If they had the ability, kina and Miranda really wanted to kill Calvin at this time.

However, in fact, kina and Miranda do not have this ability.

Not to mention that the two of them have no weapons on their bodies now, even if they have weapons, they are probably not Calvin's opponents.

Didn't you see that the four men on the space station were all killed by Calvin, and now there are only two women, kina and Miranda, how to deal with Calvin.

You can't do it by force.After all, in terms of force, they were much worse than the four men who had already died.

If force is not enough, then you can only outsmart.

However, there is a prerequisite for outsmarting, that is, you must evacuate here first.

The interface between the space station and the Soyuz capsule has been cracked, and the air inside the space station is rapidly losing.

If kina and Miranda don't leave here as soon as possible and isolate the Serenity node module from other modules, the air in the entire space station will escape in a short time.

At that time, no matter how smart the brain is, it will be useless.

So, when Calvin was eating the show, kina and Miranda decided to retreat.

After all, Xiu and the others couldn't be saved. They had to save themselves and find a way to destroy Calvin.

Calvin ate very fast, and in just a few seconds, half of Xiu's neck was gone.

After discovering that Kina and Miranda had escaped, Calvin immediately gave up the show, which was already dead, and instead chased after Kina and Miranda who were about to escape from the Serenity node cabin.Meishuoba www.meishuoba.com

Although it was said that due to the air leakage, the wind in the Serenity node cabin was very strong at this time, but this did not have much effect on Calvin.

Calvin was tightly attached to the bulkhead, and his many tentacles swayed rapidly, causing his body to fly towards both kina and Miranda at a fast speed.

However, kina and Miranda had already arrived at the cabin door of the Serenity node cabin. The two quickly got out of the cabin door of the Serenity Node cabin, and then quickly turned around to close and lock the cabin door behind them.

Both kina and Miranda returned to the central control cabin.Although everyone had started the air removal program before, but because of being chased by Calvin, everyone closed the air removal program again.

However, it also reduced the air in the space station a lot, and the air leakage of the Serenity node cabin later made the air in the space station less.

If Calvin is not killed within three or four hours, I am afraid that both Kina and Miranda will die due to lack of oxygen first.

However, Kina and Miranda suddenly felt a violent shaking of the space station.

The two lied on the glass window and saw that the connection between the Soyuz capsule and the International Space Station was almost completely broken.

There are four fixed clips in a circle, three of which have been broken, and only the last clip is connected together.

This is the worst case.

If all four buckles are broken, then at most the Soyuz capsule and the International Space Station are separated.

However, there is still a snap connection between the two, and the thruster of the Soyuz capsule has not been turned off, which allows the Soyuz capsule to rotate directly around the still-connected clip as the axis. One hundred and eighty degrees, it directly hit the International Space Station.

For a time, all kinds of debris flew up.

The Soyuz capsule did not stop there. After violently hitting the International Space Station, the only remaining clip was broken, and then the Soyuz capsule continued to crash into one of the huge solar panels on the space station. Then it flew into the distance.

Kian looked at the screen on the wall. Fortunately, the positioning system of the members was not broken.

On the three-dimensional map on the screen, the location of the two of them is still displayed.Also, Calvin is still on the space station.Instead of flying into space with the destruction of the Soyuz.

kina came to the main console and operated for a while before the system.

"The central control system is still working! It's a miracle! However, the life support system has collapsed, the temperature inside the space station is dropping rapidly, the whole space station is exhausting, and I don't know how to stop it!"

"How long do we have?" Miranda asked.

"Look here, we have about two hours left... oh! Damn it!" Kina couldn't help but swear when she was halfway through.

"What's wrong?" Miranda asked nervously.

"We... we are not moving to outer space, but moving towards the earth. The last thrust of the Soyuz has put us in a decaying orbit again!" Kina said unwillingly.


"We've run out of fuel, so we can't make corrections to the orbit. And we're still [-] minutes away from the atmosphere!" Kina said, glancing at the instrument next to it.

"We...don't live for thirty-nine minutes at all...but Calvin can..." Miranda said helplessly.

"We have to figure out a way to get rid of Calvin before falling into the atmosphere!" kina said seriously.

"What other method can we use... We are not Calvin's opponents at all..." Miranda had a helpless expression on her face.

Kina, who had some fighting spirit, also became depressed.Because, she herself doesn't know how to solve Calvin now.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice sounded in the two's headphones.

"People in the space station, please put on your spacesuit within five minutes. After five minutes, we will launch a storm on the International Space Station! Kill alien life!" ,, .

Chapter [-]: Combat Robot Intervention

"People in the space station, please put on your spacesuit within five minutes. After five minutes, we will launch a storm on the International Space Station! Kill alien life!"

When kina and Miranda heard the voice in the earphones, they thought they had hallucinations.

But when the two of them saw each other's reaction, they realized that they did not have auditory hallucinations.Obviously both of them heard the voice.

The space station's ground-to-ground communication system is broken, and the two's radio headsets can only be used inside the space station.Although the signal can also travel outside the space station, it can't travel too far.

Now there is a third person's voice in the headset, which means that someone is around the International Space Station.

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