The two immediately lay on the glass of the center control cabin and looked out.As a result, both kina and Miranda saw a scene that shocked them.

They actually saw several human girls floating not far from the space station, and none of those girls were wearing space suits.

This is also the short distance between the Nightblade 2 B-type battle robot and the space station.Otherwise, both kina and Miranda will find that the girls floating in space all look exactly the same.

what's going on.Why would anyone float in space without a space suit?Is the sound in the earphones just from those people floating in space?Why are those people able to survive in space without wearing a space suit?

Are they earthlings?Or are they aliens like Calvin.

However, if it is alien life, then why help them eliminate Calvin?

In an instant, a lot of questions appeared in the minds of both kina and Miranda.

But this can't blame Kina and Miranda for not knowing each other.

Mainly because both kina and Miranda have been on the International Space Station for more than half a year.

At that time, Wang Wei had not yet made his fortune.

In addition, the ground command center would not talk to them about things other than work, so kina and Miranda really didn't know much about the changes on the earth.

Therefore, it is impossible to recognize that the girls floating in space are not actually human.It is a battle robot made by Wang Wei.

So just to be cautious, Kian and Miranda decided to get in touch with the owner of the voice that suddenly sounded in the earphones just now.

"Who are you? Can you really kill Calvin?" kina asked, pressing the wireless earphones on her ears.

kina is not worried that the other party can't hear her voice.Since the other party can transmit her own voice into the headphones of kina and Miranda, it means that the other party's communication signal is in the same frequency band as theirs.

Therefore, Kina is sure that the other party can hear her words.

Sure enough, after a while, the voice of the man just now sounded again in the wireless earphones of both Kina and Miranda.

"I'm the master's subordinate. Only how we destroy Calvin, you don't care. In short, we will launch a storm on the International Space Station in five minutes. If you don't wear space suits by then, don't blame us for dying!"

Hearing the sound coming from the earphones, both kina and Miranda immediately became angry.

From the other party's words, it is obvious that the other party completely ignores them.The opponent's goal was Calvin, but saving them was just incidental.

But if according to the other party's words, the space station is attacked after five minutes, and the space station is destroyed, even if they wear space suits.Girls' short stories

Could it be that they are wearing space suits and fall directly to the earth like this.It's not about dying in the end.

"What should I do?" Kina and Miranda looked at each other.

"Do as she says! What if we were rescued!" said Miranda.

kina was silent for a while.

"The space suits need to be worn, but we can't stay in the central control module all the time! There are two escape pods on the ISS, and each escape pod can take a person. We can each enter an escape pod! If the ISS really If it is destroyed, then we can also take the escape pod back to Earth!"

"But what about Calvin?" Miranda said worriedly.

"Calvin... The escape pods are in two directions of the space station. Even if Calvin attacks people, he can only attack one. If either of us is attacked, then we can only admit that we are unlucky!" said Kina.

"No... I mean, we escaped, what if Calvin fell into the earth with the International Space Station? I am afraid that all the human beings on earth will be killed by Calvin by then!" Miranda explained.

kina glanced out the window.

"They said they would force their way into the space station to deal with Calvin. Now we can only hope they succeed! Also, we have no ability to prevent Calvin from falling to Earth. If Calvin does end up on Earth, At most, we die with all the Earthlings." Kian said with a wry smile.

"Okay! It's been two minutes! Let's put on our space suits and head to the two escape pods!" kina urged.

Soon, the two put on their space suits and headed to the two escape pods separately.

The two were very lucky, and they didn't encounter Calvin on the way to the escape pod.

After the two entered the escape pod and closed the hatch of the escape pod, they breathed a sigh of relief.

On the way, they were always worried that they would run into Calvin, and if they did, they would die.

But simply, they did not meet Calvin.

Just when kina and Miranda had just entered the escape pod, the five minutes that the battle robot said before had just ended.

Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots are all robots. If five minutes are five minutes, there will be no delays.

So, as soon as five minutes arrived, all ten Nightblade-2 B-type combat robots launched an attack on the International Space Station at the same time.

Calvin was in the sleeping pod at this time, eating the corpse of Derry, the first to die.

It is precisely because of this that they went to kina and Miranda in two escape pods in different locations, but luckily did not encounter Calvin.

Through infrared scanning, all the combat robots know exactly where Calvin is.

Therefore, ten combat robots directly took out the laser pistols and launched an attack on the space station.

They have to break the bulkhead of the International Space Station before they can enter the space station to kill Calvin and obtain Calvin's cells.

Ten finger-sized lasers flashed through space, and then a gap large enough to pass several people appeared in the bulkhead of the space station. , , .

Chapter [-]: Out of Control

Ten finger-sized lasers flashed through space, and then a gap large enough to pass several people appeared in the bulkhead of the space station.

Forced to create an entrance, the little air left in the space station suddenly spewed out.

Feeling the flow of air, Calvin in Delhi began to drill out.

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