However, an accident happened suddenly.

A giant solar panel collided with the escape pod that Miranda was in.

Miranda also discovered that her escape pod system was completely out of control. , , .

Chapter [-]: Escape from the Dead

The escape pod that Miranda was riding in, collided with the huge solar panel, and instantly lost control.

Miranda, who was sitting in the escape pod, also wanted to try to restore the system of the escape pod.However, no matter what Miranda did, the system screen was full of snowflakes.

In addition, the screeching siren in the escape pod and the red warning light never stopped.

Miranda became more and more flustered because the escape pod's system had never been able to recover.

These are not the most important.Crucially, Miranda's escape pod's systems aren't just broken.For some unknown reason, the four thrusters below the escape pod kept spewing gas.

As a result, the escape capsule that Miranda was riding in did not fall towards the earth, but flew towards the deep space far away from the earth.


Miranda couldn't stop screaming in the out-of-control escape pod.But it was of no use, she couldn't control the escape pod.Can only let the escape pod drift toward the unknown universe.

However, all this was filmed by the battle robot and teleported to Wang Wei.

The combat droids had optical camouflage turned on before, so no one knew they existed.So it doesn't matter if you watch the fun.

However, now that the combat robots have turned off the optical camouflage, naturally there are satellites that can observe their existence.

Moreover, the combat robots have already solved Calvin, and then it seems that it is not very good for the staff of the International Space Station that is out of control and drifting into the universe.

After all, Wang Wei has been acting like a savior until now.At least when it comes to innocent people, it doesn't show too much indifference.

Of course, there is another point, that is, the staff member of the International Space Station floating into space seems to be a biologist with cutting-edge strength.

If she was rescued, she would be able to work for Wang Wei.

You can become the world's top bioscientist at such a young age without exposure to more advanced scientific and technological knowledge.So if you come into contact with more advanced scientific and technological knowledge, it will definitely be easier to have higher achievements.

Therefore, Wang Wei immediately asked Xiao Hei to issue an order to the battle robot, and let the two battle robots control the escape pod in that time and space.

Prevent the escape pod from that time and space from continuing to drift into the universe, while returning it safely to Earth.

As for the location, of course, it is the sea near the island.

As for the astronomer in the other escape pod, let it land in the sea near the island.

After all, Wang Wei will develop into the universe in the future, and astronomers will also need some.

In particular, kina is still an astronomer who was sent to work on the International Space Station. Kina's professional knowledge level is definitely the top if not the best in the industry.

After receiving the order, four combat robots were directly separated from the ten combat robots.

Two of the battle droids headed towards the runaway escape pod that was heading into space, while the other two were heading towards the escape pod that was flying normally towards Earth.Novel 3800

The speed of the battle robots was very fast. In just over ten seconds, the four battle robots caught up with the two escape pods and then controlled them.

Under normal circumstances, the escape pod flying to the earth will not fall vertically to the ground, but will circle the earth and continuously reduce the orbit radius while rotating.It wasn't until after entering the atmosphere that the escape pod would fall to the ground in a parabolic shape.

However, Kina's escape pod, which was hijacked by two combat robots, did not revolve around the Earth.Instead, it was directly controlled by the battle robot, and then flew straight towards the direction of the island.

It was just that Miranda, who could no longer control the escape pod, was completely desperate.

The feeling that the escape pod is out of control is already very terrifying, and while the escape pod is out of control, it is still spinning.It made Miranda feel like she was in hell.

But just when Miranda was in complete despair and had given up hope and waited to die, she suddenly felt that the escape pod stopped spinning.

At first, she thought that the system of the escape pod had recovered, so the escape pod that was out of control was brought under control.

However, when Miranda opened her glasses and looked at the system control screen, she found that there was still a piece of snow on the screen.

The system never recovered at all.But the escape pod is under control, that's for sure.Because the escape pod is out of control, Miranda sitting in the escape pod has the most say.

Since the system has not recovered, what makes the flight state of the escape pod become stable again.

Miranda subconsciously looked out the window on the left side of the escape pod, and found that there was a person outside the window on the left holding the handle outside the escape pod.Then Miranda looked at the window on the right again, and found that there was also a person on the right holding the handle outside the escape pod.

If Miranda remembers correctly, the two people outside the cabin should be the Asians floating in space that she and kina saw on the space station before.

Thinking of this, Miranda knew that she was saved.

Although it is still unclear who the people outside the cabin are, whether they are really Chinese.

But one thing is for sure, these people should have no ill will towards them.

Otherwise, it would not have helped them kill Calvin at all.Not now to rescue her, the one whose escape pod was out of control.

So, ready to wait for death, Miranda rekindled the hope of life.Now, all it takes is a safe landing on Earth.

The problem of the International Space Station has been solved, but Wang Wei did not let it go. Instead, he frowned at the ruined International Space Station in space.

The International Space Station appears to have entered a decaying orbit, which means it won't be long before the rubble of the ISS falls into the atmosphere and hits the ground.

Although some small pieces will burn up due to friction with the atmosphere on the way to fall, some large pieces are not so easy to burn clean.

In particular, the main body of the International Space Station, with such a large volume, is absolutely impossible to burn off completely.

Even, at most, there will be some melting and damage on the surface, and the whole will not be too much consumption.

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