Because the shooting time is always displayed in the upper right of the video, almost all viewers know that this is what just happened.

There is no news yet about the fall of the International Space Station.In other words, the International Space Station is still in the air.It's just that it could fall down at any time.

"It's a bit scary. If something the size of the International Space Station falls in a city, I can't imagine it."

"Although the earth is so big, the chance of hitting me is very, very small. But I've been so bad recently, I won't be really unlucky enough to be killed by the space station!"

"Brother has been lucky recently, and he will definitely not be hit by the International Space Station! Hahaha!"

At the end of the video, Wang Wei appeared in the live broadcast.

"Hello everyone. I think everyone already knows after watching the video just now that the International Space Station has fallen."

"It seems that some people are worried that they will be killed by the falling International Space Station. Let me tell you, basically no one is so unlucky!"

"I have already calculated the time and location of the fall of the International Space Station. The location of the fall is the Bohai Sea in China, and there are still [-] minutes. If it wasn't for the unfortunate coincidence of being within one kilometer of the fall point of the International Space Station, even a fishing boat would not be able to. There is too much danger!"

"Moreover, the country is already preparing protective measures. It will definitely not hurt the people."

"So now, let's broadcast the scene of the fall of the International Space Station in real time!"

After Wang Wei finished speaking, a small window appeared in the live broadcast window.And what is displayed in that small window is the wreckage of the International Space Station whose orbital altitude is constantly decreasing. , , .

Chapter [-]: Two people with a bunch of questions

In the picture, the dilapidated main body of the International Space Station and a large number of debris of the International Space Station are floating in space.

It's just that the orbital altitudes of those space station wrecks are dropping rapidly.It seems that it is not far from the clouds below.

Suddenly, the wreckage of the space stations in the air began to burn.

After the debris of the International Space Station entered the atmosphere, the high temperature generated by the high-speed flying debris and the violent friction of the air caused them to burn.

Some smaller wrecks and some wrecks with poor high temperature resistance will all burn up in the process.

However, the broken main body of the space station will not have much impact.

After all, its volume is large enough, and the material used for the outer surface of the International Space Station is the kind of steel that has very good high temperature resistance.Therefore, it is impossible to burn the main body of the International Space Station in a few minutes of falling into the stratosphere.

What's more, after entering the troposphere, the falling ISS will have a greatly reduced speed due to the increased resistance, and the burning phenomenon of its outer layer due to frictional heat generation will gradually disappear.

Then, the International Space Station hits the ground at a very fast speed.

Although Wang Wei said just now, the crash site of the International Space Station was at sea rather than on land.But there are still many people who are still worried that the International Space Station will crash into the city.

Especially people from some areas around the Bohai Sea.even more worried.

After all, the huge pile of fireballs in the sky smashed towards the ground, this kind of scene is really scary.

However, just when the wreckage of the International Space Station entered the stratosphere and began to glow and burn, suddenly dozens of rays of light with a diameter of half a meter hit the main body of the International Space Station.

And the national space station that was hit by those rays of light, in an instant, dozens of holes appeared in the front and back.Each hole is half a meter in diameter.

The dozens of rays of light only lasted for a second before disappearing.However, two seconds later those rays reappeared and hit the falling International Space Station.Then, dozens of penetration holes with a radius of up to half a meter appeared again on the International Space Station.

Seeing this scene, Wang Wei suddenly smiled.Elder No. [-] still listened to his words and let the anti-aircraft laser cannon team strike the International Space Station.

"Everyone, I said that the country has already made preparations! The country has used dozens of meters of laser cannons. It won't be long before the International Space Station will be completely blown to pieces, and whether any debris will hit the ground is a question in the end. already."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about the falling International Space Station. The country will solve it soon. Next, I have a few things to deal with."

With that said, the footage of the International Space Station disappeared, replaced by the footage of the floating island.

The auto-following device flew away from the floating island, and then flew all the way to the sea below.

When there were still two or three hundred meters away from the sea, some sharp-eyed people noticed that there seemed to be something on the sea.

"What's that on the sea?"

"It looks like a few parachutes..."

"No, there are two other things floating on the sea!"

"It's too small to recognize what it is..." Tiantianshuba

"Wait, the International Space Station fell, and then there were two things with parachutes attached to the sea on this side of the house. This...couldn't it be an escape capsule from the space station!"

"The truth is upstairs! It might be the escape capsule of the space station!"

As the distance between the auto-follower and the sea surface got closer, the audience finally recognized what was floating on the sea surface.

The earth, as an audience member said before, is two escape pods detached from the International Space Station.At the bottom of the two escape pods is a ring of inflatable bags, so the escape pods can float on the sea.

And next to the two escape pods, there are two battle robots respectively.

The combat robot opened the hatches of the two escape pods from the outside, and then lifted the two astronauts inside.

Having spent a long time in the development of international space without gravity, astronauts are very unsuitable for the environment with gravity on the earth.

Therefore, in a short period of time, they will feel that it will be very difficult to control their body.Can't even do basic walking.

It's like being in the water for a long time and then feeling heavy when you first get out of the water.

As a result, the four combat robots directly carried the two astronauts on the International Space Station, Kina and Miranda, and flew towards the floating island floating in the air.

Knowing that the 'girls' in front of them were the ones who saved them, both Kina and Miranda did not resist the actions of the battle robots.

But the two of them seemed to want to resist, and they definitely couldn't resist.What normal human beings can't do, people like them who have been in space for a long time can't do it even more when they have just returned to Earth.

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