If the International Space Station, which is more than three hundred stewed, falls into the city, it will be bad.

"Xiao Hei, calculate the coordinates of where the International Space Station fell!" Wang Wei ordered Xiao Hei. , , .

Chapter [-]: Falling into China

"Xiao Hei, calculate the coordinates of where the International Space Station fell!" Wang Wei ordered Xiao Hei.

"Master, according to calculations, the International Space Station will fall [-] kilometers east of the estuary of the Yellow River in China in forty-two minutes. If it hadn't happened to pass by a ship, it shouldn't have caused any casualties." Less than a second The clock time Xiao Hei gave the answer.

"Will the impact from the fall of the space station affect the surrounding cities?" Wang Wei asked.

"No, Master. The weight of the International Space Station is only [-] tons, and it just fell from an altitude of less than [-] kilometers. Its potential energy is not very large."

"In addition to the huge volume of the space station, the resistance of the air to the space station after falling into the atmosphere will greatly reduce the kinetic energy carried by the space station when it falls to the earth! Therefore, the fall of the International Space Station into the sea will not cause any damage to the surrounding cities. Impact."

"As for the ship, as long as the ship is one kilometer away from the crash point, there is no danger!" Xiao Hei explained.

"That is to say, if it is within one kilometer of the space station's fall point, it is still dangerous... In this case, it still has to be dealt with, in case the unlucky Huaxia ship happens to be near the space station's fall point, That's not good." Wang Wei thought to himself.

"But this kind of thing...let it be resolved by the state."

Thinking of this, Wang Wei immediately called the number [-] elder.

I don't know if Elder No. [-] stays in Ziguang Pavilion every day. Anyway, every time Wang Wei dials Ziguang Pavilion No. [-], he will be picked up by Elder No. [-] after ringing at most twice.

"Kid Wang Wei, is there anything wrong with calling the old man at this time? It's not that you changed your mind, and you don't want to give up those technologies!" Elder No. [-] asked suspiciously.

Hearing Elder No. [-]'s words, Wang Wei's forehead suddenly dripped with cold sweat downstairs.

Is he the kind of person who doesn't talk.Moreover, at this stage, Wang Wei will only announce the technology at the intermediate stage of the second-level civilization at most, and it will be released gradually in stages.

How could Wang Wei be reluctant to do so.

"Elder No. [-], in your eyes, I'm the kind of person who doesn't say anything!" Wang Wei pretended to be unhappy.

"Haha...haha...how come, old man, I'm just joking." Elder No. [-] smiled awkwardly.

"But if you called the old man, there must be something wrong with me. I don't believe that you will chat with the old man for no reason!"

"Yes, I do have something quite important to tell you, Elder No. 120. This thing is that the International Space Station has been destroyed, and it is now falling to the earth, and the location of the fall is located in the Bohai Sea of ​​China. Specifically, The location is 0 kilometers east of the mouth of the Yellow River. The specific coordinates are 52 degrees, 37 minutes, 58 seconds east longitude, and 12 degrees, [-] minutes, [-] seconds north latitude. The time is about forty minutes later.” Wang Wei said.

"Wait! What did you say, kid? The International Space Station is about to crash? Are you kidding me? How could the International Space Station crash for no reason? And why hasn't the country received the news?" Elder No. [-] said in disbelief.

"You keep saying it. How do I know the country doesn't get the news. Anyway, an hour ago I received an incomplete distress signal from the International Space Station to the Houston Aeronautical Administration. Although I didn't believe it at first, I finally Several combat robots were sent to the International Space Station to check the situation."

"And what I see is that there is indeed a problem with the International Space Station. You should know that the biological laboratory of the International Space Station found life on Mars. That creature grew up and started attacking the people inside the International Space Station."

"There are six people on the International Space Station. When my battle robot arrived, there were only two people left. Although Mi Jian himself also sent support to the International Space Station, he seemed to be more and more busy. Because the battle robot saw it because of an accident, Mi Jian The space capsule sent to support crashed the space station." Liehuoshuba.com

"Anyway, whether you believe it or not, I have already told you about this. The International Space Station will crash into the Bohai Sea, [-] kilometers east of the mouth of the Yellow River, in forty minutes."

"Although it won't cause any impact on the surrounding cities, if the ship appears within one kilometer of the fall of the International Space Station, it may still be dangerous. I suggest you always use a laser cannon to blow up the International Space Station. As for how to do it, you can decide for yourself." Wang Wei said to Elder No. [-] in one breath.

Elder No. [-] was silent for a while.

"I believe what you say, old man, I know what to do."

After Elder No. [-] finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Wang Wei to react.

Wang Wei silently looked at the handwritten note that had been hung up.

"Sister, I was taken a step ahead again!"

Speaking of which, Elder No. [-] just hung up Wang Wei's phone, and immediately received a call from the China National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Seeing the caller ID, Elder No. [-] guessed what the other party was going to say.

After picking up the phone, what the director of Huaxia National Aeronautics and Space Administration said was exactly what Elder No. [-] thought.

The content is similar to what Wang Wei said just now.

It's all about the International Space Station falling towards Earth.

The only difference is that Wang Wei gave a very specific fall event and location.The Huaxia National Aeronautics and Space Administration did not calculate the precise fall event and location.

Of course, it is not impossible to calculate.But not enough time.

When it was vaguely calculated that the International Space Station would fall in the Bohai Sea within an hour, and it might even fall in the surrounding cities, the director of the China National Aeronautics and Space Administration immediately couldn't sit still.

Without calculating the precise time and location of the fall, the information was immediately reported.

After all, although the National Aeronautics and Space Administration found that the International Space Station was falling, and also calculated the approximate time and location of the fall of the International Space Station.

But they don't have weapons.At this time, the best way is to use powerful missiles to blow up the International Space Station at a high altitude, so that the damage to the ground cities can be minimized.

However, weapons such as missiles are all in the military.They, China National Aeronautics and Space Administration, don't have those things.Therefore, we can only report this news to Elder No. [-] as soon as possible.

After all, the sooner the International Space Station is destroyed, the less dangerous it will be.

After listening to the report of the director of Huaxia National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Elder No. [-] just said 'I understand' and hung up the phone.

Now, Elder No. [-] has to quickly get the military to prepare. , , .

Chapter [-]: The garbage will be destroyed

The Huaxia Capital Military Region executes orders very quickly.After receiving the order from Elder No. [-], the anti-aircraft laser cannon team was assembled in less than ten minutes.

At the same time, people from the Propaganda Department of the Ducheng Military Region team also rushed over.

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