"Dear viewers, I think you are very interested in the treaty that I signed with the five elders of Huaxia just now. You want to know what the content of the treaty is!" Wang Wei laughed while watching the live broadcast.

"That's right! God, please explain it!"

"Don't be a nerd, you are still my idol!"

"God, you will lose us like this!"

Playfully cleared his throat.

"Cough cough! Well, I'm not going to give up. The treaty I signed with the five elders just now is the charter of the 'Scientific Union'. It stipulates the responsibilities, rights and obligations of all members of the 'Scientific Union'."

"All the top national leaders who signed the 'Science Union' charter represent their country's recognition of all the rules and regulations in the 'Science Union' charter. At the same time, they voluntarily join the 'Science Union' and become a member of the 'Science Union' "Wang Wei explained.

However, although Wang Wei gave an explanation, the doubts in the hearts of the audience watching the live broadcast became more and more.

"Otaku! What is a 'Science Union'!"

"Does the signature of the five elders mean that Huaxia has joined the 'Science Alliance'?"

"What are the benefits of joining the 'Science Union'?" www.qbxswxs.com

"How many members does the 'Science Union' have now? It's not just you and Huaxia!"

Seeing the questions from the audience, several questions were asked on key points.So Wang Wei explained it again.

"The 'Science Alliance', as the name suggests, is an alliance formed because of science."

"The founder of the 'Science Union' is me, and I have established an official website of the 'Science Union'. This website gathers all the scientific theories and some non-confidential technologies in the world at this stage!"

"In addition, I will occasionally put the scientific theories I discovered and the science and technology I invented on the official website of the 'Science Alliance'."

"At the same time, as a member of the 'Science Union', you must also upload your unique technology to the official website of the 'Science Union'. Share it with other members of the 'Science Union' for a fee!"

"The official website of the 'Science Alliance' can be regarded as a free library and an absolutely fair technology trading platform. All scientific theories are free to learn, and all science and technology can be traded fairly."

"The 'Science Union' can be seen as a guild for scientific exchanges. Any country can apply to join. As long as it successfully joins, the technology of all members of the 'Science Union' will be open to it."

"There is no technological blockade among members, and no trading barriers."

"Of course, if a member violates the 'Science Union' charter, I will kick them out of the 'Science Union' after three warnings and never allow them to join again."

"If there is a war between a member who is not a member of the 'Science Union' and a member of the 'Science Union', all members of the 'Science Union' are obliged to help the allies."

"At the same time, I will also stand on the side of the members of the 'Science Union' and send military forces to join the war!" Wang Wei said while watching the live broadcast room.

After Wang Wei finished speaking, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

"My God, does the nerd want to disclose his technology for free? Don't you want to be so great!"

"The previous five elders obviously signed the charter, which means that we Huaxia have become members of the 'Science Alliance', right!"

"God, what is the official website of the Science and Technology Alliance, I want to study now!"

"God of the house, can my personal invention be uploaded to the website, and if someone likes it, can it be traded?"

"The house god is domineering enough, don't mess with me if you're not me, and I'll kill you if you mess with me!"

"God, isn't this unfair to countries that are not the 'Science Union', if the war was initiated by the members of the 'Science Union'!"

"It doesn't matter who started the war, the person who hit me is not good!"

Seeing some new questions in the barrage, Wang Wei explained it again.

"The official website of 'Science Union' is 'kexuelianmencom'"

"However, only Huaxia has joined the 'Science Alliance' at present. Therefore, only Huaxia people in Huaxia can log in to the website using computers, mobile phones, tablets and other devices with cameras."

"Only Chinese citizens within the territory of Huaxia are eligible to enter the website when logging in. If the identity of the registrant cannot be checked in the public security system, the system will not allow you to enter! Therefore, Macao, Macao, Hong Kong and Wanwan are landing sites. No, you can only wait until you are fully integrated into China."

"As for someone saying that the 'Science Union' charter is unfair to countries that are not members of the 'Science Union'? I just want to say, why should I be fair to non-allies? I just need to guarantee the rights of my allies!"

"If you want fairness, then find a way to join us!" ,, . .

Chapter [-]: Pro-China

Wang Wei's live broadcast is over, but the impact on the world has just begun.

After more than half a year, almost everyone on earth knows that Wang Wei has mastered the most advanced technology on earth.

Now Wang Wei founded the 'Science Alliance', which has made many countries very tempted.

Join the 'Scientific Union' and you will be able to master technologies that they couldn't master before.This is very tempting for some small countries.

Although it is said that if you want to join the 'Science Union', you must share your own country's technology.

But for some small countries that are not very technologically advanced, this is a very good deal.

Therefore, some small countries that are not very technologically developed have begun to move.

Compared with small countries, those big countries are not so impulsive.

Although Wang Wei's technology makes those countries very envious.However, they also do not want to easily share their country's decades or even hundreds of years of technology accumulation with others.

Even if those are paid.

Because if they do, then they have no advantage over other countries.

In particular, Huaxia is also a member of the 'Science Union'.

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