How should I put it, if those elders usually wear casual clothes, then what they are wearing today should be considered as dresses worn at some large-scale ceremonies.

But is today a big day in Atlantis?

Just as Wang Wei wanted to ask what was going on, two young elders came to Wang Wei's side.

"Your Majesty, this way please!" The two elders said respectfully.

Wang Wei frowned, still acting mysterious.

But Wang Wei wanted to see what the hell they were up to.

All of them are dressed so grandly. Could it be that today is some major festival of the Atlantis civilization?

Under the leadership of the two young elders, Wang Wei came to a very luxurious room.In the room, a hanger hung a set of clothes that looked very valuable at first glance.

The two young elders took the suit off the hanger.Wang Weicai saw a lifelike tree of life embroidered on the back of the clothes.At first glance, it appears to be alive.

The two young elders walked to Wang Wei's side with the suit: "Your Majesty, please change!"

The clothes in the hands of the two elders included the clothes inside.In other words, Wang Wei had to take off all his clothes first.

Wang Wei did not change his clothes immediately, but looked at the two young Atlantis elders in front of him suspiciously.

"Is today a big day? Why is everyone dressed up?"

"Yes! Your Majesty! Today is a very important day for the Atlanteans. A day that will only exist after the emergence of the emperor!" one of them said with a smile.

"That's it... Then change your clothes!"

Wang Wei took off in front of the two elders.

Although some are not used to it, but his figure is not unsightly.

Since these two young elders don't mind, then he has nothing to be embarrassed about. , , .

Chapter [-]: Wedding

With the help of the two young elders, Wang Wei put on the gorgeous costume that only belonged to the emperor.

After that, under the leadership of the two young elders, Wang Wei returned to the main hall.

However, just as he was about to enter the hall, Wang Wei suddenly saw a familiar figure.

That's Green!Although Si Lu was also wearing a dress that Wang Wei had never seen before, and even a layer of semi-transparent veil on his head, Wang Wei was still sure that it was Si Lu.

After all, the two have been living together for nearly two months.Although there was no relationship like he did with An Ran, the two were quite familiar with each other.

The two elders looked suspiciously at Wang Wei who had stopped.

"Your Majesty? What's wrong?"

Hearing the voices of the two elders who were with him throughout, Wang Wei also shifted his gaze from Si Lu, who was standing in the hall, to the two elders.

"Tell me seriously what day is today!" Wang Wei asked seriously.

Wang Wei felt that today is definitely not as simple as a major holiday.

The two elders looked at each other, and they both heard the dissatisfaction in Wang Wei's words.Then he looked carefully at Wang Wei.

"Your Majesty, do you really not know what day is today?"

"Nonsense! If I knew, I would still ask you! You also know that I am not from Atlantis, how do I know so much history of Atlantis!" Wang Wei said with a stern face.

"Your Majesty, today is your wedding day..." one of the elders said in a low voice.

"My wedding day? What does it mean? Explain it to me!" Wang Wei asked with a frown.

Wang Wei heard that these elders actually held a wedding for him without telling the truth.

Have you ever asked your own opinion, who is the emperor?

Although the Atlanteans are not ugly, they are all beauties over [-].But Wang Wei is not the kind of person who just accepts a woman.

But if the big wedding object is Silu, then it is acceptable.

After all, Silu can already be regarded as a beauty with a perfect score.And having been with her for such a long time, Wang Wei is actually interesting to her.

It's just the same reason, Wang Wei couldn't find the opportunity and didn't know how to express his love.

[Wait... Only Silu's clothes are different in the entire hall.And the veil on her head is a bit like a hijab. Could it really be her? 】

Thinking of this, the anger in Wang Wei's heart suddenly calmed down.

If the big wedding object is really Silu, then this will be a surprise.

However, Wang Wei's expression did not change, he still looked at the two elders in front of him with a serious look, waiting for their answers.

"Go back to your majesty! According to the tradition of Atlantis, as long as there is an emperor, then her majesty must abdicate. At the same time, the empress and all women who are recognized by the tree of life must become the emperor's concubines!"

"When you appeared, Your Majesty, there were only two women in Atlantis who were recognized by the Tree of Life. One was the previous queen's mother-in-law, and the other was the previous queen, Miss Silu."

"Mother-in-law Banshan is too old to be your princess, so now only the previous queen, Miss Silu, can become your princess." One of the elders explained carefully.

After listening to the elder's explanation, a light flashed in Wang Wei's eyes.

The object of the big wedding is really thinking green. 51 Aesthetic Novels

[When I was on the floating island, I often felt that Silu would suddenly become weird. It seems that Silu knew that she had to become a princess...]

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