Compared with the speed, it is much faster than the Nightblade No. 2 B-type battle robot.

Calvin just stretched out a few tentacles from Derry's mouth, and the five combat robots had already flown into the sleep and rest cabin of the space station.

One of the combat robots pulled out the accessories behind him and waved at Calvin's tentacles that had been drilled out of Derry's mouth, instantly cutting off Calvin's tough tentacles.

Then the fighting robot held the sword and stabbed forward, directly piercing Calvin's tentacle that he had seen at all, and then retracted Calvin's tentacle and put it into the storage space in his forearm.

One of Calvin's tentacles was severed, not letting it flinch.Instead, it came out of Delhi's mouth at a faster speed.

However, Calvin, who emerged from Derry's body, did not attack the battle robot immediately, but watched the five battle robots surrounding it vigilantly.

Although Calvin did not know that the five fighting robots in front of him were not actually human beings.But Calvin knew that these people in front of him could hurt it.

Therefore, Calvin became extremely cautious.

However, if Calvin didn't attack, it didn't mean that the battle robot wouldn't attack.

Calvin is wary of the strength of the battle robot, but the battle robot is not afraid of Calvin at all.

Not to mention Calvin, even if it is an opponent that is much stronger than the battle robot, as long as Wang Wei gives an order, the battle robot will rush to the opponent without hesitation.Even if it's just a pointless suicide attempt.

Therefore, when Calvin looked vigilantly at the five battle robots surrounding it, the battle robots took the lead.

The fighting robot behind Calvin, at a very fast speed, instantly grabbed Calvin's two fleshy wings, and no matter how hard Calvin struggled, he couldn't break free.

Battle droids aren't just as powerful as humans.The power of a battle robot is stronger than that of a 'super human' that has been enhanced with physical hormones.

When Calvin found that he really couldn't break free from the enemy's hands, he immediately wrapped the battle robot's hands completely with his own body.

It wants to use its powerful digestive ability to completely digest the hands that grab it.

Calvin, however, was doomed.

Although it is said that the skin on the body of the Night Blade 2 B-type combat robot is a resin skin specially designed to make them look like humans, resin is a kind of polymer organic matter, unless it is strong acid and alkali, it cannot be corroded Lose.

Although Calvin has strong digestive ability, the strength of the digestive juice secreted by Calvin has not reached the level that can corrode the artificial skin of the battle robot.

Of course, even if the artificial skin on the surface of the combat robot's body is corroded, it will not have any effect on the combat robot.

Anyway, the outermost artificial skin of the battle robot is just to make the battle robot look better, and it has no other purpose.

As for the inner core body of the combat robot, it is all wrapped in a layer of high-strength alloy.That kind of high-strength alloy, even if it is strong acid and alkali, don't even think about causing any damage to it in a short period of time.

Therefore, all Calvin's actions are all in vain.

The battle robot that caught Calvin took Calvin away from the International Space Station and flew into a pure space environment.

Then, he raised Calvin, who was caught with both hands, above his head, and stretched Calvin's body with both hands.Hot Books

Then, the other nine combat robots pulled out their laser guns, aimed at Calvin's stretched body, and fired at the same time.

The lasers of the nine carriers of huge energy accurately shot Calvin's body.Calvin screamed in pain.

However, because it was in a space environment, no one heard Calvin's roar.I just saw Calvin, who was caught by the battle robot, roaring fiercely, and his body was twisting frantically, trying to break free from the hands of the battle robot.

But all this is useless.

The attacks of the battle robots are all very precise.

Each laser will pierce Calvin's body, and the cells in the area hit by the laser will all die.

The attack continued, and Calvin's struggles became less and less.Even in the end, Calvin, who lost half of his body, didn't even struggle at all when he was hit by the laser.

However, battle droids don't stop attacking just because Calvin is no longer struggling.

Wang Wei's order to them was to destroy all of Calvin's remaining tissue cells, except for Calvin's cells and tissues to be brought back.

Therefore, the battle robot's attack will not stop until all of Calvin's cells are completely wiped out.

At this time, Kina and Miranda, who had already got into the escape capsule of the International Space Station, were completely dumbfounded.

They never imagined that the girls who were floating in space before were so powerful.

Calvin, who was slaughtering a group of people in the space station, was actually powerless in the hands of those girls.

Even after a sustained period of attack, Calvin appeared to be dead.

However, the girls' attacks on Calvin have not stopped, so kina and Miranda are not sure if Calvin is dead.

But whether or not Calvin is dead now, the power of those girls floating in space has been imprinted in the minds of both kina and Miranda.

"There are such powerful humans on earth!"

"It is incredible that humans can be unaffected in the space environment at all!"

"Those girls seem to be Asians, is this the immortal cultivator in Chinese legends!"

Just when kina and Miranda were thinking about it, the battle robot attack finally ended.

Under the continuous and uninterrupted attacks of nine laser guns, Calvin's body was completely wiped out.Now Calvin doesn't have a single cell alive except for the tentacle captured by the battle droid.

Seeing the fighting skills, kina and Miranda finally got up. They were going to take the escape pod to escape back to Earth.

The International Space Station is falling rapidly. According to the system in the escape capsule, the International Space Station will enter the atmosphere in ten minutes at most.

If the entry pod hadn't left the space station, then they wouldn't have to flee.Just wait to die.

So, both kina and Miranda pressed the escape switch of the escape pod at the same time to separate the escape pod from the International Space Station.

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