Although the five may not have time to eat, this shows Wang Wei's attitude towards Huaxia after all.

"Five elders, this is a contract that all members of the 'Technology Alliance' must abide by. Take a look." Wang Wei said after the robot handed a stack of A4 paper to the five elders.

The stack of A4 paper was not that thick, only about ten sheets at most.Chase Yo Literature

And the words above are not small, so the content is actually not a lot.

"Kid Wang Wei, what are the regulations here?" Elder No. 4 asked curiously, holding the stack of A[-] papers in his hand.

"You'll know if you can't see it for yourself." Wang Wei smiled and didn't tell Elder No. [-] anything.

After all, there are ten pages of paper. Although the content is not too much, it is actually quite a lot.It's actually quite tiring to speak.Wang Weicai is too lazy to do such a thing.

If Elder No. [-] wants to know, it will take ten to twenty minutes to read it.

As for the content of the treaty.

In fact, there is not much content.

Basically, it is stipulated that the members of the 'Science Union' must share all the technologies and techniques they own with other members for a fee.

Then the members of the 'Science Union' shall not steal the scientific and technological achievements of other members.

There must also be no military conflict between members of the 'Scientific Union'.Members must respect each other, etc.

Finally, it is Wang Wei's right to serve as the president of the 'Science Union' and the president.

For more than [-] minutes, all five elders carefully read the treaty in their hands.

The five elders basically had no objection to most of the treaty contents.Except for the full power of the president indicated at the end.

Of course, although the five elders had too much power over the position of president, they didn't say it.

After all, they are asking for Wang Wei.They want to get some of Wang Wei's technology.

Since there is something to ask for, it is inevitable to suffer some losses.

Moreover, as the first batch of members of the 'Science Alliance', when other members join in later, the benefits of Huaxia are greater than those of other members.

"Kid Wang Wei, we have no objection to the content of the treaty," said Elder No. [-].

Wang Wei nodded: "In that case, let's start the signing ceremony. After we sign the contract, the 'Science Alliance' is officially established!"

As he said that, the auto-follower that Wang Wei had been putting aside started automatically, and it started to fly and start working, taking pictures of everything in the guest room and connecting it to Wang Wei's live broadcast room.

Before Wang Wei's live broadcast room was opened, there were already many people waiting in it.

These people entered Wang Wei's live broadcast room early because of Wang Wei's last sentence "see you tomorrow" yesterday.

Because these people believe that since Wang Wei said 'see you tomorrow' yesterday, there will definitely be a live broadcast today.Because when all Wang Wei's live broadcasts ended in the past, he didn't say anything like 'see you tomorrow'.

Now that it is said, it must be meaningful.

"I knew that Zhaishen would definitely be broadcasting live today! Sure enough, I guessed it!"

"Not bad! I felt the same way yesterday!"

"Those people didn't believe it yesterday! This young master is going to slap his face today!"

"Hey? How many elders? What's the matter?"

"It looks like you're signing a contract!"

"You need five elders to sign a contract together. I'm sure that something big will happen!" ,, .

Chapter [-]: The establishment of the Science and Technology Alliance

Under the live broadcast, Wang Wei and five elders signed their names on two contracts together.

"From today, the 'Science Alliance' is officially established!" Wang Wei said, looking at the camera.

After the contract was signed, the five elders immediately took the space shuttle to leave the floating island.

Wang Wei did not intend to leave the five elders for lunch, and the five elders also had a lot of things to go back to arrange.

After the five elders left, Wang Wei turned his attention to the live broadcast room again.

Because no one knows what contract Wang Wei signed with the five elders of Huaxia just now.

Therefore, the live broadcast room has become a mess at this moment.All of them are guessing what Wang Wei's intention for this live broadcast is.

"What kind of contract did the house god and the five elders sign? I'm so curious! The big one came out to explain!"

"I'm hanging, but I don't know!"

"Just now Zhaishen said 'Science Alliance is officially established' or something. Could it be that Zhaishen and Huaxia have established some cooperation projects?"

"Since the 'Science Alliance' is an alliance, it must be an organization. An organization related to science!"

"The house god is so annoying, it makes people's appetite! I don't even come out to explain it!"

Wang Wei took his eyes back.It seems that many people are very interested in this live broadcast.

However, Wang Wei's purpose of starting the live broadcast is precisely this.

He wants to release the news of his establishment of a 'scientific alliance' and let other countries join his 'scientific alliance'.

In this case, the earth's technology will enter a period of rapid development.At the same time, it can also cut off the possibility of internal war to the greatest extent.

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