So the living and the dead are marked differently on the screen's stereoscopic view of the ISS.

A living person is a green dot, a dead person is a red dot.

When kina looked up at the screen on the wall, she found that there were still three green dots on the stereogram of the space station.

Two of them are in the center control cabin, this is kina herself and Miranda.There is also a sleeping cabin, that should be Xiu.

In other words, Xiu is still alive.

But in addition to the green dots, kina also found two red dots.

Three people died on the International Space Station, including engineer Rory, who floated into space, so his location will certainly not be revealed.

Therefore, two red dots should be normal.

However, the problem is that there is a red dot moving fast inside the space station.How can someone who is already dead move!

Miranda saw kina's movements and looked up at the screen on the wall.

"Ah!! That's Calvin! It must be Calvin who ate John's signal generator!" Miranda suddenly exclaimed.

"Calvin? Wait, if we can know Calvin's location, then we can lock it in a certain compartment! Then as long as the air in that compartment is emptied, Calvin can only be in the air without air. The cabin is waiting to die!" Kina said excitedly.

"That's right!! This is our last chance to eliminate Calvin! If we fail this time, then we have no chance! But... Who will monitor Calvin's whereabouts and who will close the hatch..." Miranda asked.

To close the door of Calvin's cabin is dangerous.Because one is not careful, it is possible to be attacked or even killed by Calvin.

However, if the operation really fails, the remaining people will not live long.

Kina obviously understood this very well, so she offered to go and close the door of Calvin's cabin.

"Huh? How did Calvin stop in the Serenity node cabin? Why didn't it move?" Miranda suddenly found that Calvin seemed to be a little unusual.

Kina thought for a while and said, "John's body is still in the Serenity node cabin. Calvin didn't catch us or Xiu, so naturally he can only go back and continue to devour John's body!"

"That's good news. Calvin is eating, and maybe his attention to his surroundings will be lessened. It should be safer for me to close the hatch of the Serenity node cabin!"

After saying that, kina is ready to go to the Serenity node cabin to close the door of the Serenity node cabin.In this way, Calvin can be completely blocked in the hidden city of the Serenity node.

However, at this time, all the cabins of the entire International Space Station sounded the alarm at the same time.

"Warning! Approaching a collision! Warning! Approaching a collision!"

This warning is not that a meteor is about to hit the International Space Station, but that other cabins, space shuttles and other aircraft launched by the earth are approaching the International Space Station and attempt to dock with the space station.

In other words, the Houston NASA received a distress signal from the space station and launched a rocket to bring support up. , , .

Chapter [-]: Rescue?Judgment!

Wang Wei has been paying attention to the International Space Station, so he did not know that Mi Jian's Houston Aeronautical Administration received a distress signal from the space station.And immediately launched a rocket to send support personnel to the International Space Station in a capsule.

However, when the rocket entered space, the capsule separated from the rocket, and began to fly towards the space station, it was discovered by the combat robots around the space station.

Although Wang Wei's order is to wait and see the changes and not participate in it.But this does not prevent the combat robot from reporting back that there is a capsule approaching the International Space Station.

Knowing that Mi Jian had dispatched volunteers to support the space station, Wang Wei did not have much reaction.Nor did the battle droids get in the way of the capsule.

Although Wang Wei was just watching the excitement from the sidelines, he did not lend a helping hand to the International Space Station from beginning to end.But that doesn't mean he's going to block other people's efforts to rescue the International Space Station.

Wang Wei just wanted to see what Calvin's combat power was and what kind of damage it would cause to the International Space Station.

Now that Mi Jian's support has arrived, let them support it.

Regardless of whether Mi Jian's support can subdue Calvin, Wang Wei can see the result he wants to see anyway.


Kina and Miranda in the central control cabin immediately ran to the glass window facing the earth to observe the situation outside.

Sure enough, they saw a space capsule flying toward the International Space Station from the direction of Earth.

"That flight direction... Damn!! It seems to be the Serenity node cabin! Calvin is there!!" Miranda shouted in horror.

If the Soyuz capsule sent by the ground command docked with the Serenity node cabin, and then they opened the hatch, then Calvin, who stayed in the Serenity node cabin, would definitely kill everyone in the Soyuz capsule. dead!

So Miranda began trying to contact the Soyuz capsule.

"The space station calls the Soyuz! The space station calls the Soyuz! Please reply if you receive it!! The space station calls the Soyuz! If you receive it, please reply!!"

However, the Soyuz capsule seemed unable to pick up their radios and flew straight towards the Serenity node cabin.

"Try the flashlight!!" kina handed Miranda a flashlight.

Miranda turned to the flashlight and tried to tell the Soyuz in Morse code not to dock with the Serenity node cabin.

However, the Soyuz capsule flying in from Earth remained unresponsive.Still flying straight towards the Serenity node cabin.

Based on speed calculation and angle calculation.The Soyuz docking hatch has been aligned with the docking hatch of the Serenity node cabin.

boom! !

The docking door of the Soyuz was successfully docked with the docking door of the Nodal cabin of the Serenity.

Kina, Miranda and Xiuquan in the International Space Station all felt a strong vibration.

And the vibration is not instantaneous, but it continues forever.

After the Soyuz capsule docked with the International Space Station, its thrusters did not stop.Instead, it continued to fly away from the earth against the entire International Space Station.

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