"The house god should just want to say goodbye to us..."


"I still trust my intuition, Zhaishen will start a live broadcast tomorrow!"


Mi Jian, the Houston Air Force Command Center was dead.

Because their rescue plan failed.

Not only did the Soyuz capsule not propel the ISS into space, it eventually propelled the ISS toward Earth.

Moreover, there are alien creatures with a very high risk factor on the International Space Station. If they are allowed to fall on the earth, I am afraid that all human beings will be in danger.

The International Space Station worth hundreds of billions of dollars has been lost, and alien creatures are still going to fall to the earth.This is simply a loss of the wife and a soldier.

Thinking about it now, life on Mars should not have been revived in the first place.

However, just when everyone was extremely frustrated, several people's mobile phones received system push messages at the same time.They are all fans of Wang Wei.

Then, after entering the live room, I saw Wang Wei's live room playing the surveillance images of the International Space Station.

These people are different from ordinary people. They often make video contacts with the International Space Station, so they are very familiar with the International Space Station.Coupled with the astronauts in the space station, it is natural to see at a glance that it is a surveillance image of the International Space Station.

Then the few people watching the live broadcast immediately shouted.

You must know that the International Space Station lost contact with the ground more than an hour ago.None of their command centers could get in touch with the International Space Station, and Zhaishen was able to get the surveillance video on the International Space Station.

It's just... magical.

After that, many people gathered around to watch.

The video was finished quickly, and then I watched Wang Wei's live broadcast.

The previous video did not reveal whether Calvin was dead.However, Wang Wei said that he had killed Calvin, and the people at the Houston Air Force Command Center did not know if this was true.

However, one thing that no one thought of, is that both kina and Miranda are still alive.

"Immediately! Send someone to the floating island to bring back Kina and Miranda!" ,, .

Chapter [-]: Signing a Treaty

After closing the live broadcast, Wang Wei continued to devote himself to the research. After the evening, he returned to the palace to rest as usual.

The next day, Wang Wei got up at the same time as usual.

Although there is something very important to announce to the world today, Wang Wei doesn't feel rushed.

However, some people are not as calm as Wang Wei.

For example, the No. [-] elder of Huaxia, such as the ISS organization and all the member states of the ISS organization.

Because at ten o'clock, a ceremony for the establishment of the 'Science Union' will be held on the floating island.Therefore, Elder No. [-], as the representative of Huaxia, one of the only two members of the 'Science Alliance', must be present in time.

Therefore, at nine o'clock in the morning, Elder No. [-] and the other four elders took Huaxia's space shuttle to the floating island.

As the ground command center of the International Space Station, the Houston NASA has sent people to fly to Huaxia last night.

The reason why I came to China was because the floating island was close to China.

If a ship was sent directly from Mi Jian to the floating island to pick up people, it would be impossible to reach the floating island within ten days and a half.

Go to Huaxia first, and then whether it is to contact the official Huaxia or lease a boat directly from the private sector, you can rush to the island to pick up kina and Miranda within today.

All member states of the ISS organization are also very friendly now.

The crash of the International Space Station means they now have no space station to use.

If these countries are to rebuild a space station and launch it into space, it will take at least a dozen years.

If they didn't have the 'Huaxia Palace' space station that Huaxia lifted off some time ago, they wouldn't care.

But now they have no space station to use, but Huaxia has a space station by itself.

And Huaxia's technology has developed very fast this year. If you really wait for more than ten years, Huaxia's technology in space will definitely be a few blocks away from other countries.

This is unacceptable to many countries.

However, Huaxia has publicly stated that it is willing to share the 'Huaxia Palace' space station with any friendly country.

In other words, these member states of the ISS organization now have the opportunity to borrow the 'Hua Xia Palace'.

However, this may require some country-to-country transactions between their country and China.

As a result, the foreign ministries of some countries began to contact China.

However, none of the five elders of Huaxia are in the country, so the matter of each country's application to visit China can only be discussed after a few elders return.

Starting at nine o'clock, the five elders came to the floating island in half an hour.

Because Wang Wei had explained in advance, the island's self-defense counterattack system did not issue a warning to Huaxia's space shuttle.The energy shield also automatically opened an entrance for the five elders to enter.

Wang Wei did not come out to greet him, but directly let the battle robot acting as a servant bring the five elders and the Huaxia media they brought into his reception room.

"Elders, you are here." After the five elders were brought into the study, Wang Wei greeted them.

After the five elders were seated, the battle robot serving as a servant brought tea and snacks to the five elders.

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