pippi Reading Network www.pptsw.com

However, like Miranda said, Calvin is really smart.

Calvin seemed to know that he couldn't leave the space station, so when Rory's body floated away to a distance of four or five meters from the space station, Calvin, who was stuck to Rory's body, flicked his tentacles, and a catapult directly hit him. on the door of the decompression chamber of the space station.

Then, Calvin's tentacles swayed and left the decompression chamber directly.No one knows where it went.

"Show! Stop decompressing, it's unnecessary! Rory is dead, Calvin is back on the space station, he is outside the space station now, but I don't know where it is!" John told the show in the center control cabin said.

"Show! Is it possible for Calvin to get back into the space station from where?" asked kina next to Xiu.

"Let me think..." Xiu began to recall.


Everything that happened just now was seen by the ten combat robots who kept relatively still with the International Space Station. At the same time, they also transmitted all this to Wang Wei who was staying on Earth.

However, Wang Wei didn't pay attention to this scene just now.Just now he was watching the video material in the sealed experimental module on the International Space Station.

Before Xiao Hei was unable to invade the internal system of the International Space Station, that was because the signal from the International Space Station could not be received.

However, after the combat robot arrives around the space station, it can use the combat robot as a springboard to connect to the internal communication system of the space station, and then turn to invade the internal network of the space station and steal the video data in the sealed biological laboratory.

Wang Wei has already watched the surveillance video in the sealed laboratory of the International Space Station.

I have to say, it's really special that there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and all kinds of creatures in the universe.

There really are creatures in the universe that grow rapidly by swallowing other life.The key is that this creature is actually a neighbor of the earth, a creature on Mars.

Although there are no living creatures on Mars now, even Calvin was brought back to the International Space Station and resurrected under certain circumstances.

Together with the Atlantis home planet, which has been destroyed and turned into the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, there are already three planets in the solar system that have given birth to life.This is nothing short of a miracle.

However, Wang Wei is still wary of the Martian creature Calvin.

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