After knowing the whole story, Wang Weicai raised his foot again and walked towards the hall.

"If there are similar things in the future, you must tell me in advance! Do you understand!" Wang Wei said lightly.

"Yes! Your Majesty! We remember it!" The two elders said cautiously.

Entering the hall, came to Silu's side.

Wang Wei suddenly discovered that there seems to be a difference between today's Silu and the usual Silu.

It's not that there is a change in appearance.It's...feeling.It seems that the feeling of Silu today has a very holy feeling.

Walking to Silu's side, Wang Wei could clearly feel Silu's nervousness.Even through the semi-transparent veil, one could see that Si Lu's normally sebum-like cheeks were now pink and greasy.

Wang Wei knew that it was not the effect of makeup.Because Atlantis people don't have the habit of wearing makeup at all, their looks don't need makeup at all.

Wang Wei has seen this state of Silu several times, and that is the state she only has when she is very nervous and shy.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Wang Wei asked softly, standing in front of Si Lu.

"I... don't know what to say..." Si Lv's figure was thin and there were even some vibrato.This made Wang Wei even more sure that Silu was indeed very nervous at this time.

"Are you voluntary?" Wang Wei continued to ask.

"All the girls in Atlantis... are willing to marry His Majesty..." Si Lu said softly.

"I'm not asking them, I'm asking you! Silu, are you willing?" Wang Wei asked again.

"Well..." Si Lu lowered his head slightly and said in a low voice.

That sound is really small.If Wang Wei was still an ordinary person, he would never have heard Silu's 'um' just now.

However, Wang Wei's body has been strengthened by physical hormones, and then strengthened by the tree of life, and it is no longer the body of an ordinary human being.So Wang Wei clearly heard Silu's affirmative answer.

And after getting Si Lu's affirmative answer, Wang Wei's previous unpleasant feelings about the fact that the elders had concealed the wedding from him all dissipated.

At this time, the two elders before came to the side of Wang Wei and Si Lu.

"Your Majesty, Princess, it's time to go to the altar to receive the blessings of the millions of people of Atlantis!"

Hearing the elder's words, Si Lu gently took Wang Wei's arm.Then the two walked out of the hall together.

The other elders in the hall also followed behind the two and walked out of the hall together.

The altar is a high platform a hundred meters in front of the main hall.

Wang Wei and Si Lu joined hands and boarded the altar together.

When he ascended the altar, Wang Wei was shocked.

Looking ahead, I saw a large group of densely packed large birds hovering in the air in front of the altar.

And on the backs of those flying birds, there were at least two Atlanteans standing, and there were even six or seven Atlanteans standing.

And when Wang Wei and Si Lu climbed to the altar, including the one hundred Atlantis elders, they all knelt down on one knee.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the princess on the wedding!" ,, . .

Chapter 1: Explorer [-] lifts off

At night, after a few hours of intense exercise, the room was completely quiet.

Holding Si Lu, who was lying in his arms, Wang Wei felt that all this happened suddenly.

Although he and Silu have lived together for nearly two months, the two have never broken through the friendship level.

Then the inexplicable two actually got married, which made Wang Wei feel very incredible.

However, Wang Wei did not reject this event, but enjoyed it instead.

If you give a score to a woman, then Silu is definitely a perfect score of [-].Not only the visual perfect score, but also the tactile perfect score.

The skin of Silu's whole body is very good, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is smooth and creamy.

When he just took off Silu's clothes before, Wang Wei didn't dare to use force.Because he was afraid that he would hurt her skin that was as white and tender as frost.

However, in fact, although Silu's creamy white skin looks fragile, it is actually very elastic and willful.

Wang Wei didn't dare to use force at the beginning, to the wild beast-like in the end, Silu perfectly endured it all.

You must know that Wang Wei couldn't become wild in An Ran's body, because An Ran couldn't bear it.But Silu can. Her physical strength is much stronger than that of An Ran's body that has been strengthened with physical hormones.

I didn't feel it when I was exercising before, but now after calming down, Wang Wei felt a sense of guilt towards An Ran.

An Ran was his real girlfriend and had been by his side the longest.

But now the object of Wang Wei's marriage is Silu instead of An Ran.This seems to be unfair to Enron.

Break up with An Ran?That is impossible.

Not to mention the relationship between the two of them for so long.Even if he didn't mention his feelings, Wang Wei would not allow his woman to become another man's person in the end.

After thinking for a while, Wang Wei decided to go back and find an opportunity to hold a wedding with An Ran too.

An Ran has been by his side all the time, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't give people a name.

It’s fine if it’s just for fun, but Wang Wei and An Ran are not just for fun.Therefore, An Ran should be given a name.

Holding Silu in his arms, Wang Wei thought a lot, and finally fell asleep in a daze.

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