Xiu retreated again, still sneaking under John's body, and then took out the handle specially used to open the space station full from the toolbox next to it.

After getting the handle, Xiu drilled under John's body again, and then came to the place where the Serenity node module and the Soyuz capsule were connected.

The hatch on the side of the Serenity node cabin had been opened by Xiu before.

Now, just open the hatch on the side of the Soyuz capsule.

Show inserted the special handle in his hand into the keyhole on the side of the Soyuz capsule and began to turn the handle in his hand.

The cabin door of the space capsule is not the same as the door of your own home, and the cabin door of the space capsule is not easy to open.Even if there is a key, it takes several turns of force before the hatch can be opened.Scale Literature www.chidwx.com

Just as Xiu anxiously opened the hatch of the Soyuz capsule, behind Xiu, the five-headed corpse of John, who had been floating quietly in mid-air, suddenly moved.

Of course, it wasn't that John died and was resurrected.

Rather, it seems that something is inside the abdominal cavity of John's entity.

I saw several thick tentacles quietly drilled out along the section of John's neck.Then, Calvin, who had grown bigger again, came out of John's body entirely.

Then, Calvin's tentacles lightly stuck to the wall, and silently attacked Xiu from behind.

It took a long time for the show to finally open the Soyuz's hatch, and immediately drilled into the Soyuz space capsule.

However, just as Xiu's feet entered the Soyuz experimental cabin, she suddenly found something flashing in front of her eyes.

Then, a tragic cry came from under his feet.

Xiu looked down and saw Calvin massacre the astronauts inside the Soyuz capsule. "

At this time, kina and Miranda also felt the Serenity node cabin, and then saw that half of Xiu's body had entered the Soyuz capsule.

However, from the Soyuz capsule, there were shrill screams and curses.

Through the space around Xiu, he could vaguely see Calvin slaughtering in the Soyuz capsule at this time.

Both kina and Miranda flew towards Xiu immediately.They want to rescue Xiu.

Of course, it would be even better if Calvin could be successfully locked in the Soyuz capsule.

But the inside of the Soyuz capsule is just too messy.

Calvin bounced back and forth, and the astronauts inside kept colliding with various equipment around.

Maybe, someone accidentally hit the switch on the injector.The Soyuz capsule, which was originally propelled vertically upwards, became laterally propelled.

If it's just the Soyuz capsule itself, that's fine.

But connected to the Soyuz capsule, there is the big guy the International Space Station.

Immediately after the Soyuz capsule became laterally propulsive, the connection between the Soyuz capsule and the International Space Station was overwhelmed and a crack appeared.

Space is a vacuum with almost zero atmospheric pressure.The atmospheric pressure inside the International Space Station and the Soyuz capsule is 100 kilopascals.The huge pressure difference directly caused the air in the space station to quickly leak to the outside of the space station along the cracked gap.

Although the air leakage will not cause the air in the space station to become thinner in a short period of time, the rapid flow of air generates a suction force that sucks everyone in the direction of the gap.

Xiu tried to climb out of the Soyuz capsule, but the huge suction made it very difficult for him to move.

The battle in the Soyuz capsule seemed to be over, Xiu suddenly felt her feet tighten, and when the earth looked, she found that Calvin was crawling up along his feet.

If things go on like this, I'm afraid Xiu didn't escape, but Calvin climbed out.

Squeak~! ! !

The gap between the Soyuz capsule and the International Space Station has grown wider. , , .

Chapter [-]: Completely finished

The gap between the Soyuz capsule and the International Space Station has grown wider.

Xiu knew that he would definitely not be able to escape this time.And because of his relationship, everyone in the Soyuz capsule may have been killed by Calvin.

Now that there is a gap in the interface between the Soyuz space captain and the space station, I am afraid that the Soyuz capsule will be scrapped soon.

So, Xiu's eyes gradually became firmer.

Soo let go of his grip on the edge of the hatch, allowing himself to be sucked away by the wind from the strong air movement.

He was going to die with Calvin.

Calvin seemed to be aware of Xiu's thoughts, and the moment Xiu let go, he quickly crawled up Calvin's body, and Calvin was going back to the space station.

However, when Calvin climbed to Xiu's chest, Xiu held the terrifying Calvin in her arms with both hands.

Because Xiu had a mortal heart, the power that burst out in an instant made Calvin unable to break free for a while.

But Calvin is not a kind person, Calvin is a murderous shape creature.In his eyes, Xiu was just food.

Now the food is trying to resist, which is simply unbearable.

Calvin raised his head and bit Xiu's neck violently.


Kina and Miranda, who were parked three or four meters away, shouted Xiu's name miserably.

There were originally six people on the International Space Station, but now there are only two of them, Kina and Miranda.

And the culprit of all this is all because of Calvin, a creature brought back from Mars.

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