She just knew it was impossible.

Not to mention that no emperor would accept an old woman who was about to be buried as his concubine.

Even if there are really wonderful emperors who can accept such a woman, it is impossible for those who are about to enter the earth to continue to have children.

And infertile Atlantean women were naturally ineligible to be the emperor's concubines.

The elders of Atlantis originally said that Silu would pursue his own love.

As a result, almost two months have passed, and Silu has made no progress at all.

This made the elders of the Atlantis civilization very dissatisfied with the progress of Silv.

Therefore, two of the hundred elders of the Atlantis civilization asked Silu to return to Atlantis.

As for making her the concubine of the Emperor of Atlantis, it was up to the elders to take over.

If Silu is still the Queen of Atlantis, then she can directly ignore the joint request of the elders.

However, Silv is no longer the Queen of Atlantis.

Therefore, she could only obey the elders' request and return to Atlantis. , , .

Chapter [-]: Your Majesty!Please change!

After receiving a joint call from the elders of the Atlantis civilization, Silu reluctantly returned to the space where the Atlantis lived.

However, Silu breathed a sigh of relief while feeling helpless.Because she really didn't know how to attack their emperor.

At every critical moment, Silv always loses the chain.It felt like she just couldn't get past that step herself.

It's not bad to leave the matter to the elders now.At least she doesn't have to worry about what to do.

After Silu returned to the Tree of Life, the elders began to get busy.

The first is to let Silu take a bath.

This bath is not an ordinary bath, but uses the spring water of the Fountain of Life to bathe for a full twenty-four hours.

The Fountain of Life is the holy spring of the Atlantean civilization.The spring water of the Fountain of Life can quickly restore health to injured or seriously ill creatures.

In addition, the spring water of the Fountain of Life can wash away all filth.Whether it is alive or inanimate, as long as it affects the physical or mental health of the Atlanteans, everything will be washed away.

Because of the powerful functions of the Fountain of Life, plus the Fountain of Life is only available on the mother tree of the Tree of Life.Therefore, the spring water of the Fountain of Life is a very precious thing even in Atlantis.

And now the elders are using the spring water of the Fountain of Life to bathe Silu.

This cannot be said to be extravagant, it can only be said that making Silu the concubine of the Emperor of Atlantis is a very important thing for those elders.

While Silu was taking a bath, the elders of Atlantis did not rest.

Under their command, a large number of Atlantean guards began to decorate the palace that only the emperor and queen could live in.

Wang Wei had absolutely no idea what was happening over the tree of life.

After dinner, Wang Wei and An Ran just went to bed together after doing something they liked in their room.

Until the next night, when Wang Wei came out of the laboratory and was about to return to the palace, he suddenly received a joint message from the elders of Atlantis.

It is said that there are very important things that need him, the emperor of Atlantis, to go back and deal with it in person.

When he received the news, Wang Wei still didn't respond for a moment.

It is true that Wang Wei is the emperor of Atlantis civilization.But after the Arlantis civilization was removed from the ground, he never intervened in the Atlantis civilization again.

The emperor Wang Wei is completely a hands-off shopkeeper, and all the affairs of the Atlantis civilization are managed by the one hundred elders of Atlantis.

And for such a long time, those elders have never had anything to trouble Wang Wei.

But now they say that there is something that must be dealt with by him, the emperor of Atlantis.This made Wang Wei wonder what the hell the elders were doing.

However, he was not worried that the elders of Atlantis would do anything against him.

Although Wang Wei hardly cares about the Atlantis civilization, he is the emperor of the Atlantis civilization after all, and the person with the highest degree of recognition from the Tree of Life in history.

It is impossible for the Atlanteans to do anything unfavorable to Wang Wei, nor can they do anything unfavorable to Wang Wei.

It's just that Wang Wei was very curious about what the elders of Atlantis said that he had to go back to deal with.

Considering that there is no major event, the elders of Atlantis will not disturb his majesty the emperor.Literature under Pen 88

So since those elders are looking for him, there should really be something that he must be able to handle.

In this case, Wang Wei decided to go to Atlantis.

But because he didn't know how long he would stay there, Wang Wei went back to his palace first.They told Anran that they were going to Atlantis, and then they used their teleportation ability to instantly come to the palace of Atlantis civilization.

However, when he came to the palace of the Atlantis civilization, Wang Wei was instantly dumbfounded.

Is this still the hall in his memory?

In my memory, the hall was spacious and simple, with nothing but a throne in the center.

But now, although the throne is still the same throne, the hall is no longer what it used to be.

The spaciousness is still the same, but why are the walls, ceilings and even the floor covered with gorgeous flowers.

Also, the elders standing neatly on both sides, what happened to the clothes they were wearing were completely different from their usual clothes.

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