In the days that followed, Wang Wei led a hundred students to study Atlantis and Calvin at the same time.

However, neither Atlantis nor Calvin have made much progress.

After all, research topics are more difficult. Once any research is successful, it will prolong human lifespan and enhance human physique.And there are no side effects.

In this incident, the [-] students led by Wang Wei did not have any research results.However, among the remaining [-] researchers who did not follow Wang Wei, someone invented a product comparable to weight loss pills.

That product is a scar removal cream.

There is a female researcher in the biological laboratory who has an unsightly scar on her lower abdomen from a previous cecal operation.

Therefore, the female biological researcher has been trying to get rid of that ugly scar on her lower abdomen.

Never had a clue before.However, after entering Wang Wei's laboratory, he was exposed to a lot of knowledge that he had never been exposed to before.

Then, after many experiments, I finally succeeded in developing a medicine that can remove scars on my body.

The use effect is very good.

After one use, the scars on her lower abdomen were significantly reduced, and after a week, the scars on her lower abdomen disappeared completely.

He not only tested the efficacy of the drug on himself, but also tested the efficacy of the drug on some other colleagues.

The scar removal cream can not only remove the scars on the human body, but also repair the acne marks, freckles on the human face, and even the congenital cleft lip.

After confirming the effect of the spot removal cream, the team leader of the female researcher immediately reported the results to Wang Wei.

After that, things are simple.

Reward the female researcher, collect the formula of the scar removal cream, and then let Xiao Hei give orders to some engineering robots to be built in an automated assembly line.

At the same time, he told Liu Shi of Zhaishen Technology about the product of scar removal and repair cream, and asked them to prepare to operate the second product.

Although the scar removal repair cream has not yet been manufactured, it is foreseeable that this scar removal repair cream will definitely become a crazy money-sucking product like high-efficiency weight loss pills.

After all, everyone has a love for beauty.

Most people who have scars on their bodies will want to remove them.

Even if there are not many people with scars on their bodies, there are many people with acne marks.

There are a lot of young people with acne in the Qinchun period. No matter whether they use their hands or not, they will always leave some acne marks and acne pits.90 look at www.[-]

And these people will become customers of scar removal cream.

The speed of the engineering robot is very fast, and in one day, five automatic production lines with a daily output of [-] bottles of scar removal and repair cream are produced.

Under the leadership of Liu Shi and others, Zhaishen Technology is also very efficient. In just two days, it has reached cooperation with major online portals, so that almost everyone who goes online can see it.

Because of the precedent of the previous high-efficiency weight loss drug, no one doubts the efficacy of the second product of Zhaishen Technology this time.

Everyone's concern is when this acne-removing repair cream will be launched, what is the price, whether the supply is sufficient, and whether there will always be a situation like high-efficiency diet pills that are always unavailable.

For these questions, the official website of Zhaishen Technology quickly gave answers.

The scar removal cream will be available after seven days, so people who want to buy it don't need to wait too long.

The price of scar removal cream is not cheap.But among luxury cosmetics and special medicine bottles, the price is very low.

The price of each scar removal cream is [-] RMB.The amount is not a lot, but it is enough to repair the acne marks and acne pits on the entire face.

This price corresponds to this function, it can be said that it is very cheap.

Therefore, no one complained about the high price of acne repair cream, but countless people felt that the price was too cheap.Just a decent price.Just for this effect, even if it is sold for [-] RMB, it is not expensive.

As a result, some people said that they would buy a bunch of them and keep them at home after the scar removal cream was on the market.

After all, whoever nibbles and touches.With the scar removal cream, you will no longer have to worry about unsightly scars on your body.

But there are also people who mock those people.If the scar removal cream is on the market, it will definitely be in short supply.

There are still people who want to buy a lot of them and store them at home.Just kidding, they were lucky enough to be able to buy one.

When the scar removal repair cream went on sale a week later, it was just like the high-efficiency weight loss pills that were in short supply.

Seven million copies were sold online and one million copies were sold online, and the other six million copies were distributed to [-] Zhaishen Technology stores across the country, and each store could also have [-] copies of the scar removal cream.

However, on the day of the sale, the one million points of online sales were sold out in an instant.The scar removal creams in a thousand stores were all sold out within a few hours.

The current output is completely unable to meet the market demand.

However, this situation in China will last at most for half a year and a year, after which China should be almost saturated.

But Liu Shi is completely true.It doesn't matter if the domestic market is saturated, because there will be foreign markets.

There are [-] billion people in the world, and China accounts for [-] billion people.

That is to say, outside of China, there is a market of [-] billion people waiting for Zhaishen Technology to develop.

Even if only one of ten people needs it, there are [-] million consumers.[-] million consumers, that is enough for Zhaishen Technology to digest for many years.

However, Wang Wei will not take care of business affairs. He believes that Liu Shi and the three of them can take care of business affairs.

In the evening, Wang Wei, An Ran and Ang Xue had dinner together at the table.

"Huh? Where's Silu? Why didn't she come to dinner?" ,, . . .

Chapter [-]: Her Majesty the former Queen is recalled

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