"Damn! What the hell are they going to do!!" Miranda realized what the Soyuz capsule was doing, and turned to fly towards the Serenity node cabin.

Miranda was going to the people on the Soyuz to find out what they were doing.The strong unwillingness even made Miranda forget that Calvin was still in the node cabin of the Serenity. 596 Novels www.596xs.com

However, Miranda was only two meters away when she was stopped by kina.

"Miranda! Miranda! Calm down! They're not here to rescue us!"

"What?" Miranda looked at kina suspiciously.

"When I first discovered Calvin, I got in touch with the ground command center. Because I don't know how dangerous Calvin's life is, so the ground base has set up three firewalls."

"The first firewall is the incubator. The second firewall is the laboratory. The third firewall...is this space station. If Calvin breaks through the first and second firewalls, then they will isolate us... ...or exile..." kina explained.

"But Serenity can now be regarded as the third firewall! Calvin is now trapped in the Serenity node cabin and can't get out!" Miranda said unwillingly.

"But they don't know. When we send a distress signal to the earth, it is when the earth abandons us... They are pushing us into outer space. In this way, Calvin will not be able to reach the earth..." Kina said helplessly. .

Miranda had an expression of disbelief.She couldn't accept that she was abandoned by the country like this.

Obviously...she is doing things for the country...

"It's the committee's decision. They all signed it, it's a very long list..." kina continued.

"If Calvin wasn't in danger, or hadn't breached the first and second firewalls, then we could all go home. But ... we failed, Calvin was very aggressive, and also breached the second line of defense... …”

Miranda was not reconciled.But he could only reluctantly accept this fact.

Wang Wei clearly saw the scene of the Soyuz capsule pushing it into outer space against the International Space Station.

He really didn't expect that Mi Jian... No, it should be that the ISS was able to break the wrist of such a decisive and strong man, and decided to give up everyone on the International Space Station in such a short period of time, and to give up this cost hundreds of billions of dollars, time-consuming The International Space Station was built decades ago.

It seems that Mi Jian is still quite afraid of alien life.

But this should also be related to the message sent by the International Space Station to the ground.That message clearly stated that Calvin was very aggressive, and the people on the space station were completely unable to honor it.This made the ISS decide to abandon the International Space Station.

After all, the International Space Station can be rebuilt if it is gone, but if it is invaded by terrifying life forms, human beings are likely to be wiped out.They can't gamble.

However, this is because Mijian technology is not yet developed enough.If it is developed enough, then there is no need to be afraid of external life at all.Even savage alien life.

"Xiao Hei, let the ten combat robots monitoring the International Space Station pay attention. When the International Space Station reaches a place where it will never fall to the earth, let me enter the space station and catch Calvin, and bring me some of its cells back! As for the body , kill it!"

"Understood! Master!"

Xiu, who was hiding in the sleeping pod, also realized that support was dispatched from Earth after hearing the alarm.

Then Xiu, who wanted to return to Earth alive, directly opened the lid of the sleeping compartment and ran out.After confirming the location of the Soyuz capsule by the window, Xiu immediately ran in the direction of the Soyuz capsule.

Although, it is possible to bump into Calvin on the road.

But he couldn't handle that much anymore.

Xiu was betting that he wouldn't run into Calvin.

All he wants now is to get out of the International Space Station, out of this horrible place. , , .

Chapter [-]: Ground Mission Operation Failure

Xiu drilled out of the sleeping chamber, then left the sleeping resting cabin and flew straight towards the Serenity node cabin.

Several hatches along the way were not closed because of being chased by Calvin before, so Xiu's way was completely unimpeded.

When Xiu came to the node cabin of the Serenity, he didn't encounter Calvin who was chasing him before.It all rejoices in its heart that its luck is good.

However, if he is in the central control cabin, he can find through the screen on the wall that Calvin, who swallowed the transmitter on John, is now in the Serenity node cabin.

That said, Calvin is on the show's side right now.

Xiu didn't know how dangerous his current situation was, but both kina and Miranda did.

Because of Kina and Miranda in the central control cabin, the two just looked up at the screen on the wall, and then found that the green dot representing the show was flying towards the Serenity node cabin.

"It's a show! He thought the Soyuz capsule was here to rescue us!" Miranda said.

"Oops! Doesn't he know Calvin is on the Serenity! We have to stop him!" kina said excitedly.

Before the words were finished, kina had already opened the hatch of the central control cabin, and then flew towards the node cabin of the Serenity.

And Miranda could only fly behind kina towards the Serenity node cabin.

On the way, kina and Miranda kept trying to contact the show by radio.But couldn't get in touch at all.

That is for sure.After all, when the show was in the sleep chamber before, the radio earphone was pulled off because the signal of the radio earphone was disturbed by Calvin.

Xiu had come to the Serenity node cabin at this time.

Still, the show didn't see Calvin.In front of him, there was only John's headless corpse floating quietly in mid-air.

Xiu didn't hesitate too much, and quickly drilled under John's body.

The door to enter the Soyuz capsule is on the opposite side. Just go over John's body, open the door on the opposite side, and enter the Soyuz experimental capsule, then you can safely return to Earth.

However, when Show John's body turned under and came to the opposite side, after opening the hatch that docked with the Soyuz, it was found that the Soyuz's hatch had not been opened at all.

How is this going.Could it be that the people inside the Soyuz didn't plan to take them back to Earth.Or was it because they couldn't contact them in the space station, they didn't open the hatch on their own initiative?

Although several thoughts popped up in Xiu's mind in an instant, he didn't think about it.Because he has no time.

Calvin could come out at any time, and he had to get into the Soyuz capsule as soon as possible.

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