Many developed countries regard China as an imaginary enemy.It is almost impossible for them to share their technology with their 'enemy'.

There are not a few technologically advanced countries that think like this.

It's just that they forgot that it was the past that Huaxia Technology was behind.Now, China has surpassed those developed countries in the West in many aspects of science and technology.

Moreover, Huaxia, who has joined the 'Science Alliance', can learn and buy more technologies that have never been touched before, which will allow Huaxia's technology to develop at a faster rate.

As for those developed countries that think their technology is very valuable, as long as they spend half a year at night, they will be completely surpassed by China.

Their ordinary people absolutely cannot understand the power of the technology mastered by Wang Wei.

With a complete secondary civilization technology, Wang Wei is confident that within a few years, Huaxia's overall scientific and technological level will be upgraded from the primary level of the secondary civilization to the advanced level of the secondary civilization.

Wang Wei doesn't need to worry about what other countries think.

As long as a country applies to join the 'Science Alliance', and Wang Wei confirms that it is eligible to join, then it will be fine to allow it to join.

In addition, the most important thing for Wang Wei is the research in the laboratory.

After the five elders returned to the capital, they immediately got busy.

Issue orders to all scientific research units affiliated to the state, and everyone must enter the official website of the 'Science and Technology Alliance' to learn professional knowledge after work.

At the same time, a notice was issued to all colleges and universities to inform them that they could log in to the website of the 'Science and Technology Alliance' to learn knowledge beyond the times.

Finally, an order was given to Huaxia TV to broadcast the matter of Huaxia's joining the 'Technology Alliance' on today's evening news broadcast.

The reason for this is to let some people who have not watched Wang Wei's live broadcast know the news.

But in addition, there are more things that need to be dealt with by several elders.Teana

The Governor of Russia applied for a visit to China, the Governor of Germany applied for a visit to China, the Governor of Mijian applied for a visit to China, and the ISS organization requested China to send ships to support...

Although these big countries have not joined the 'Science and Technology Alliance' for the time being, this does not mean that they are showing favor to China.

Know that the International Space Station has fallen.At present, only Huaxia has a space station on the entire earth.

Since Huaxia expressed its willingness to use the 'Huaxia Palace' space station with other countries, those countries will of course express their goodwill to Huaxia without hesitation.

Anyway, as long as there are interests, it is not impossible for enemies to become friends.

Of course, not all countries came with the intention of being pro-China.For example, Mi Jian came to salvage the wreckage of the International Space Station that fell in the Bohai Sea of ​​China.

China is a peace-loving country, a very inclusive country, and a reasonable country.

The International Space Station belongs to someone else. Although it fell into the territory of Huaxia, since Mi Jian wants to salvage it, I will let you salvage it.

However, only civilian salvage boats can be dispatched, and no weapons are allowed.At the same time, Huaxia will send warships to supervise.Only the wreckage of the International Space Station can be salvaged and nothing else.

In fact, the reason why Huaxia so easily allowed Mi Jian to send a salvage vessel into the waters within Huaxia to salvage the wreckage of the International Space Station that sank to the bottom of the sea is that Huaxia has mastered very mature technology related to the space station.There is no need to steal other people's technology from the wreckage of the International Space Station.

Moreover, when the International Space Station fell into the stratosphere, Huaxia used anti-aircraft laser cannons to carry out a violent artillery strike on the falling International Space Station.

The International Space Station has been completely destroyed by Huaxia's anti-aircraft laser cannons, and it is impossible to obtain any useful technology from the wreckage.

Therefore, Huaxia agreed so simply.

Since Mi Jian is willing to waste manpower, material and financial resources to salvage, let them salvage.

Anyway, this is not bad for Huaxia.

After the ISS organization applied to Huaxia for support, the local institutions in Fengzhou supported a small yacht for the ISS organization to use.

Of course, there is a fee for this.

And when the ISS organization learned that the small yacht was actually charged, it immediately cursed in anger.

If they had known that they would charge a fee, they might as well rent a yacht directly from a private ship leasing company.

In the end, the people of the ISS organization had no choice but to drive the yacht 'supported' by the local agency in Fukuoka to the island.

After arriving at the island waters, although Wang Wei let them enter the private waters, he did not let them enter the electromagnetic shield.

Just let the ISS people wait [-] meters away from the island, and then let the robot directly send Kina and Miranda to the boat driven by the ISS people.

As for Wang Wei, he never showed his face from beginning to end.

Wang Wei is very busy now, very busy.

Not only to study the secrets of Atlantis civilization and the Tree of Life with those hundred students, but also to study Calvin.

Calvin's vitality is very strong.It is of great research value to be able to move in space for a short time without dying, and the cells can be resurrected after sleeping for hundreds of millions of years.

If humans can also have this ability, then humans will also become more powerful. , , .

Chapter [-]: Second Product - Repair Cream

Calvin's tentacles were cryogenically frozen after being taken to the laboratory.

Only when research is needed, the robot will take part of Calvin's cells out.Then, in the form of commands, the robot is allowed to perform experimental operations on Calvin's cells.

The reason for this is that the vitality of Calvin's cells is too tenacious.

It would be bad if something like what happened on the International Space Station in Wang Wei's laboratory and Calvin attacked the experimenters.

Although the battle robot can ensure that the disaster will not spread, the loss of any experimenter Wang Wei will be distressed.

You must know that these [-] students are the best [-] researchers among the [-] experimental staff in Wang Wei's laboratory.

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