The floating island is very large. Although it floats at an altitude of more than one thousand meters, the bottom of the floating island can be clearly seen as long as you look up.

Especially the ocean current that goes up against the current, the spiral staircase that floats out of thin air, and the huge waterfall that pours down from the island.All shocked the hearts of both kina and Miranda.

The ground control center never talked to them about things other than work, so they didn't know what happened on Earth for the past six months.

I don't even know that there are still floating islands and flying people on the earth.

All this simply subverts the three views of kina and Miranda.

Soon, kina and Miranda were taken to the floating island.

Instead of taking them into Wang Wei's palace, the battle robots went to the biological laboratory.

Wang Wei has been in the biological laboratory since before and never came out.What's more, kina and Miranda, who have been on the International Space Station for more than half a year, also need to check their bodies and perform adaptive recovery training.

When the battle robot brought Kina and Miranda to Wang Wei, neither of them had recovered from the shock of the floating island.

Kina and Miranda didn't react until Wang Wei called them.

"kina, Miranda, are you two feeling okay?"

Hearing Wang Wei's voice, Kina and Miranda noticed Wang Wei in front of them.Before the two people's attention has been staying on the surrounding environment.

"We are okay, thank you sir for saving us! I don't know who you are, sir? Where is this place? Why are these girls able to fly? Why is this island floating in the air..." ,, ..

Chapter [-]: The failed solicitation

"We are okay, thank you sir for saving us! I don't know who you are, sir? Where is this place? Why are these girls able to fly? Why is this island floating in the air..."

Looking at the two people with puzzled faces, Wang Wei smiled lightly.

"Don't thank me too much, I just want to protect the earth."

"My identity is an inventor of China. This is a floating island, which I designed and created. As for why the girls around you can fly, that is because they are not human, but combat robots made by me. , they have anti-gravity modules and particle propulsion modules in their bodies. So they can fly!" Wang Wei explained to the two.

Both kina and Miranda looked at Wang Wei curiously.Therefore, he stayed in the space station for more than half a year, so he didn't even know that there was someone like Wang Wei.

The two wanted to ask something else, but were interrupted by Wang Wei.

"If you have any questions, ask them later. Now it's your turn to answer my questions." Wang Wei said.

A hint of doubt and vigilance flashed in the eyes of kina and Miranda. They didn't know what Wang Wei was going to ask.

The expressions of the two did not escape Wang Wei's eyes at all.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were still a little wary of themselves who saved them.It seems that both of them are quite loyal to their country.

"You two, one is an astronomer and the other is a biologist. I am building a space battleship that can travel for a long time in the vast universe. Therefore, I need a lot of talents, I don't know if you are willing to work for me or not ?" Wang Wei asked.

"Excuse me, sir, you said that you are building a space battleship? The kind of space battleship that can carry out interstellar travel?" Kina thought she had heard it.

Wang Wei nodded: "That's right. It's a space battleship. Many people know this. But from your appearance, it seems that you don't know much about the recent events on Earth."

"That's right. During our time on the International Space Station, we know very little about what's going on on Earth, and it's almost all work," Miranda said.

"Then are you willing to work for me?" Wang Wei asked again.

Kina and Miranda looked at each other, and although they didn't communicate, they saw the same answer as theirs in each other's eyes.

"Sorry, sir. We work for our own country, so we can't work for you!" kina said.

"I'm so sorry, sir," Miranda said.

Hearing the answers of the two, Wang Wei was not too disappointed.

Although Wang Wei intends to let the two join his laboratory.But that's just because the two are relatively high-level people in their respective industries.

Since the two are unwilling, then recruit them by themselves.

Wang Wei believes that as long as he is openly recruited.Not to mention a few scientists, even if it were to fill the entire spaceship with [-] people, it would be very easy.

Therefore, Wang Wei shrugged.

"Okay. If you don't want to, then forget it. It's not enough that you just got off the International Space Station, so I will help you to test your health. After the test, you will adapt in the training room of my institute. Sexual recovery training is done."

"By the way, one of you is from the Goose country and the other is from Mijian. Should I notify the ISS organization to pick you up, or should I pick you up through your respective countries?" Wang Wei asked.

"Just notify the ISS. Thank you very much sir!" kina said.

"Okay. The battle robot will take you to the next thing, and I will help you contact the ISS!"

As soon as Wang Wei waved his hand, the battle robot carried Kina and Miranda and left.

Wang Wei looked at the camera again.The only Chinese website

"I don't know if anyone from the ISS organization is watching my live broadcast. However, I think there must be a lot of Mi Jian people watching my live broadcast. You have also seen the situation just now. I have two ISS here. staff, please tell Mi Jian's audience friends to tell the ISS and let them send their own boats to pick them up."

"By the way, don't have an armed ship, or you will be sunk if you enter my waters."

"Okay, viewers, this live broadcast ends here. See you tomorrow!"

After speaking, Wang Wei smiled mysteriously, and then closed the live broadcast.

However, although Wang Wei closed the live broadcast, not all the people in the live broadcast room left the live broadcast room.Instead, they were still chatting.

"The house god just seemed to say see you tomorrow. Could the house god start the live broadcast again tomorrow?"

"No way. It seems that the house gods don't live broadcast as often as they do!"

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