The International Space Station of some countries headed by Mi Jian fell into Huaxia, and Huaxia used weapons to blow up the fallen space station for safety. This is a historic moment.

The propaganda department had to record this scene.

Moreover, this move of the Capital Military Region will definitely be discovered by the public.In that case, don't hide it, just make it public.

The state uses the most advanced weapons for the safety of the people. This is something worthy of publicity.

The anti-aircraft laser cannon team of the Capital Military Region has entered a state of preparation and can enter the battle at any time.

As soon as the International Space Station enters the stratosphere, the anti-aircraft laser cannon can begin to attack it.The more smashed the ISS, the less of a threat to the ground.

This means that China now has its own space station.If it was before, Elder No. [-] would definitely not have issued an order to destroy the International Space Station.

Even if it causes damage to passing ships, Huaxia will not destroy the International Space Station.Not only will it not be destroyed, but warships and salvage ships will be sent to the sea area where the International Space Station fell.

Because Huaxia did not participate in the scientific research projects of the International Space Station.Since the International Space Station fell into the territory of Huaxia, it is natural to salvage it and study it.

However, that's just how it used to be.

Now, because of the technology of the space shuttle that Wang Wei left behind, Huaxia has quickly completed its own space station.

So naturally, there is no interest in the International Space Station.

What's more, if it is destroyed, the ISS will not be able to ask Huaxia for the wreckage of the International Space Station.

But it doesn't matter if you want.After the International Space Station is bombed, it will also fall into the Bohai Sea in China.

If you want, let ISS lease Huaxia's civilian salvage boat to salvage it.How much they fish is theirs, and Huaxia doesn't want any.

Anyway, the fragmented International Space Station has no value anymore.

The country has been monitoring the position of the International Space Station, and the anti-aircraft laser cannon team is always ready to launch an attack on the International Space Station.

On the floating island, Wang Wei turned on the live broadcast.

After hanging up the call from Elder No. [-], Wang Wei opened his live broadcast room.

However, Wang Wei did not show his face. Instead, he edited the video that Xiao Hei got from the International Space Station and played it directly in his live broadcast room.

The name of the studio has been changed.It's called 'Destruction of the International Space Station. '.

Because it is Wang Wei's live broadcast room, after the live broadcast room was opened, a lot of people entered the live broadcast room immediately.

After the live broadcast, after Wang Wei's live broadcast room, many people thought that they had entered the wrong dining room.

Because, there is no Wang Wei in the live broadcast, but a movie is being played.

"What the hell? Why are you showing a movie? Isn't this the live broadcast room of the nerd?"

"This is the live broadcast room of the otaku! But where did the otaku go?"

"Why is there a movie in the live broadcast room of the otaku? God, you are not doing your job properly!"

Although many people do not understand why Wang Wei put the screen, but some people see some signs.

"This scene... it seems to be the International Space Station... and those people, it seems that they are all people on the International Space Station!"

"Those people seem to be really people on the International Space Station. When Mi Jian claimed to have discovered life on Mars, these astronauts seemed to show their faces!" Electronic Chinese website

"That's right! It's them!"

"Everything is floating, there is no gravity at all, this is absolutely in space!"

"But what is the nerd doing with this? And how did the nerd get the video images on the International Space Station?"

"I don't know how the house god got these video images, but the name of this live broadcast room is 'Destruction of the International Space Station', I think nothing good will happen in the future!"

"Alas! That's life on Mars! I remember it's name is Calvin, and it was taken by a little black girl from Micken!"

"It looks like Liangpi, I don't know if I can eat it!"

"Upstairs, there are Cantonese people who dare to eat anything they see!"

"Huh? Calvin is dead? Is that black man trying to torture a corpse 2333?"

"Damn it! I was so scared that I jumped up suddenly!"

"My God! Is Calvin so powerful? With such a small body, he broke the palm and wrist of that black man!"

"I actually fainted from pain, this black uncle can't do it!"

"I wipe! I can also use tools! This is too clever!"

"Ugh~ It's disgusting, actually got into the mouth of the black man..."

"The black man died, and Calvin escaped from the laboratory. I bet everyone on the International Space Station will be killed by Calvin!"

"Damn it, the International Space Station is about to crash!"


For half an hour, Wang Wei's live broadcast room was filled with edited surveillance video images of the International Space Station.

But even so, the audience in the live broadcast room did not decrease, but continued to increase over time.

In half an hour, the edited video image was finished.

All viewers also know that the International Space Station is destroyed.Four of the six people inside were dead, and the International Space Station had become dilapidated and had entered a decaying orbit, falling toward the ground.

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